Report to/Rapport au :
Planning and Environment Committee
Comité de l'urbanisme et de environnement
and Council / et au Conseil
14 December 2004 / le 14 décembre 2004
Submitted by/Soumis par : Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager/Directeur
municipal adjoint,
and Growth Management / Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
Contact Person/Personne ressource : Karen Currie,
Manager / Gestionnaire
Development Approvals / Approbation des
demandes d'aménagement
(613) 580-2424 x28310,
Plan and ZONING - 3090 Cedarview ROAD (FILE NO.
D01-01-04-0012 & D02-02-04-0070) |
the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:
1. Refuse an amendment to the former
Nepean Official Plan and the Council Adopted Official Plan Secondary Plan
policies to change the designation of Blocks 158 and 159 on the draft plan of
subdivision from Future Growth - FG to Commercial Area as shown in Document 3.
2. Approve
an amendment to the former Nepean Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of the
subject lands from Future Growth - FG to Residential Mixed Unit - (RMU) Zone for Area A, Institutional -(I) Zone for Area B, Parks and Recreation
(Public) - (PRP) Zone for Area C, and Conservation - (Con) Zone for Area D as
shown on Document 4 and as detailed in Document 5.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de
l’environnement recommande au Conseil municipal :
1. de
ne pas approuver une modification au Plan directeur de l’ancienne Ville de
Nepean et aux politiques adoptées par le Conseil municipal relatives au Plan
secondaire du Plan officiel en vue de faire passer le zonage des blocs 158 et
159 sur le plan de lotissement provisoire de Zone de croissance future - FG à
Zone commerciale comme l’indique le document 3.
2. d’approuver
une modification à l’ancien Règlement de zonage de Nepean en vue de faire
passer le zonage des terrains en question de Zone de croissance future – FG à
Zone de logements résidentiels mixtes – (RMU) pour le secteur A, Zone
institutionnelle - (I) pour le secteur B, Zone de parcs et de loisirs
(publique) – (PRP) pour le secteur C et Zone de conservation - (Con) pour le
secteur D comme l’indique le document 4 et le détaille le document 5.
parcel of land is located between Cedarview Road and Strandherd Drive,
immediately to the west of the existing Barrhaven community and east of the an
area designated and zoned for Prestige Business Park[U1] (see Document 1). The
subdivision approval granted in December 2004 (see Document 2) proposes a mix
of single-detached residential units and street townhouses, along with some
institutional and parks and open space. This development will constitute an
extension of the current residential neighbourhood on the east. The
application proposes 8.9 hectares of residential development, a 0.5 hectare
institutional site and a 3.58 hectare site for park and open space. Principle
site access is provided by way of extension of Kennevale Drive. There are two access points from Cedarview
Road to the east, and one site access point from Strandherd Road. In addition, three streets running to the
north within the subdivision have the potential to connect to future
This report deals
with two issues. One is a rezoning of the major portions of this subdivision
for residential development and the second is an Official Plan and Zoning
By-law amendment for two potential commercial sites within the plan.
In order to satisfy
one of the draft plan of subdivision approval conditions, an application has
been made to rezone the subject lands to appropriate zoning categories to
permit the development of the subdivision. Most of the site is proposed for
residential development with an institutional block, a park and conservation
lands for the realigned municipal drain along Cedarview Drive. The Zoning
By-law Amendment being proposed will facilitate these uses.
Official Plan and
Zoning Amendments are also being requested to permit approximately 3.0 hectares
of the subdivison to be used for commercial uses at the corner of Strandherd
and Kennevale Drives. The application would introduce two new commercial sites
to this area not contemplated by the Secondary Plan for Areas 9 and 10. [U2]
Existing and Proposed Official Plan
The proposed residential, institutional, park
and conservation uses comply with the Official Plan policies applicable to this
area. The Council Adopted Official Plan designates the site as a General Urban
Area. The former City of Nepean
Secondary Plan and Volume 2A: Secondary Plans of the Council Adopted Official
Plan for Areas 9 and 10 designate the area for residential, institutional and
community park facilities.
The proposed commercial uses for Blocks 158 and
159 on the attached draft plan are designated Residential in Volume 2A:
Secondary Plans of the Council Adopted Official Plan for Areas 9 and 10 (see
Document 6). The Official Plan Amendment request is to designate the sites as
Commercial Area to allow for retail opportunities and neighbourhood convenience
uses with a gas bar.
Existing Zoning and Proposed Zoning:
The site is zoned as a Future Growth Zone - FG.
The Future Growth Zone was placed on lands within the South Urban Area to
ensure that development occurred in an orderly and planned manner within the
parameters of a draft plan of subdivision. The Zoning By-law amendment to
Residential Mixed Unit - RMU Zone, Parks and Recreation (Public) - PRP Zone and
Conservation - Con Zone is necessary to facilitate the development of this
residential community in accordance with the Draft Plan of Subdivision which
was approved on December 1, 2004.
The applicant is requesting that Blocks 158 and
159 on the proposed revised plan of subdivision (see Document 3) be rezoned to
allow for commercial development. The request is for Block 158 to be rezoned to
a dual use zone, Commercial Automotive(Commercial Neighbourhood) - CA3(CN)
Zone, which would allow for a gas bar and neighbourhood convenience type uses up
to 1859 sq.m. Block 159 is proposed to be a Community Commercial - CC Zone
allowing potentially up to 10 000 sq.m in G.L.F.A. Under the approved draft
plan of subdivision, these blocks were proposed for residential development.
