NOVEMBER 21, 2002


Public Delegations


Debra Sine (resident of Baseline Ward)

·        the spraying of pesticides prevents the speaker and her daughter access to public places and this is contrary to human rights laws which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability;

·        chemically-sensitive people have the right to be free from chemical assault;

·        the staff report ignores and belittles the legal duty on the City to protect its most vulnerable citizens;

·        the education program will help but will not stop people from using pesticides to the detriment of others;

·City Councillors must accept their legal and moral responsibility to protect all citizens.

John Ladds, Field Operation Manager, Turf Management Systems, Head Office of Weed Man, Mississauga and Co-chair of the Environmental Coalition of Ontario:

·        pesticide by-laws represent the views of a vocal minority: the silent majority feel this is a freedom of choice issue or they have not engaged in the debate;

·        enforcement is a major issue;

·        Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a solution presented by industry, appears to be more sustainable and has helped reduce the use of pesticides;

·        the Hudson (Quebec) by-law has shifted the use of the product from the professional to the homeowner and contributed to killing the industry; not one homeowner has never been charged;

·        the industry is sympathetic to people with sensitivities but want to know why they push for a by-law that masks where products are being used;

·        the industry committed to the IPM Accreditation Program because it offers a practical solution to a cutting-edge issue;

·        it is committed to the continuing development of rigorously tested non-pesticide technologies;

·        pesticides still remain a vital tool the industry requires to sell its product, which is a healthy lawn;

·        the industry is willing to work with municipalities to encourage reductions at the homeowner level;

Tom Sommerville, Pesticide Industry Council (non-resident of Ottawa)

·        the speaker described the agricultural industry's IPM Accreditation Program, through the Plant Health Care IPM Council of Ontario;

·        the Council includes 20 groups: municipalities are represented through the Ontario Parks Association, Hydro One, golf superintendants, Ontario Vegatation Management, Sports Turf, Crop Life, Urban Pest Management, Landscape Ontario, Professional Lawn Care Association of Ontario, Environmental Coalition of Ontario: the technical advisors are from the Guelph Turf Grass Institute and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture;

·        the Council is developing the best management practices, promoting IPM through education and training, developing an IPM manual and implementing a province-wide web-based pest monitoring system;

·        the Council is a resource for public information and education, providing training opportunities in IPM and setting standards for the accreditation process. (Written submission provided).


Grant Crack, Branch Manager, Green Lawn Care (Ottawa), former Mayor of Alexandria (Twp. of Glengarry)

·        Many positive changes in the industry in recent years, industry doing its part to reduce the amount of chemicals used;

·        make every effort and have high quality, knowledgeable and well trained technicians, who are fully aware of the concerns about  pesticides;

·        ensure equipment and vehicles are in good order, that all application equipment is well-calibrated to apply safe and accurate rates;

·        regularly analyse customers' lawns and make recommendations for care, educate customers about safe products and safe practices;

·want to continue working with the City to educate citizens.

Bob Shane, operator, Weed Man lawn care company and homeowner in
Cumberland Ward

·        the Ottawa Environmental Coalition companies provide IPM based lawn care to over 40,000 residents and employs another 350 residents of the City;

·        the science behind PMRA is world renowned;

·        he and his colleagues have a wealth of knowledge in the industry: they are not in the pesticide business, they are in the business of healthy lawns;

·        banning liquid application and allowing granular application is not supported: liquid applications let the applicator zero in on the target while granules generally require blanket operation, thereby negating reduction in use;

·        a common complaint is that the City is infringing on people’s property rights;

·        people are concerned about their lawns looking like the City's parks and boulevards;

·        only industry professionals will be affected by the by-law.


Steve Schofield, resident of West Carleton, PhD in Entomology

·        expressed disappointment with the views expressed by some Councillors and felt that, at best, their opinions reflect a degree of scientific ignorance;

·        commended the report authors for a relatively balanced and progressive document and expressed the hope Council will adopt these proposals;

·        reduction to zero use of pesticides very optimistic;

·        support recommendations but do not feel the report provides a balanced view of pesticides, their evaluation, the risks attendant on their use and the full complement of risk reduction approaches;

·        comparing the risks of the urban use of pesticides to smoking without the right context is not appropriate, there are fundamentally different risk paradigms;

·        suggesting a ban on spray versus granular application must be based on sound science;

·        concept of using pesticides in response to West Nile virus is not sound: public health considerations must prevail;

·        report does not recognize the conservatism factored into the Federal Regulatory System: it points out the shortcomings without identifying the intense scrutiny that pesticide review entails;

·the City would be well-advised to draw on the vast amount of local expertise to develop a Pest Management Advisory Committee and call upon expert resources as needed.

Mike Christie, Co-Chair, Health Dangers of the Urban Use of Pesticides, an advisory group to the Health Department

·        In 1991, a poll of municipal candidates showed a majority of support for restrictions on the use of pesticides on private property and for measures to be in place by 1995;

·        the solution is a by-law, not a total ban but only on cosmetic use;

·        the use of pesticides for public health purposes can be supported;

·        the list of stakeholders consulted for the report contains predominantly industry-related groups;

·        the staff report says 200,000 homes are not using pesticides and this fact needs to be celebrated;

·        fifty-five municipalities in Quebec have by-laws and support for the Halifax by-law grows every year;

·        the IPM approach was rejected in Quebec because it did not show results for homeowners;

·        many people say they will not change their behaviour until a by-law is in place;

·        the industry representatives go to hearings such as this all across the Province;

·        the City's Environmental Advisory Committee reviewed the report, asked why a by-law was not being recommended since there is support for this approach.

Shiv Chopra, Health Canada Scientist

·        many medical specialists will tell you that pesticides cause a lot of harm: all these products kill small cells, reproductive cells, and many turn into cancers that take years to develop;

·        operators of lawn care businesses admit there are alternatives and they can modify their operations accordingly;

·        the companies that get product approval are not in the room: the information they submit to Health Canada is not available to the public, it can't receive third party evaluation; the public has the right to know under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

·        there is only an imaginary difference between granular and pesticide application;

·        as legislators at the municipal level, councillors have to carry out their responsibilities: if they don't, they are equally liable since all these matters can come under criminal investigation.


Barbara Leimsner, resident of River Ward, representing the Ottawa Allergy and Environmental Health Association

·        urged the Committee to show moral leadership by rejecting the staff report and giving strong support to the by-law;

·        the Association's 300 members have a high stake in the outcome of the vote: approximately 15% of the population have mild to severe environmental sensitivities and suffer a range of immediate adverse effects from exposure to pesticides at low levels;

·        prudent avoidance is not an option for people who can't hide from pesticides;

·        it is a myth that Ottawa is not ready for a by-law;

·        the sooner the products are banned, the sooner people will look for alternatives;

·        the by-law should include an immediate ban on applying pesticides within 50 feet of people whose doctors say it is harmful to their patients.


Douglas Perkins, D. P. Environmental Consulting

·        fourteen years’ expertise on non-toxic and least toxic alternatives;

·        staff report is about the failure of city to protect the health of its citizens; it ignores the voice of the people;

·        pesticides used for cosmetic, non-essential purposes only mask the problem; once applied, the killing process cannot be reversed;

·        children, pregnant mothers, seniors, chemically-sensitive people, pets and wildlife are extremely vulnerable to lawn and garden products;

·        staff report is riddled with flaws and needs to be re-written immediately;

·        scientists, doctors and others in the city should be enlisted to help staff write the report;

·        pesticides are not as safe as Landscape Ontario wants people to believe; a report from the Ministry of Environment and Energy states that pesticides can cause serious illness and can kill.

Linda Luneau, a citizen of Ottawa

·        have all either personal experience with cancer or know someone who suffered from cancer;

·        Canadian Cancer Society concerned about the use of potentially carcinogenic substances to enhance the appearance of lawns and calls for a ban on the use of any pesticide for any ornamental purposes that has not been scientifically demonstrated to be non-carcinogenic;

·        do not know how many of these chemicals have been tested;

·        is tragic to see the high number of young people with cancer, doctors are linking leukemia with pesticides;

·        breast cancer in women is prevalent and pesticides are linked to that;

·the speaker asked Council to ban the non-essential use of pesticides.

