Presentation Overview
Provincial Responsibility
Structure and Funding of Local Libraries
Structure and Funding of Local Libraries (2)
What’s special and challenging about Ontario provincial funding model for public libraries?
Ontario Libraries by the Numbers*
* Source 2006 Ontario Public Library Statistics
Ontario Libraries by the Numbers (2)
over 250,000 = 5,288,231
Ontario Library Activity 2006
Ontario Library Activity 2006 (2)
* indicates trend direction from 2005
Provincial Funding
Overview 2007-08
Total Regular 2007-08 | $28.6M |
Per household operating grants | 18.7M |
Operating to Ontario Library Service agencies | 3.9M |
Pay equity grants to libraries and CICs | 2.4M |
Virtual Reference Library (Toronto Public Library) | 1.4M |
First Nations Library Development Program | 0.948M |
Library connectivity grants | 0.660M |
Project development grants | 0.599M |
Ontario Library Association | 0.036M |
Provincial Funding (2)
Overview 2007-08
One-time 4thquarter investment funding
Total $ 58.6 M
Funding Picture
(Source: 2006 provincial statistics)
How does Ontario compare?
Provincial/State funding share for local library operations:
Major Funding Issues
1996 and 1997.
Major funding Issues (2)
Major funding Issues (3)
Impact on Large Urban Libraries
e.g. Ottawa Public Library
YearPopulationPer Capita Provincial Grant
2006 average Ontario provincial per capita operating funding = $1.90
Recommendations (2)
Recommendations (3)
Recommendations (4)
Develop an ongoing advocacy strategyfor their local council, provincial MPPs and Federal MPs as well as the appropriate appointed officials
The Current Economy
For more information:
Barbara Clubb, City Librarian
Ottawa Public Library/Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa
613-580-2424 x32180
Never forget that
Your library card:
is the best bargain in town.