Report to/Rapport au :


Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee

Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


18 September 2003 / le 18 septembre 2003


Submitted by/Soumis par : Jocelyne St Jean, General Manager/Directrice générale,

People Services/Services aux citoyens 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Colleen Hendrick, Director

Innovation Development and Partnerships/Directrice, Innovation, développement et partenariats

(613) 580-2424 x24366,


Ref N°: ACS2003-PEO-IDP-0023















Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee


1.        That Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee approve, in principle, the expenditure identified in this report and refer Recommendation 2 to Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee.



Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee


2.         That Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council approve $15,000 towards the cost of the development of a business plan for the continued operation of the Bill Mason and the MacSkimming Outdoor Environmental Centres.




Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux


1.         Que le Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux approuve, en principe, les dépenses précisées dans le présent rapport et qu'il adresse la recommandation 2 au Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique.



Comité des services organisationnels et du développement écononomique


2.         Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande que le Conseil approuve une contribution de 15 000 $ à l'égard du coût d'élaboration d'un plan d'activités concernant la poursuite des activités aux centres environnementaux en plein air Bill Mason et Mac Skimming





On July 17, 2003, the Health, Recreation and Social Services (HRSS) Committee approved the following motion related to a report on the future of the Bill Mason and the MacSkimming outdoor environmental education centres:


“That City staff pursue with the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, the South Nations River Conservation and other interested parties the development of a business plan for the operation of the Outdoor Environmental Centres, conditional on a financial commitment from these partners towards the cost of the development of such a business plan, to be matched by the City of Ottawa, to an upset limit of $20,000 as the City’s maximum contribution, and report back to the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee if an agreement can be reached.”


This report outlines the financial commitments of the various partners and recommends a  contribution of $15,000 from the City to facilitate the development of the business plan.





Partner Contributions


Following the direction provided by HRSS Committee, staff received a positive response from partners who reaffirmed their interest in saving the environmental centres by pledging the following financial commitments:


Partner                                                                   Financial Commitment

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board                      $15,000

Friends of Lasting Outdoor Education (FLOE)           $  2,000

YMCA                                                                                 $  4,000

Conservation Authorities                                                        $  4,000

Sub-Total                                                                              $25,000

Recommended City of Ottawa Contribution                           $15,000

Sub-Total                                                                              $40,000

Estimated Cost of Study                                                        $45,000

Shortfall to be addressed by revisions to the TOR              $  5,000


The partners have pledged a total financial commitment of $25,000. Staff recommend that the City contribute $15,000 towards the completion of the business plan study. This recommendation is based on the need to match the contribution of the School Board who will continue to be the owner of the two facilities, and the sponsor of outdoor education programming on the sites. The balance of $5,000 will be addressed by a revision to the Terms of Reference (TOR). The partners’ contribution of $25,000 would therefore represent 62.5% of the total cost of $40,000, while the proposed City contribution of $15,000 will represent 37.5% of the business plan cost.


The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has offered to host a meeting of the partners at its Baxter Conservation facility to finalize the TOR and the contracting process in terms of responsibility and timing.


Steering Committee


A Steering Committee would be formed to work with a consultant to undertake the business plan work. This Committee would consist of one representative each from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, the Conservation Authorities, the YM/WCA, Friends of Lasting Outdoor Education (FLOE) and the City of Ottawa.


Contracting Policy


The City’s Supply Management Division has indicated that the City’s Purchasing By-law allows departments to procure Professional Services under $50,000 by way of direct appointment or RFP (Request For Proposals) by invitation. However, the procurement process must demonstrate that pricing is fair and reasonable or represents fair market value. The easiest way to demonstrate fair and reasonable pricing is through a competitive process such as an RFP by invitation.


Contracting Approach


The MacSkimming and Bill Mason outdoor education facilities are currently scheduled to close on August 31, 2004. This leaves approximately twelve months to complete all activities required to save the facilities from closure; including consultant selection, completion of the business plan work, partnership negotiations arising from the study and the actual implementation of the operational measures approved by the partners. In view of these time constraints a procurement process based on RFP by invitation will be used to select a consultant for the study. This process will include the following steps:


o          A search to identify potential consultants in the Ottawa area.

o          Circulation of the RFP document to the listed consultants by e-mail. Interested consultants will be requested to submit proposals.

o          Evaluation of the proposals by the five Steering Committee members, who will recommend the selected consultant to the General Manager of People Services for final approval.

o          Preparation and signing of the necessary contract documents.


The draft business plan report would be discussed with the steering committee prior to being finalized. The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, the Conservation Authorities, the YM/WCA and FLOE will subsequently strike a committee to implement the approved recommendations of the report. A report on the recommendations of the study will be presented to Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee and Council for information.





The MacSkimming and the Bill Mason facilities are mostly designated as “Major Open Space”, “Significant Wetlands”, and “General Rural (Natural Feature) Area” in the new Official Plan adopted by Council in May 2003. These environmental designations generally permit uses that do not adversely affect the natural characteristics of the landscape and waterways. Examples include uses associated with the scientific or educational study of the natural characteristics of the area. Any outdoor environmental education programming activities recommended by the business plan would have to conform to the environmental policies of the new Official Plan.





The Bill Mason and the MacSkimming outdoor environmental education facilities are located within the rural area. As a result, the development and effective use of outdoor environmental education facilities could potentially generate tourism dollars into the rural areas of the City.





A general public consultation on the content of this report is not considered necessary at this time. Partners have reviewed and concurred with the contents of this report.





The $15,000 recommended by this report is not included in the People Services operating budget and would require Council direction.  The City’s Notice By-law requires that the budget amendment be advertised prior to the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee meeting where amendment is introduced.





Staff will proceed as directed by Council.