Michel Gaudet, Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (Quebec)

·        the Coalition’s membership is approximately 25,000 people;

·        called pesticides "weapons of mass destruction";

·        the Quebec government keeps track of the sale and usage of pesticides: it is easy to see that what the industry says is different than what it does: in 2001, the data showed that alternatives are rarely used and that pesticides were being used almost 100% of the time;

·        the sale of lawn care pesticides claimed as "last resort" have not diminished;

·        Quebec government has decided to apply the "precautionary principle" by placing human health above all other considerations: this was also recommended by the Quebec National Institute of Public Health;

·        no need to use chemicals to have a healthy lawn, there are alternatives and they work;

·        sound science versus to bad science: it was sound science that introduced DDT and Dursban, some of the products removed due to their toxicity;

·        fifty-five municipalities in Quebec have by-laws: Ottawa as the Capital of the country has a lot of catching-up to do;

·        enforcement of by-law is relatively easy and works on a complaint basis: it is also inexpensive;

·        majority of citizens are law-abiding and will obey the law;

·        IPM is next to impossible to enforce: the best way to protect the health of citizens is to adopt a by-law.


Robert McFettridge, educator and science manager, Canadian Museum of Science and Nature, resident of Osgoode Ward

·        emphasized that pesticides are toxic, pernicious, and generally synthetic, toxicity only varies over time, concentration and the relationship to other chemicals in the environment: none are species specific;

·        they all cause collateral damage in the ecosystem and to human and other health;

·        cosmetic pesticides are a threat to human health; people and pets suffer adverse effects when coming in contact with them;

·        no research to support stating pesticides are benign to human health;

·        pesticides are not tested on people, nor are they tested as part of a complex of applications, yet it is that complex that is the ecological reality in which society lives;

·        sometimes the testing has been carried out by the manufacturers themselves.


Angela Rickman, the Sierra Club

·        in spite of the consultative process it undertook,  staff heard people but did not listen to them;

·        the RCMP have indicted people for the tainted blood fiasco, including scientists from Health Canada;

·        the three arguments against pesticide control are that it is a federally regulated substance, it will cost too much and that there is no absolute proof, quoting from the Kreever Inquiry, said was inappropriate to require proof of causation beyond a reasonable doubt before taking steps to avert a threat;

·        complete knowledge not a pre-requisite to public health measures;

·        urged the Committee not to get bogged down in whether pesticides cause cancer, they cause a host of other problems.


Sandra Schwartz, Director, Toxic Substances Program , Pollution Probe Ottawa (resident Glebe Ward)

·        few issues have provoked the intensive debate across Canada that pesticides have, has become fact versus fiction, emotion versus science;

·        is a myth that pesticides have no harmful effect on us or on the environment; they are toxic by design;

·        provided a list of articles cited along with the health impacts observed from the use of lawn and garden pesticides;

·        pesticides are not safe to use; pesticides are registered for sale and are deemed safe by the federal government, however the federal Minister of Health has publicly recognized municipalities' ability to further restrict pesticides to by-laws as a complementary approach to the federal government's regulation of these chemicals;

·        provided a number of examples of tests that are not required by the pesticides industry, in terms of regulation;

·        pesticide industry cannot voluntary reduce usage to acceptable levels: Pollution Probe believes that voluntary action is possible, but in order for this to work, there needs to be threat of regulation;

·        difficult if not impossible to reliably measure whether this is being done;

·        citizens across the country asking municipal governments to ban pesticides as a precautionary measure.


Andy Xhignesse, Appleseed Organic Lawn Care

·        called this is a really challenging issue for everyone;

·        expressed the hope Councillors will listen to their constituents;

·        in 1987, organic lawn care is all Appleseed Lawn Care offered; this is still the case and the company is growing;

·        thousands of chemicals are used regularly, with impacts for plant, insect, animal and human life;

·        time for a change, to bring us to a new place.


Professor Pat Roberts, University of Ottawa

·        noted she is made very ill by pesticides; experience flu symptoms for up to 24 hours;

·        exposure to pellets produces similar symptoms, except that reaction takes longer;

·        no signs required if granular applications were permitted, also make it harder to avoid exposures;

·        pesticides known to be one of the main causes of chemical injuries;

·        many people with these problems too ill to make their voices work;

·        appalled by the information being brought forward by the pesticide industry;

·        low doses not necessarily better than higher doses;

·        pesticides are not helpful to allergy sufferers: incidence of grass allergy is higher than weed allergy;

·        public education not a sollution: people started using seat belts when legislation was introduced;

·        need a by-law now.


Terry Besner, Cerus Incorporated

·        many corporations realize the benefits of green spaces and incorporate them in their facilities: these spaces improve mental health, speed recovery, increase productivity and generally improve the living and working environments;

·        Perfectly Natural combines good cultural practices with state-of-the-arts products: these include natural lawn and garden products, fertilizers, soil enhancement products and weed contol technology made entirely from food and feed grade ingredients;

·        believe an educated approach to gradually reduce the use of pesticides through programs that assist in the development of a well-disciplined and thoroughly monitored program is the best approach;

·        working with the industry and helping them adopt a Perfectly Natural approach for their current and potential customers, to go pesticide free;

·        provided an information package on Cerus' solutions.


Shannon Coombs- Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association

·        Her organization works with the federal, provincial, territorial committee, which is made up of all the provincial regulators and Health Canada and looks at pesticides

·        Have devised an action plan for the urban use of pesticides

·        Have a healthy lawn priority, of which education is a key component

·        Developed brochure that will be in stores called “ A responsible approach to pest control in and around your home” to be available in stores like Home Depot and Rona, Spring 2003

·        Recommended including the establishment of an advisory committee that would include homeowners, Council, city staff and lawn care professionals,

·        Report respectful of citizen’s right to choose on their private property

·        CCSP committed to work with the City to assist with this


Jean Michel-Lemieux, Homeowner

·        Detailed his personal experience with an accidental spraying.

·        Home is in close proximity to the river and several homes in his neighborhood were sprayed

·        Spoke about water quality in Britannia

·        Not a lot of defense in the public for cosmetic use of pesticides

·        Better to be safe than sorry

·        In his community tried public education and voluntary action

·        Was successful down from 10 to 2 people on the street who persist in using pesticides

·        Cannot tell the difference between who uses pesticides and who does not

·        Asked that Council help out by enacting a bit of a threat to get to zero pesticides


Nick Aplin, Resident of Ottawa

·        Suggested that self regulation by lawn care companies is not possible

·        Had same concerns about his family’s safety

·        Challenged industry individuals affirmations that fewer pesticides are being used, and that they are safe


Dr. Hilary de Veber, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, a Toronto Pediatrician who trained at CHEO

·        Holds a degree in biology and ecology from McGill University

·        Spoke in support of the bylaw option

·        Her group is comprised of Health Professionals Concerned about the Environment

·        Also representing the Partnership for Pesticide Bylaws, a collaboration of: Ontario College of Family Physicians, Canadian Environmental Law Association, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, United Steelworkers of America, Humane Society of Canada, Great Lakes United, Breast Cancer Prevention Coalition, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario, Women’s Healthy Environment Network, Toronto Environmental Alliance, Pesticide Free Ontario

·        Pesticides are designed to kill by interfering with biological processes, these also affect humans

·        Child exposure, extremely dangerous, through ingestions, being in close proximity to the spray

·        Concerns about ill effects from exposure to low-levels of pesticides, linked to cancers such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

·        Dangerous to neurotoxins, adverse effects on brain development and cognition

·        Unexplained explosion of Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, necessary to remove all possible causes

·        Can cause abnormal genitalia effects, could be caused by hormone disrupters

·        Children exposure to pesticides is greater than adult exposure, development can be thrown off track if they are exposed to neurochemicals

·        Concerns for applicators who don’t feel that they are unsafe


Barry Felstead, resident of Kanata

·        Holds a PhD in Engineering and is a Research Scientist in the Federal Government Laboratory resident of Soccer clubs and dealt with parks and school board staff

·        Claimed to be a better environmentalist than most anti-pesticide people because he is a cyclist/walker and does not use motor vehicles

·        Gas worse than pesticides

·        Leakage of gasoline exceeds total of all pesticides used in Ontario

·        Sense of proportion between gas/pesticides

·        Can refute almost every article about

·        People attribute one pesticide effect to all i.e.: DDT

·        Canine lymphoma, arose through flawed methodology (junk science)

·        Cornell University study dispelled myth that causes Breast Cancer

·        Allergies and Asthma are caused by natural environment

·        Precautionary approach is voodoo science, can be used to ban anything

·        Broad leafed herbicide are not truly poisonous as others


Ronald Bisson, resident of Baseline road,

·        The speaker’s wife suffers from multiple chemical sensitivities and chronic fatigue syndrome (since 1992)

·        Pesticide spraying deeply affects her health

·        Against final recommendations, but feels that staff has captured public opinion and have produced a balanced report

·        We do not live in a society where we can do what we want in our own homes

·        Stories show that Medical Science and Governmental recommendations often lag behind

·        seeks the banning of pesticides


Carmela Graziani, Resident, Bay Ward, Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa,

·        She listed her numerous allergies to foods, trees, pollens, and to pesticides

·        Irresponsible for lawn care companies to dispense medical advice

·        No advocacy for spraying pesticides to avoid asthma

·        The longer a bylaw is postponed, the longer people will be ill.


