Dispositions Ottawa Public Library Board April 16, 2012 5:00 p.m. TOPIC: APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOTION: 026-12 Moved by Trustee Armit, seconded by Trustee Gourlay to approve the agenda as presented. -CARRIED. TOPIC: APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS MOTION: 027-12 Moved by Trustee Armit, seconded by Trustee Gourlay to approve the following on consent: - Doc #2: April 16/12: Governance and Audit Committee Report - Doc #3: April 16/12: Adoption of 2012 Board Work Plan - Doc #4: April 16/12: CLA Conference Trustee Attendance - Doc #6: April 16/12: City of Ottawa’s New Smoke-Free Regulations - Doc #7: April 16/12: Contract Extension Approval for Rural Courier Services -CARRIED. And to receive the following reports: - Doc #8: April 16/12: Monthly Report - Doc #9: April 16/12: Public Library Association Conference Report - Doc #11: April 16/12: 2012 Calendar of Reports, Outstanding Inquiries, Motions and Unscheduled Reports - Doc #12: April 16/12: Monitoring Report: A.2 Staffing and Staff Relations - Doc #13: April 16/12: Monitoring Report: A.7 Compensation and Benefits - Doc #14: April 16/12: Monitoring Report: A.22 Safety and Security Practices -RECEIVED. TOPIC: APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: 028-12 Doc #1 Approval of Minutes: February 22, 2012; March 5, 2012 Moved by Trustee Langlois, seconded by Trustee Thompson that the OPL Board approve the minutes of February 22, 2012 as presented and the minutes of March 5, 2012 as amended. -CARRIED. TOPIC: RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS MOTION: 029-12 Doc #5 Approval of 2012 RFID Tenders Moved by Trustee Bennett, seconded by Trustee Zeidan that the Board approve the following contracts related to the implementation of RFID in 2012 totaling $1,141,011.81: 1. RFT Tender for $398,457.10 (including net HST taxes) to Bibliotheca ITG Inc. for the purchase of RFID tags 2. RFP Purchase of $603,009.67 (including net HST taxes) to Bibliotheca ITG Inc. for RFID tagging services 3. Purchase of $139,545.04 (including net HST taxes) for the following RFID equipment to be installed at the Hazeldean branch, obtained through the RFSO: 3.1. $32,674.28 to SirsiDynix (Bibliotheca ITG Inc.) for five employee stations and three customer self-service stations 3.2. $12,798.60 to SirsiDynix (Bibliotheca ITG Inc.) for dual aisle security gates 3.3. $94,072.16 to RFID Library Solutions, Inc. for a 3-bin sorting system and book returns -CARRIED. TOPIC: 2011 PERFORMANCE REPORTS MOTION: 030-12 Doc #10 Rollup of 2011 Performance Reports Be it resolved that the OPL Board receive the Rollup of the 2011 Performance Reports. -RECEIVED. TOPIC: IN CAMERA MOTION: 031-12 Moved by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Gauch to move in camera: 1. To discuss the Order of Friendship Nomination 2. To discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual; labour relations or employee negotiations -CARRIED. TOPIC: ORDER OF FRIENDSHIP MOTION: 032-12 Doc #C1: Order of Friendship Moved by Trustee Zeidan, seconded by Trustee Armit that members of the Innes Family be awarded the Ottawa Public Library Order of Friendship in recognition of their outstanding support to the Manotick Branch of the Ottawa Public Library. -CARRIED. TOPIC: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION MOTION: 034-12 Moved by Trustee Gourlay, seconded by Trustee Wilkinson to return to open session at 19:10. -CARRIED. TOPIC: ADJOURNMENT MOTION: 035-12 Moved by Trustee Tierney to adjourn the meeting at 19:11. -CARRIED. Ottawa Public Library Board Dispositions April 16, 2012 Page 1 of 3