OTTAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE PUBLIQUE D’OTTAWA APRIL 16, 2012 AT 5:00 P.M. Ottawa City Hall, Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa AGENDA Call to Order * Regrets * Declarations of Conflict of Interest * Approval of Agenda * Approval of Consent Items Chair’s Remarks Educationals * Genealogy Services at OPL Decision Items 1. Approval of Minutes: February 22, 2012; March 5, 2012 2. Governance and Audit Committee Report 3. Adoption of 2012 Board Work Plan 4. Canadian Library Association (CLA) Conference Trustee Attendance 5. Approval of 2012 RFID Tenders 6. City of Ottawa’s New Smoke-Free Regulations 7. Contract Extension Approval for Rural Courier Services Information Items 8. Monthly Report 9. Public Library Association Conference Report 10. Rollup of 2011 Performance Reports 11. 2012 Calendar of Reports, Outstanding Inquiries, Motions and Unscheduled Reports Monitoring Reports 12. A.2 Staffing and Staff Relations 13. A.7 Compensation and Benefits 14. A.22 Safety and Security Practices Adjournment In-Camera Session * Order of Friendship * To discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual; labour relations or employee negotiations