Dr. Jean Cottam, PhD, Resident of Knoxdale/Merivale Ward

·        Historian with experience in Medical Research

·        Need specific program with specific targets with appropriate by-law

·        By law could serve as means to educate

·        Nation’s Capital should lead, not follow

·        The opinion of those with financial interests will not be changed

·        Pesticides threaten well-being


Mr. Michael Elliot, former Mayor of Hudson, Québec

·        In Hudson a skin specialist was encouraging Council to ban pesticides

·        Young families were insistent that pesticides be banned

·        Law care business indiscriminate, anyone could do this, some were mixing chemicals with “fantastic results”

·        By law was developed after two years of investigation

·        While the federal government did not assist, the Québec government was very helpful in defining “pesticide”

·        By-law has cost $68,000 to date to enforce

·        Community had been well served by the bylaw

·        Refuted earlier reports that the bylaw was not working in Hudson, they are erroneous suppositions, bylaw is working well

·        Lawn bylaw was challenged only by the lawn care companies

·        In Hudson, Golf Courses were equated with Agriculture and given 5 years to reduce usage.


Diane Holmes, Co-chair, Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa

·                    Provided information on the Pest Management Regulatory Agency

·        Old pesticides being investigated by American EPA, PMRA has only evaluated 17 of the 450 ingredients over three years.

·        6,000 pesticides are not properly screened, no monitoring of the toxic contamination in bodily fluids and hairs

·        Canada had no data on pesticides sales, basic requirement for assessing use and safety

·        PMRA has abdicated responsibility and thus cities across Canada taking steps to eliminate pesticides

·        80% are now in favor of the City’s bylaw for no pesticides on public property (City Polling)


Dr. C. Scott Findlay, Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Ottawa

·        Resident of Chelsea, which has a ban on the cosmetic use of pesticides

·        As a risk analyst, he feels that must consider the negative effects of a particular decision

·        Showed graph of acceptable risk threshold as it relates to the magnitude of the negative effects.

·        Also have to weigh the potential positive outcome because it increases the risk threshold

·        Argued that possible negative health effects of pesticides are large and the possible positive effects are relatively small, which means that the acceptable risk threshold is significantly low.


Frances McInnes, Resident

·        Suffers from Environmental Illness: Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Short-term memory loss

·        Detailed her personal encounter with pesticides at a neighbour’s home

·        Wants a bylaw immediately


Dee Cashem, The Weedman, owner-operator from Uxbridge

·        Licensed pesticide applicator, Integrated Pest Management Specialist

·        Mother is a Breast Cancer survivor

·        Active with community, volunteer projects, employs 8 people

·        Considerate, call in advance when spraying

·        Lawn care is a controversial issue in Uxbridge

·        Have been harassed by environmentalists

·        Voluntary turf grass committee to advise Council and Parks and Recreation Department

·        Implemented best practices, recommended seeking alternatives

·        Representative for Durham Region on the Environmental Advisory Committee.


Patrick O’Toole, Chair of the Lawn Care Commodity Group, Landscape Ontario

·        Landscape Ontario represents 200 plus member companies in all aspects of the green industry in Ontario; incl; nurseries, garden centers, landscapers and lawn care

·        Provide courses and seminars to educate members and encourage professional development.

·        Educate members on new products, techniques and equipment

·        Particularly with development and training of IPM

·        Involved in IPM Council, as well as Golf Courses, Parks Associations and Structural Applicators

·        Spoke about freedom of choice

·        Agreed with expansion of public education of IPM

·        Believes it is only alternative to lessen pesticide use

·        Referenced Supreme Court Decision that enables Municipalities to enact bylaws so long as they do not interfere with existing laws

·        No scientific basis for justification

·        Cannot stop sale of bylaws, people will apply themselves, will kill industry

·        Customers will not be satisfied with lawn care applicators

·        Education is better

·        Neighbours are not exposed, when spraying.


Jim Bauer, Horticulturist and Owner of Landscape Maintenance Company,

Founder of Landscape Ontario, Manotick

·        Spoke about freedom of choice

·        Other chemicals dispersed daily

·        He has had 30 years of exposure and he is fine

·        Does not believe that the concern is based on knowledge

·        There are chemicals in foods


Wendy Burgess, Manager of Corporate Environmental Policy and Operations, Club Link Corporation,

·        Her employer is Canada’s largest owner/operator and developer of golf course properties, owning 26 golf course properties in Ontario and Quebec, including Greyhawk and Kanata located in the City of Ottawa

·        Golf Clubs are valuable contributors to the local economy

·        Supportive of community approach taken in the pesticide reduction strategy

·        Balanced approach toward education, should have equal representation from both sides of the issue

·        Critical to define essential and non-essential.  Golf courses are not using pesticides purely for esthetic purposes when there are alternative products or methods available

·        Fungicides are critical to operations of Golf Courses

·        Organization supports research at the University of Guelph

·        Fiscally and environmentally responsible to use pesticides only when the turf is in jeopardy

·        Make IPM accreditation mandatory for all courses

·        Recommendations are a step in the right direction


John Bloskie, Ottawa lawn care applicator for 15 years

·        Detailed warnings on pesticide products that were on City’s website as alternative to chemical pesticide

·        There are risks to everything including Vinegar, Boric Acid

·        Alternatives not necessarily safer than chemicals

·        No examples of the City using these alternatives


Bob Yule, Area Manager for Greenlawn Care

·        Mosquito repellents, anti-bacterial soaps, flea collars all contain pesticides, greater exposure risk

·        activists assume that only lawn care pesticides are unsafe

·        We are reliant on pesticides to keep us safe, ie: through water treatment system

·        Why is it acceptable for kids to use bug repellant and not to walk on a lawn that is applied with pesticides, this is hypocritical

·        Said that caffeine is more toxic

·        Bylaw is political not scientific


Greg Smithers, Homeowner, City of Ottawa, Gloucester South

·        Stopped using pesticides as a courtesy to his neighbours

·        Unable to control his lawn, was hit by grubs

·        Re-sodding would cost approximately $5000.

·        Reapplication from the lawn care company is about $263

·        Major expense, pays $5000 in property taxes and is angry that those dollars will going to a bylaw that will make him unable to care for is property

·        Ottawa has too many bylaws


Jill Fairbrother, Director of Stakeholder Relations for Scott’s Canada

·        Her company manufactures lawn and garden products for homeowners

·        This includes, seed, soil, fertilizer and pesticides.

·        The organic alternatives are available as pesticides

·        80% prefer to use pesticides themselves

·        Produce materials that educate about alternative methods and care

·        Synthetic and natural chemicals are given the same warning

·        Tobacco has no benefits (carcinogen) while pesticides are not

·        Products are specially formulated for homeowner use

·        Products are still selling despite bans


Dan Passmore, owner-operator of a family lawn care company

·        Half of lawn care customers in Toronto wrote letters to their Councillors

·        Consider the limitation of those with allergies and the elderly

·        Company is a member of Landscape Ontario

·        After Board of Health Meeting he and his staff outfitted trucks with hand pumps, educated customers about proper practices, how to fix spots on their lawns

·        Continue to service customers implementing IPM

·        Cut insecticides by 50% in 2001 but not in 2002, because of infestation


Nancy and Gary Mulhall, Kitchener Ontario, Members of Landscape Ontario

·        Aware of all the dangers in her environment, health fiend, saw a clinical ecologist

·        Not logical that companies could bribe scientists

·        Logic won out over being part of a distrustful subculture, now much healthier

·        Son was in a soccer tournament, fields in deplorable condition, obviously City cannot maintain its own turf

·        Has a landscape exterminator’s license and years of experience in the field

·        Provide many alternatives

·        Ottawa will influence Kitchener, lawn business made up of many families

·        Environmentalists are fear mongers


Bernard Walke, Biologist

·                    Numerous studies have examined the long term effects of pesticides

·        Long term effects from even small doses

·        Education on its own will fail

·        Used the example of smoking

·        Lawn care industry cannot be trusted to regulate themselves

·        City is responsible to make health and safety of its citizens

·        Pesticide companies are concerned solely with the sale of pesticides just like tobacco industry

·        Ban is necessary, supreme court has given the authority to do so

·        No ban sends the message to the public that everything is fine


Todd Denofrio, Ottawa Resident, Toxicologist and former employee of the PMRA

·        In his job at the PMRA he evaluated human health implications of pesticides

·        Pesticides are the most tested chemicals on the planet, more than pharmaceutical products

·        The database submitted to PMRA, includes toxicology on a product specific basis

·        Includes environmental fate in food and non-food uses

·        Data are updated on an ongoing basis in response to data call-ins from various regulatory agencies world-wide, particularly from EPA

·        PMRA employs over 200 scientists dedicated to looking at all of this data, and are responsible solely for ensuring that pest control products can be used with a minimal or negligible risk

·        Chemical industry has shifted towards reduced risk products which are now finding their way in to our lawns

·        No human activity is devoid of risk

·        This year PMRA, put out a document outlining risk assessment strategies, which incorporated the most advanced methods of risk analysis and risk management

·        Epidemiology is not a reliable science.


Cathy Dickinson, Resident, Ward 6

·        Drew comparisons to smoking dangers that went unheeded for years

·        Has chemical sensitivities

·        Bylaw necessary

·        Health Canada admitted that there has never been any extensive testing to determine results of mixing chemicals

·        Canadian government relies on manufacturers to supply such evidence

·        Survived non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, no history of cancer in family, was exposed to pesticide

·        Individuals with chemical sensitivities do not use chemicals with pesticides in their home


Gayle Morehead and Margaret Hartshorn, Kanata Environmental Network

·        Awareness group, formed in 1999, and to promote practice of sound environmental practices in their community

·        Have worked on raising public awareness about alternatives

·        Support implementation of bylaw to be phased in over the next 3yrs

·        Disputed the notion in staff report that public has only recently become concerned about health and environmental risks

·        Questioned why no recommendation from staff for bylaw when 56.9% of public at consultation were in support of this while only 25.5% supported maintaining the status quo

·        According to surveys, most pesticide users willing to try alternatives and most residents support a ban


Lynn Lewis, Resident of Ottawa

·        Comfortable when neighbor sprays, company is very open

·        If a ban is in place he will continue to use the chemicals, but he will not be familiar with how to apply or dispose of on his own

·        She fears that this would negatively impact on their relationship, bylaw will set neighbours against one another

·        She has the right to decide what will be done on her property

·        Noted that she had been ‘harassed’ by an environmentalist, she feels they are not interested in the spirit of co-operating

·        Staff report has middle ground

·        Entitled to the quiet enjoyment of her property


Tom Manley – Chair , Ottawa Regional Chapter of Canadian Organic Growers.

·        Mission is to promote organic growing among farmers, gardeners and consumers

·        Organic growing is popular

·        Why are synthetic chemical pesticides so popular? –Largely the product of  chemical warfare

·        Their design and development have been paid for by budgets for warfare and industry has been putting them to use and continuing that research

·        Society is preoccupied with quick fixes as opposed to long term prevention

·        Interested in treating visual symptoms instead of seeking the root cause

·        Agri-chemicals are big business, which involves barrier to market entry, which reduces competition among these products which have market dominance and price controls and provides good return on investment

·        Those coming from industry to present to committee are paid to do so

·        Organic approach is knowledge and management intensive and obliges the user to understand eco-systems

·        They are also cheap and readily available, making for easy market entry and lots of competition which would mean low prices and margins for all

·        Detailed the benefits of using products like limestone, but education not always possible and is needed to know what products to use, hinders this

·        Should choose ecosystems over business interests


Larry Maydonik, Burlington, President, Nutrilawn Ecology Friendly Lawn Care

·        Offers pesticide-free organic lawn care programs and traditional programs, and have been doing so for 15 years

·        Objective of company and industry is the same as that of Committee, reduction of pesticides, if at all possible

·        He is in the business of creating healthy and beautiful turf, does not solely use pesticides, uses them minimally, according to instruction

·        Recommended that answer to reduction was in three areas 1) homeowners 2) Industry 3) Retail outlets.

·        Unless a ban is enforced and applicable to all these areas it will not be effective in reducing pesticides

·        Embark on a program to cover all three areas: (1) incorporates education that will prevent over-application, teach people to read labels (2) lobbies the provincial authority to ensure proper education and IPM accreditation, for anyone who sells or applies pesticides (3) work with federal authorities to remove all blanket applications from retail outlets, great opportunity for non-essential lawn care pesticide reduction

·        Solution is not in a ban, or a ban that only limits one aspect of the industry.


James Doyle

·        Expressed concerns about a bylaw that would lump together people’s concepts of cosmetic pesticides with pro-active and preventive based tree, lawn and plant health care products

·        Failure to distinguish between two kinds of pesticide application endangers City’s trees which are a valuable asset

·        Arboriculture is the science of trees, complete ban would remove the essential tools from the arboricultural industry

·        Could not treat Dutch Elm Disease, Long Horn Asian Beetle, Ash and Birch Spore to name a few

·        Without responsible management options these pests can deplete an entire tree populations

·        Trees are essential to oxygen production, pollution reduction and noise management, an intrical component of our existence

·        Evaluate the impact on the future health and well being of the trees

·        Apply as a preventative measure


Linda Nolan-Leeming and Alison Leeming

·        Alison detailed the problems she experiences when she is exposed to pesticides including: inability to concentrate, food intolerance, mood swings, fatigue

·        Linda, her mother noted that she also has chemical hypersensitivities.  She detailed her problems when she is exposed to pesticides.  Which include: tremors, difficulty thinking and breathing, liver pain and congestion.

·        Her daughter has developed tremors and is unable to metabolize the poisons, required an oxygen tent

·        Pesticides inhibit the production of collenestrays (sp) which are an enzyme that have a crucial effect on an individual’s ability to handle toxins as well as their immune systems

·        15% of the population are adversely affected by chemicals, expected a to climb to 60% by 2020

·        No treatment other than avoidance.


Dr. Richard Van derJagt, Hematologist and Chair of the Canadian Leukemia Study Group

·        800 different chemicals sold in thousands of mixtures as pesticides

·        Some cause birth defects or Cancer after chronic exposure, affect hormone systems and may be altering the basis of life

·        Some inhibit colenestrays which is a neuropeptide

·        Children are especially vulnerable as their body size is smaller than an adult and their immune systems are less well developed

·        Time to take proactive action

·        Was approached by a company willing to pay him to speak in favour of the use of pesticides

·        The supreme Court has upheld a community’s right to protect the health of its’ citizens by banning pesticides

·        Risks continue to be discovered, chemical dumping in to our environment

·        Clearly documents studies of pesticide exposure which demonstrate links of exposure to Parkinson’s, Breast Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Hematological malignancies such as childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma

·        FDA in US has taken a zero tolerance stance on pesticides, Quebec has banned the use of pesticides

·        Toxic waste is difficult to detect, link to pesticides is strong

·        Ottawa should lead, not follow


Dr. Alex MacKenzie, Pediatrician and Researcher at CHEO

·        Pesticides are associated with an increased incidence of childhood neuroblastoma; this has been found in studies in peer-reviewed journals

·        Should move towards immediate banning

·        How many deaths are acceptable

·        Spoke about Relative Risk, even if data was absent, he would feel as a pediatrician that it was important to ban pesticide use


Richard Patten, M.P.P., Ottawa Centre

·        Spoke from the perspective of a legislator, father, a person who had Lymphoma B, Non-Hodgkins Cancer

·        Most vulnerable members of the community are our children and we do not get to hear from them

·        Any toxicologist that claims there are no links to illness and health, is not being truthful

·        Spoke about his Bill (208) which addresses concerns about the legal costs of dealing with the question of true impacts of chemicals and pesticides on human health

·        Will examine the impact of pesticides on wildlife

·        Parliamentary Committee on the Environment and Health recommended that they perform their own studies as they only currently review what is given to them by the chemical companies

·        Cancer is on the increase in Canada especially with children; he feels this is due to chemicals we ingest

·        Act will give municipalities the right to enact the prohibition of pesticides


Eric Thomas, resident of Ottawa

·        Feels that the repot is weak as it avoid setting specific reduction targets

·        Akin to giving applicators a blank cheque

·        A ban is the only viable solution, even Toronto has recognized this and is preparing a bylaw

·        IPM will not protect or prevent pesticide abuse

·        PRMA and companies have claimed that some pesticides, that have since been banned because of causing nerve damage and toxic enciphilopathy and auto immune system damage, were safe

·        Federal commissioner of the environment said that Canada’s record on regulating pesticides is disturbing and the record of the pest management regulatory agency is inadequate

·        PMRA research is based on science bought by companies

·        Craven Laboratories was fined and sentenced for falsifying pesticide residue data

·        No database to track adverse reactions at PMRA and no medical doctors on staff

·        Majority of people in Ottawa support pesticide ban (Decima Research Poll found 82% support pesticide – free policy on public property


Lynn Pressly, resident, rural homeowner

·        Installed tertiary septic system as she resides on the Rideau River

·        Lawn was full of weeds, tried to weed it, used pesticides from the co-op

·        Family was not harmed in any way by the pesticides she used

·        Concerned about the amount of money that was spent on the study.

·        Believes that the committee has a duty to uphold staff report, after spending her hard earned tax dollars

·        Her property is her own and she will spray it with or without a by-law


Mike Courneya, resident and former golf course superintendent, current agronomic consultant to the golf course industry

·        Was on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Golf Course Superintendents Association, responsible for Research and Education, determined where research dollars went and how to educate

·        Spoke to many Golf courses owners, who want to know about IPM and alternatives to chemical applications

·        Different biological controls considered by the OGCSA.

·        Donated funds to a researcher at Guelph University for her to continue her studies on IPM and alternatives

·        No mention of golf course superintendents in the report; they should be actively involved in any decisions that are based on a reduction strategy for golf courses


Dr. David Lean, University of Ottawa Professor, Research Chair in Ecotoxicology

·        Ecotoxicology is primarily focused on the inner relationships between organisms; exotoxicologists also study toxic chemicals, and attempt to determine whether or not they are safe

·        50% of what is in Fish that we eat is DDT

·        Chemicals can travel hundreds of miles

·        Need to consider all potential pathways, does not necessarily only last a few days and their breakdown products can be as toxic as the original chemical

·        If we do not have the answers we should be very cautious about cosmetic use in Ottawa

·        Can now look at how this disrupts endocrines, sexual function

·        The greatest reason for not using pesticides is that they were not necessary in the first place

·        We live in a toxic city, arboretum is an example of this


Dr. Joe Reisman, Chief of Pediatrics, CHEO, Pediatric Respirologist

·        Works with approximately 55 full time and 40 part time physicians who are all in support of the position he is advocating

·        Need to be aggressive and eliminate the cosmetic use of pesticides

·        Need to remember that industry representatives’ primary responsibility is to be an advocate for the enhancing of shareholder value and an advocate for their business, this is done through selling more product

·        We have heard from eco-environmentalist, researcher and adult oncologist

·        There are those who claim that evidence is not strong, ample well researched article, showing twice greater chances for neurological malignancies

·        Not a case of innocent until proven guilty, have good reason to be concerned, evidence shows this

·        Not a case of waiting until we are happy with all the evidence, it is a case on acting on what we have now

·        No advantage to waiting, health risk is cumulative and can last for years


Bruce Lofquist, International Institute of Concern for Public Health

·        Advocate on behalf of children’s health

·        Must clearly identify who the presenters are representing, how will they benefit from a particular policy decision

·        The strategy of volunteerism has not worked in other arenas like smoking, seatbelts, bike helmets, Canadian Industry Packaging Stewardship Initiative

·        Volunteerism reflects an abdication of public responsibility, is the flip side of deregulation

·        Why would companies voluntarily do what they object to under legal and regulatory obligation

·        Industry-spawned voluntary initiatives undermine public regulatory and public health institutions

·        Healthy children and chemical lawns cannot co-exist, there is enough compelling evidence linking illness to children to warrant a by-law

·        Cost for childhood cancer is $509,000 US per case


Jordan Lavin, Lawn Care Company Operator, Woodstock,

·                    Sits on IPM board and practices IPM

·        Sells organic packages

·        IPM is solution

·        Need to educate public, retail sales and enforce IPM through an independent body

·        Will never change desire to have a beautiful lawn; give them the tools to do so properly, this is education


Derek Devost, non-resident, Licensed Turf Technician:

·        Helps, educates his customers and their neighbours

·        Does not use pesticides liberally


Jody McInnes employee of Nutrilawn since 1993

·        His job is education, speaks to hundreds of customers in doing estimates

·        Without tool (pesticides) many lawns will be lost

·        Feels safe using and recommending pesticides

·        Gives his employees proper knowledge so that they can better educate and serve their customers, he meets with technicians individually on a weekly basis to monitor techniques (provincially legislated), these weekly meetings are recorded

·        Support staff report


Dr. Frank Cedar, PhD., Chemistry, 12 years experience as a pesticide regulatory evaluator and a resident of Ottawa

·        Has been involved in the banning and regulating of many chemicals

·        Part of CFC banning

·        The risk has been considerably reduced, particularly in the home and garden area.

·        Active ingredients have been eliminated and concentrations have been considerably reduced

·        Fewer pesticide products available to home gardener now than ever before in the history of Canadian pesticide use

·        Talked about 24D studies, showing no adverse effects and claimed that pesticides do not smell bad

·        Allergic to organic pesticides, and he avoids them

·        Need more research


Jeff Calderwood, Executive Director of the National Golf Course Owners Association, representing over 1000 Golf Courses in Ontario. Resident of Ottawa

·        Golf course Industry Supports the intention of what is being prescribed here

·        Generally speaking the staff recommendations are not far off the reasonable solutions needed to settle this complicated issue

·        Has some reservations about staff recommendations

·        Willing to work with City Staff on public awareness and education

·        Golf specific issues: pesticide use is essential within golf industry, winter fungicide is an example of this

·        IPM is an evolving standard; organic alternatives will continue to be used

·        3rd party study found that pesticides were not hazardous


Joanie Flynt, J. Flynt Landscaping

·        Has been involved in the promotion of non-chemical growing practices for almost 30

·        Runs a lawn care company that has never used a single artificial fertilizer or toxic chemical of any kind, and is still a successful company

·        Elected members should be in agreement of this

·        Noted Jan Harder’s comment about the quiet majority who she professes do not want a ban and dispelled this

·        Even those people who use chemicals have enough of a conscience to know that what they are doing/saying is shameful

·        Ms. Harder claims that PMRA is responsible; but how to put faith in corporation that once offered DDT as a viable option

·        More than half of the chemicals she studied in University for use on crops have since been banned

·        Granular or liquid spray poison is poison

·        Staff report is watered down and should use the proposal put forward by the coalition for a Healthy Ottawa


Robin Wentzel, Partner in Habitat Enviroscaping and Property Maintenance (Organic Company)

·        We pollute more and exterminate more species every year

·        What we do in our backyards affects our neighbours, and what is done in the neighborhood effects the City and what we do in this City affects our Environment

·        People have been persuaded to believe that pesticides are the only way to have a nice lawn

·        Pesticide companies are selling us a product that we don’t need; they get us hooked on it, as soon as you discontinue usage, your lawn will experience a withdrawal period

·        Money is the reason why pesticide industry is here today is money

·        We do not live in isolation, our actions have repercussions

·        Start taking action now, and our environment will benefit


Andrea Peart, Resident, Somerset Ward, Co-ordinator for the
Campaign for Pesticide Reduction

·        Coalition of several environmentally friendly organizations

·        Noted discrepancy in report stating that the Sierra Club of Ottawa endorsed the report, no representative had met with the City of Ottawa Corp.

·        The Hudson decision and the Federal Minister of Health have expressed that Municipalities have the right and the responsibility to protect the Health of their citizens

·        Science is in the community that indicates Health risks and environmental problems

·        CPR is looking to the City of Ottawa to set an example as Canada’s Capital

·        Children are at a greater risk for pesticide exposure

·        Health Canada will not explicitly state that pesticides are safe.

·        Other viable options exist therefore no rational reason not to restrict the cosmetic use of pesticide


Dr. Meg Sears, a resident of West Carleton

·        Concerns about staff report with respect to the individuals supposedly consulted.

·        Certain organizations (Health Dangers of the Urban Use of Pesticides Group) were not properly consulted

·        Were given a list by the Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa, of individuals they could consult; none of these people were approached, including Doctors

·        Staff have spent the majority of their time with Landscape Ontario, the people who apply pesticides

·        Staff qualifies everything by stating that once they have irrefutable proof, then they will move ahead.

·        Speaking to the Senate Committee about the new Pest Controls Product Act

·        Can’t put confidence in the PMRA

·        Cannot afford not to do this; risks outweigh the benefit.

·        Cannot make 24D without dioxins


Larry Peg. Ecoview

·        What is the cheapest way to implement a ban, worth considering

·        Noted the plan for a sports project to increase activity in Citizens

·        Feels chemicals are gathering in the fatty tissues of people and animals and this could cause an increase in cancer

·        Part of a project to educate people about water usage and storm water management

·        Pesticides are flowing unchecked in to our bodies of water, according to former RMOC

·        Pesticides are a poster child for numerous environmental problems, as a nations capital we should step forward and make a decisive choice

·        Developed Ultimate Frisbee park that was playable and Pesticide free, did this through good lawn care practices

·        Spoke about good lawn care practices, not overusing a lawn


Nicole Richer, resident of Orléans, former farmer

·        Parents never used pesticides on their land

·        Tried to respect the integrity of the environment; does not use pesticides because they threaten the integrity of the environment and endangers health

·        Her lawn was erroneously sprayed with pesticides by a local chemical lawn company

·         They were told the chemical that was sprayed was safe, when they investigated they found that it causes strokes, paralysis, disrupts the nervous system and causes strokes.  The manufacturer of the product had voluntarily agreed to phase it out because of the risks to health and to the environment

·        The technician that sprayed their lawn could not tell them with any certainty where they sprayed the lawn

·        She had concerns as to what would have happened had not left an invoice or sign, they would not have been liable

·        Some chemicals are lethal to kids, pregnant women and babies

·        Noted that there are many cities that have outlawed pesticides including Quebec, who found that a municipal bylaw was effective as education without regulation is not effective

·        City has a public ban, why would they differ in terms of private property


Sophia Giaconne, grade 6 student at Manordale Public School

·        Her generation will be affected by this decision, it is essential to make decisions to preserve nature

·        Her family has stopped using pesticides

·        They are linked to many health and environmental hazards

·        Hopes that one day will live in a pesticide free environment


Nancy Jennings

·        Called herself “an environmental canary”

·        Relayed an incident several years ago where a sewer pipe overflowed on her street after a flood

·        During the cleanup, she got illness

·        Was told that chlorine bleach they were spraying was safe

·        Total load and cumulative effects of toxins, cumulative effects took over.

·        She grew increasingly ill and she had no energy

·        Gave further details about her and her son’s illness which included nose bleeds, fatigue, wheezing, allergies

·        The cumulative effects of toxins is disastrous


Nelson Conroy, Lawn care applicator, London

·        Explained the process that took place in London, where they instituted IPM as opposed to a ban

·        This has worked well in the London area

·        How will City enforce an aggressive ban like this?

·        Easier in smaller communities

·        Not aware of what people really want to do


Stephanie Govan, homeowner, Cumberland Ward

·        Works hard with her husband at maintaining her lawn

·        Find a more effective solution

·        Concerned about the land and natural resources

·        She recycles when she can and employs proper growing practices

·        If lawns and trees are destroyed it will effect our property values

·        A bylaw will increase pesticide bylaw

·        Linked occasional consumption of alcohol and LCBO provides education about excessive consumption

·        Lawns provide safe place for families and pets


Christopher Ralph homeowner,

·        Staff report is balanced and fair

·        Doesn’t need people telling him how to conduct his business

·        If there is to be a ban it should be in a reasonable way

·        Not maverick user of pesticides

·        Disputed the effectiveness of the bylaw in Hudson

·        Detailed properties that look poor because of the bylaw


Dr. Jennifer Armstrong

·        Member of the field of environmental medicine

·        Sees patients that have reached their total load for chemicals

·        Does not feel all the facts have been presented

·        She has seen patients affected by this that have fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivities

·        Granular may be a good compromise but it also has it issues

·        A five year old has already absorbed 35% of the maximum allowable pesticides for his lifetime

·        Very happy to see that City has set an example on its private property

·        She believes that environmental health illnesses linked to pesticides, not simply her own belief


Lee Radcliffe, plant health care technician

·        In his line of work, he is out in the community making it a more environmentally viable place through proper use of cultural practice and sensible use of low risk pesticides when needed

·        Activists mistakenly believe that pesticide free means it is environmentally sound

·        Not used for cosmetic reasons but for improving the environment, noted the benefits of a healthy lawn including purification of air.


Bob Baxby, Owner of Franchise of Nutrilawn in Kingston

·        Educates clients about proper practices

·        Lawn care consists of typically 4-5 visits. 1) Aerate and feed the lawn 2) Fertilize and spot spray the weeds, no blanket spraying 3)Again apply fertilizer, spot weed control is not applied because of heat 4)Spot treat and fertilize to resist insect and weeds 5) Winter fertilizer

·        Only treat with consent from customer

·        Merit grub treatment has the same ingredients as Advantage flea treatment, which is more concentrated, also used as vegetable pesticide. So therefore can feed it to family, put on pets but not spray in spots on lawn

·        Lawn care professionals have greater exposure to people on a daily basis to educate, would cost City exorbitant amount of money to do the same and be effective


Chris Urqhart, non-resident, Owner of Lawn and Tree Company in Ottawa,
Member of the Environmental Coalition of Ottawa

·        Coalition made up of members of the Lawn and Tree Care industry in Ottawa and members of the community

·        They are Environmental Stewards promoting customer education for years, and have been offering organic services since 1986

·        Misconception is that spraying lawns is totally covering them with pest controls, is actually liquid fertilizer, spot treat later.

·        Only infested areas are being treated

·        Supportive of City recommendations, educated and representative of the residents

·        Personally researches products he uses

·        Does not agree with 100% reduction


Tom Davies, Hamilton Resident Member of the Environmental Coalition of Ontario

·        All lawn care pest control substances are considered pesticides by definition.

·        No company is going to spend money to get products licensed for use

·        Organic alternatives are just as dangerous but not a pesticide so they are not regulated in usage, signage or training

·        Came from Hamilton to tell us that they have used a beet juice product there as a fertilizer when it is really a pesticide

·        This bylaw would allow backyard chemistry to take over again

·        He is afraid that he will one day be giving his employees a product to use that is unlicensed, unregistered and untested.

·        Bylaw undermines existing federal and provincial legislation

·        Alternative products are sold as fertilizer products but used as a pesticide and this sidesteps the law


Mike Larocque, Employee of the Tree, Shrub and Lawn care industry

·        Employed by the industry for 15 years

·        Forestry technician graduate and accredited trainer

·        Believes that viable alternatives are available is misinformed, leads people to believe that industry has a choice between the two

·        Best way to control pests is to promote and maintain plant’s health

·        Only alternative to pesticides is improvement and implementation of IPM

·        Must ensure that products and services are effective, they rely on PMRA to do this

·        Alternatives are not being registered by Health Canada and are not required to show proof of efficiency, this is a shortcoming

·        Violation of federal and provincial law to apply a product without the specific labeling to support the specific use of the product

·        This is to prevent home-brew products, but many of the products touted by activists fall in to this category

·        If alternatives were viable, why are they not being used to control pests now, and why are they not advertised

·        Viable product alternatives to federally registered pest control products do not exist, natural products are not registered


Darren Kalinowski, Supervisor of the Sales Department at Nutrilawn

·        Strives to educate all customers on the use of lawn care products

·        Only use pesticides when absolutely required, merely a tool

·        City billboards and website are miles behind what Nutrilawn has been doing

·        Ensures that discuss all options with customers

·        Nematodes are a good option if customers are diligent with watering but many do not have the time

·        Personal contact with customers for techniques to improve lawns


Neil Tucker, Nutrilawn, Ecology Friendly Lawn Care, Toronto

·        Not in a position to ban the retail sale of pesticides

·        Need support of all stakeholder for ban or reduction

·        Sale of products to homeowners will increase the use of pesticides

·        Eighty percent of home lawns that use lawn care do not carry warning signs

·        IPM is the answer and will minimize the use

·        Promote healthy lawn strategy and promote the healthy lawn care strategy

·        He has a large organic customers base over 40% of his customers, and promotes aeration and top dressing together with recommendations

·        Customers request pesticides

·        Homeowners will not know how to apply


Bob Rudock, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Horticulturist, Landscape Artist, Operator of Ottawa Branch of Greenspace.

·        Congratulated the City staff for report

·        Employed in Montréal during the ban

·        Had to explain to customers why lawn care companies could not utilize pesticides but that they could purchase on their own

·        Witnessed improper handling and mixing of products by customers who purchased at retail outlets without protection to themselves

·        Improper storing of chemicals

·        Training phase for lawn care applicators

·        The lawn care companies advise customers and keep them and their neighbours safe

·        Restrictive by law will not work


William Martin, Licensed Ontario Landscape Exterminator, Non-resident

·        The industry is already well regulated by the federal and provincial government

·        No evidence to the contrary that pesticides are safe

·        People do not want anymore regulation in their life

·        Why give a voice to a dishonest minority, this is a democracy and majority rules

·        Not possible to prevent people from doing it themselves

·        Where will city find money for this endeavor

·        Should we also ban perfume, gas?

·        Pesticides necessary

·        Companies only use a few pesticides not hundreds

·        Skunks and raccoons tear up lawns for grubs, they carry rabies


Robert Olsen, Ward 5, Employee of Greenspace Services for 17 years

·        Lawn care industry has matured and adheres to high standards

·        Makes sense to work with stakeholders to promote responsible usage of pesticides

·        Customers have indicated they will purchase and use pesticides in the event of a ban

·        Need all the information to make decisions

·        Presented reports that indicated the safety of 2-4-D including those from the World Health Organization and Health Canada and Harvard University

·        Education program compliments a well-balanced, factual and unbiased  information campaign to relieve some of the unneeded apprehension


Ryan VanHaastrect, a non-resident

·        Opposed to any policy that takes a hard line approach against any group

·        People differ about the sort of policy that should be implemented with respect to

·        Supportive of IPM

·        Activists claim that side effects are harmful but this cannot be proven

·        If issue is raised as a health issue there are no grounds for the bylaw

·        Should not have by law, just ensure they are being used properly

·        82% of all lawn care pesticides are sold in retail outlets, this number will rise with the implementation of a bylaw

·        If pesticides are safe enough to apply on food and golf courses, why are they not safe enough to apply on lawns?


Melvin Chiasson, Ottawa Resident

·        Greenscapes look poor in his home town of Halifax

·        Overall homeowners lawns look poor

·        Halifax has bylaw officers which is a major cost to taxpayers, who are ineffective in stopping individuals from treating their own lawns

·        Let professionals do their jobs


Eric Ruhs, Golf Course Superintendent at a local Club since 1987

·        Member of the Audubon sanctuary system of Canada and involved in the composting council of Canada

·        Property he manages has integrated drainage systems, watershed control, settlement ponds, positive for the

·        Pesticides undetectable in the water well

·        Tested creek that runs through the property, water quality improved in its exit of the property

·        Uses compost

·        Fundamentally believes in the reduction strategy, but not in a total ban


Don McQueen, Owner Operator of Nutrilawn Ecology Friendly Lawncare,
Greater Toronto Area

·        Ergonomic processes will generally keep a good lawn in shape but not possible to shape up a weed infested property with out pesticides if other practices fail to deliver result

·        Weeds in Oakville caused the cancellation of sporting events

·        Oakville has had to spend $150,00 on resodding blvds.

·        Judicious use of pesticide necessary for infestations

·        Healthy lawns provide oxygen, weed infested lawns do not

·        Purifies polluted air, reduce noise level and cool property

·        Increases value of home by 17%

·        Industry is ahead of City on pesticide reduction


Martin Williams, Lawn Care Operator, Greater Toronto Area

·        Graduate of post-secondary school for turf grass studies

·        He is a case study for practical eco-lawn care.

·        Has converted 40% of IPM customers to a 100% chemical free program

·        Need tools when necessary to fulfill the needs of the customers


Duncan Atkinson, Resident of Bruce County, Employed in pesticide industry for 24 years

·        Allergies happen when body mistakenly believes a harmless substance as harmful

·        Childhood asthma increasing, drain on health care system

·        Asthma society states that 20% of people have environmental sensitivities and only 1% of these are to pesticides

·        Harvard U says that pollen levels and thus allergens will increase due to toxins in the environment

·        People with EI will be unable to go outside if pesticides are banned

·        Medication for allergies has unbearable side effects


Dwayne McLeod, Resident, Ottawa South

·        Detailed devastation of grubs to Hunt Club

·        Does not want to have to deal with the problem of weed infestation

·        In the event of a ban he will purchase and do it himself

·        In agreement with reduction of pesticides but not ban


Tom Merner, Grey County

·        Media are telling people that they want organics

·        Brochure from City endangers people by advising that they use manure- could cause Walkerton like crisis

·        Choices will affect everyone

·        CTV news reported show that 10% of food is organic and cause 80% of the food borne illnesses


Sharon Smithers, front line receptionist for Nutrilawn in Ottawa

·        Has never spoken to someone who asks for their lawn to be made green

·        Gave examples of customers dealing with infestation

·        Older customers cannot take care of their lawns


Kyle Tobin, Owner of Lawnsavers Plant Health Care, Greater Ottawa Area

·        Lawn care professionals are well educated and trained

·        Compared their treatments as being done in the same manner as a doctor would

·        Do not make money on unnecessary applications

·        Individuals do use chemical free package but like to have the option of going back and forth

·        Signs are for safety


Rosemary Taylor, Homeopath

·        Soil becomes resistant to pesticides, insecticides, fungicide

·        Downfall in global and local ways to provide food and health

·        Genetically based evolutionary selection creates chemically resistant organisms

·        The genetic basis of pesticide resistance is in the insect and organism pathogens

·        There is a drawback in using as they exterminate all bugs not just the invaders

·        Other resistant pests will come in and repeat the cycle

·        Showed examples of pesticides that can be used as alternatives

·        Member of a community garden that uses these products

·        Seek a sensible, long range approach, phase in over 3 years so that Ecology and Industry have time to adjust

·        Proposed phasing in of banning

·        Strongly recommended immediate action


Brian Shane, Member of the Horticultural Industry, Resident Baseline Ward

·        Employs 85 people

·        Supports alternative practices and education which has the biggest impact on results

·        Company is best at these things

·        5 out of 7 visits to a property are for non-pesticide use; they combine many factors and approaches

·        Pests can overtake turf

·        Pesticides an important and necessary tool

·        Employ college and University students

·        Residents oppose this, complain that this infringes on their rights as property owners


André Lebrun, Lawn Care Professional

·        Congratulated staff for their balanced educated rational and reasonable recommendation

·        Balanced, not biased education

·        Practice what you preach

·        City does not have a good track record, cited some examples from the website

·        He is ready to compromise and go with City staff suggestions

·        He will not support a bylaw.  He does not agree with 100% reduction.


Alex Hay, Community Garden Network of Ottawa

·        The CGNO is an umbrella organization connecting and representing community gardens across Ottawa.

·        Supports and promotes the dozen community gardens in Ottawa

·        More than 400 people participate

·        Do not agree in a voluntary reduction

·        Feel that the by-law is necessary

·        Named org’s supporting a bylaw, inc: Registered Nurses of Ontario, The Ontario College of Family Physicians, The Ontario Public Health Organization

·        Community gardeners committed to the elimination of pesticides as they feel they pose a threat to human health

·        Pesticide free gardens are safer

·        Sensible, informed self interest

·        Using pesticides puts neighbors at risk so the CGNO supports a bylaw


Larry Branscombe, Owner, Enviromasters Lawn Care in Kingston

·        Disputed the claims of environmental illnesses and pesticide sensitivity,

·        Noted that they are falsely used to claim 20% of people are allergic to pesticides in order to further their cause

·        Many homeowners have allergies to pollens, banning pesticide increases allergens

·        Some activists make up stories to further their cause


Don Dankowich, Resident of Toronto, Director of the Weedman Franchises

·        His company owns rights in the US, have sold 120 franchises

·        They are creating employment and exporting material expertise to the US Market

·        Must see if by-law has actually been effective, how can it be when pesticides are still sold at the retail level

·        Residents of Hudson are still applying pesticides. The effect of the bylaw has been to transfer pesticide application from the hands of lawn care professionals to inexperienced non-professionals.

·        In response to pressure from special interest groups other municipalities have enacted by laws that are based on emotion and not science

·        By laws can restrict practice of IPM, backed by scientific and practical experience, only way to significantly reduce the use of pesticides and preserve the health of lawns

·        Cannot consider a bylaw without looking at IPM


Ann Coffey, Canadian Biodiversity Institute

·        In order to have a sustainable City, must consider all factors that make life enjoyable or difficult

·        Pesticide sensitive people have difficulties

·        Health of the whole should be the bottom line

·        Agent Orange is an example of a herbicide that was used as a biological weapon to defoliate forests in Vietnam

·        Pesticides are designed to kill

·        Biological weapons when used are considered terrorism, what is it when they contaminate air and water or harm citizens, she considers it ecological terrorism

·        Cannot trust federal or industry studies as the past has demonstrated, we must use common sense.

·        Pesticide do not only affect private property but others as well via water and air

·        Cataracts and autism are on the rise and linked to pesticide use.

·        Canada has the most polluted animal on earth, the Beluga Whale, when washed up dead it is treated as hazardous waste, with high bioaccumulations of pesticides in their body fat, the same goes for overweight children

·        DDT has been found in the artic, where there are no lawns

·        They have been implicated in damage to the reproductive systems of many species including humans

·        If industry failed to respond to the current anti-pesticide movement that has been a long time coming, it is no-one’s fault but their own

·        Our health should not be compromised because of their inability to adapt to change


Rob Bourne, Resident, Homeowner and Landlord

·        As a young entrepreneur has concerns about how this will affect the value of his properties

·        Does not have time to take care of his lawns personally

·        Satisfied with the lawn care company’s work

·        Feels a healthy lawn ensures increase in the value of his properties, which is supported by the CMHC website

·        As a young entrepreneur, understands the importance of maintaining investments

·        Costs of re-sodding exorbitant

·        Supports education and IPM


Chris Villeneuve Resident, Barrhaven

·        Father of two small children

·        Shame on City for coming in to his back yard to legislate pesticides approved by his Government on his lawn

·        Staff has done its job in determining what people want

·        The proceeding has been dominated by one Councillor (Cullen)

·        Come down to Mr. Cullen vs. the Homeowner

·        Staff has come with the people’s voice and then Mr. Cullen’s voice

·        Showed sign that was anti-Cullen


Ken Pavely, Co-coordinator of the IPM Council, Toronto Resident

·        Showed a power-point presentation

·        Talked about IPM Council Accreditation process

·        Endorsed by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture who has also endorsed the province taking over the program

·        Feels it is important for Council to understand where the Industry is at, notes this will not be a voluntary process , all will be required to follow this program

·        Its objective is to verify compliance with the code of practice through a two-part practice with audits, which consists of a desk review.

·        Stages of implementation are as follows: 110 Companies have successfully written the exam and are finalizing the pesticide reduction audit components

·        Phase 1 commences in 2003, Phase 2 in 2004. Council will be granting accreditations beginning in 2003

·        Auditors will be Canadian Environmental Auditors, Members will be given time if they are deficient to correct these.

·        If they chose not to they will then lose accreditation

·        The auditors are credited by the Standards Council of Canada, as program must be credible in every sense of the word

·        Management will be handled by Ridgetown College who already handles the Ministry of Environment Pesticide Program as well as a number of other similar programs

·        Have engaged manufacturers to notify only accredited companies will be able to purchase pesticides from commercial distributors; therefore cannot operate

·        Cannot make in any stronger than this; have urged the MOE to implement this across the province; would like it to become law

·        This is the most leading edge of this type of program in North America


Emil Remark, homeowner,

·        Former member of the Social Housing Advisory Committee and assisted staff in Whitby and Durham to assist with the downloading of housing so he has appreciation for work in this regard

·        Managed two projects and owns and operates a lawn care company, husband and wife

·        Raised on a farm, trained early in the value of tree and plant life

·        Saw devastation from death and disease

·        Decisions are being watched by other Municipalities and he felt it important to be a part of it

·        Recommendations are reasonable, optimistic that this can be achieved without a by-law

·        Education will help public, applauds Loblaws for removing pesticides


Darlene McInnes, Nutrilawn employee since 1992, Resident of Cumberland

·        Husband a certified pesticide applicator

·        Has witnessed IPM since its inception

·        She is a information and technical coordinator, ensures dialogue with customers

·        Has worked as Tom Bourne’s Asst. for the Ottawa Environmental Coalition, and as such has reviewed material for both sides

·        Worked with City staff to provide information requested, pros and cons

·        Does not totally agree with report but have captured the essence of what home-owners want

·        Will never get 100% elimination and should form a Committee with Industry and Councillors, Staff to implement targets

·        Organic customers have increased in her company

·        Could not give a number that she agreed with for a target, simply that it is more than 10% and not 100%

·        Education is going to be the solution


Kevin Cross

·        Said that women appeared to have greater affects from pesticides

·        Health Canada has best scientists in the world

·        PMRA is improving and being educated as the rest of the world

·        Citizens will be making their own pesticides

·        24D is not a Carcinogen, not proven

·        Precautionary principle is not valid

·        Introduction of alternatives – not necessarily safer

·        IPM could be totally ignored if bylaw is enacted.

·        Scare mongering gives Councillors the opportunity to enact new and sweeping powers on private and public property

·        Leave pesticide use to the professional individuals at PMRA


Roger Mongeon, President of Weedman,Ottawa

·        The largest concern from staff was how to effectively implement a by-law when 20% are unaware that they are using pesticides

·        Enforceability and costs are impossible

·        Hudson by-law ineffective

·        In 12 years there has not been one citizen fined in Hudson because they are not enforcing the bylaw

·        The only city enforcing the bylaw is Beaconsfield, which has 2 inspectors full time in the summer for 25,000 lawns, City inspector has to issue permits.

·        To equate this by law to Ottawa that would mean 30,000 by laws which would mean approximately 30 inspectors

·        How can one look at a bylaw without considering its costs; making a mockery of all discussions if enact by-law

·        Staff report founded in logic, public education important

·        When they request permit, there is an inspector present to conduct inspection, this works but the system costs money


Tom Bourne, owner of Nutrilawn

·        Pesticide Industry has been blamed, only uses 6-10 different pesticides

·        No evidence has been given to show that they are a health risk

·        There was evidence to the contrary

·        Do not use DDT

·        Goal for companies is lawn care reduction, accept the challenge from the City of Ottawa

·        People have spoken must heed this

·        Want to accept the challenge of a working relationship, made commitments

·        People will use pesticides regardless of a bylaw

·        Each product is different

·        Lawn Care Companies are goal oriented


Chris Lemke, Pest Control Safety Council

·        Scientists do not have a problem with chemicals but will tell the risks associated\

·        Do not have the money to fund people to come and argue in favour of pesticides

·        They are federally and provincially regulated

·        Pesticides are a very large group

·        DDT is not used in lawn care

·        Experts don’t come to meetings because they do not want to be involved in a political dispute

·        Salt in chemical applications can burn grass

·        Not supportive of a bylaw


Thomas Welch, owner of a Golf Course in Ottawa

·        Required to be licensed in order to apply pesticides

·        If City finds it necessary to enact a by-law pests and fungicide will still pose a problem

·        It is false to believe that these can be controlled without pesticides

·        Consider actions carefully, pesticides necessary to his livelihood

·        Organic components are not a viable alternative


John R. Monteith, graduate of Glasgow University in Scotland of Applied Chemistry, resident of Ottawa for 30 years

·        Disagrees with report, not based in scientific fact

·        Daughters allergies have doubled since the spraying of pesticides

·        Amounts of spray; very low exposure rate

·        Worked in pesticide industry on the production floor from 59-72

·        Has been exposed to many pesticides

·        People are only exposed 2 or 3 times a year, he worked 14hours a day and has experienced no adverse affects

·        Epidemiological study needs to be done on producers in pesticide industry

·        Need to tell whole story


Amy Kempster, Greenspace Alliance:

·        Supportive of a bylaw on numerous grounds

·        This will help preserve greenspace

·        Must prevent inadvertent destruction of plant and animal life

·        Pesticides cause degeneration of the diversity of life

·        Spreading affect, not merely on one lawn

·        Does not use pesticides on her lawn

·        If reject the bylaw, then consider banning near parks, schools and daycare


Ann Kelley

·        Encouraged councils to take responsibility as elected officials and ensure that a bylaw is enacted

·        From Rockliffe Park, worked house by house to stop use of pesticides, this approach worked and people are ready for a bylaw

·        Can effect change immediately as they are not anonymous back benchers

·        Round up is a carcinogen and a mutagen, decreases sperm count

·        Supportive of restrictive use of pesticides

·        Lawn care companies will not lose business, will have to make changes


Dr. Libuse Gilka, Physicians for a Healthy World

·        Spoke about comparisons between motor skill reduction in kids exposed to pesticides and those not exposed

·        There is still a battle between the two groups, medical profession and pro-pesticide groups.

·        Cancer was non existent in her former country as the communist government could not afford it

·        Very few cases of childhood cancer until pesticides used

·        We share basic blue prints with other life forms

·        Biochemical similarities are so common that they test on organisms and extrapolate for human beings, the same can be said for pesticides


Alexei Pidtchenko, concerned parent and resident of Ottawa:

·        Daughters were exposed to pesticides and had very adverse effects

·        Confirmed that they were poisoned by their doctor

·        Older child suffered headaches and a fever for 7 days because of this

·        Were told to avoid lawns

·        Asked Condo Corporation, and they responded that they will continue to use pesticides until a City by law is approved.

·        In support of bylaw

·        Each time lawn is sprayed they have to take their children away, they feel unsafe in their own city and country

·        Children is are unable to enjoy summer

·        Pesticides used on NCC Golf Course


Dr. John Molot, Environmental Medicine Practitioner

·        Results of a poll taken in 1990 said the family physician was the most trusted: of these, only 4% felt they were educated enough to give advice on environmental sensitivity issues;

·        Family physicians are being taught about the potential for affecting health and that there are cumulative, life-time risks;

·        They are also being taught to study the environmental history of their patients;

·        The incidence of amnio-lateral sclerosis (ALS) and dementia is going up;

·        Spraying for cosmetic purposes may cause risks;

·        Everyone has measureable levels of pesticides in their blood.


François Savard

·        Is a science teacher, pressing for a total ban and not in support of the staff report;

·        Teaches chemistry and biology and even though education is a good thing, some people don’t want to be educated;

·        Has worked with the Pesticide Management Review Agency in the past and is aware of some of its shortcomings.