The Department is proposing that these Blocks be rezoned to RMU.
Official Plan Conformity:
The residential,
institutional, park and conservation uses comply fully with the Council Adopted Official Plan
and former Nepean Secondary Plan policies related to residential development in
this area. The plan of subdivision was recently draft approved and a number of
issues relating to the design and uses were resolved through this process.
The two commercial sites, which are the subject of an Official Plan Amendment (OPA), lie in the Residential designation within the Secondary Plans for Areas 9 and 10 in the former City of Nepean Official Plan and Volume 2A: Secondary Plans of the Council Adopted Official Plan. The Residential designation does not allow for commercial uses in this area, hence the request for an Official Plan Amendment. The Secondary Plan for Areas 9 and 10 was prepared by the City of Nepean shortly before amalgamation and incorporated into the former Nepean Official Plan. A significant amount of consultation with the surrounding residential community and the development industry was undertaken in order to formulate the policies that constitute this Secondary Plan. The marketing studies prepared in association with the South Nepean Town Centre proposals were also used to determine the potential retail opportunities that should be allowed in this planning area. The resulting approved Secondary Plan designated two pockets of Commercial use along Strandherd Drive west of the Town Centre to serve the immediate business park and residential community (see Document 6). Concerns were expressed through the planning process that creating a potentially high volume of new commercial development in this area would jeopardise the achievement of a viable and sustainable residential development between Strandherd Drive and Cedarview Road.
A number of retail opportunities exist in the core of the South Nepean Activity Centre. This area is on it’s way to reaching its targeted retail thresholds and continues to grow. The South Nepean Town Centre Design Plan that is currently underway is formulating design guidelines that will outline the future direction for new developments in the Town Centre. The Department is of the opinion that allowing additional unplanned retail opportunities outside of the core at this time will compromise the goal of a vibrant Town Centre with a sustainable retail base. There is substantial commitment to infrastructure improvements in the way of the O-Train, transitway extension, and the Jock River Collector Sewer to facilitate expansion of the Town Centre. Allowing unplanned commercial development will impact the Town Centre negatively.
This segment of
Strandherd Drive just off Highway 416 is the major entryway into all of South
Nepean and was designed to have a high standard of design. Hence a deliberate
attempt to restrict the proliferation of gas stations along this strip was
incorporated into the policies. Allowing the Commercial Automotive Zone at the
end of Kennevale Drive will compromise the overall ability to achieve the
desired design integrity along this roadway. A gas station is permitted and
planned just west of this site at the intersection of Strandherd Drive and
Fallowfield Road. There will be no shortage of gas stations on this roadway. One
already exists at Strandherd Drive and Woodroffe Avenue and another is under
construction at Longfields and Strandherd Drive. There is also an undeveloped
site at the south west corner of Strandherd Drive and Greenbank Road.
The Department is supportive of the proposal to
rezone the residential lands within this subdivision to the proposed RMU zone;
however, the requests for the Official Plan Amendments are not supported for
the reasons outlined above. Hence the two proposed commercial blocks should be
rezoned to the same RMU zone as the remainder of the subdivision.
Most were concerned that the extension of Kennevale Road was going to result in increased traffic in the existing neighbourhoods. The addition of a commercial focus it was felt would result in more vehicular trips on this roadway creating pedestrian hazards and noise issues. Staff agrees that traffic generation may create more inconveniences as a result of the commercial plaza proposal, however, with regards to the extension of Kennevale, it was planned as part of the Secondary Plan process and is not a new concept. It is needed to facilitate traffic circulation for the existing Barrhaven community and the new neighbourhood wishing to access Highway 416.
The application was not processed within the
timeframe established for the processing of Official Plan and Zoning By-Law
amendments because of negotiations related to the draft plan of subdivision
Document 1 Location
Document 2 Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision
Document 3 Draft Plan of Subdivision (Proposed)
Document 4 Draft Zoning By-law Schedule
Document 5 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 6 Schedule
A Land Use Areas 9 and 10 (Source Volume 2A: Secondary Plans of the Council
Adopted Official Plan
Department of Corporate Services, Secretariat
Services to notify the applicant Mr. William Buchanan, DCR Phoenix Development
Corporation, 18 Bentley Ave. Nepean,
ON. K2E 6T8, All Signs, 8692 Russell Road, Navan, ON K4B 1J1, and the Program Manager,
Assessment, Department of Corporate Services of City Council’s decision.
Development Services Department to prepare the implementing by-law,
forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.
Department of Corporate Services, Legal Services Branch to forward the
implementing by-law to City Council.
The following changes are proposed to Zoning By-law
1) The property located at 3090 Cedarview Drive
and shown on Document 4 be rezoned as follows:
i) Area A from Future Growth - FG, to Residential Mixed Unit Zone - RMU
ii) Area B from Future Growth - FG to
Institutional - I
iii) Area C
from Future Growth - FG to Parks
and Recreation Zone (Public) - PRP
iv) Area D
from Future Growth - FG to Conservation
- Con Zone
A: Land Use Areas 9 and 10 Document
[U1]Insert address; Insert description of location (tract of land SE quadrant of Street A&B)
[U2]Description of current site features, any buildings, wooded areas, etc; current uses and/or previous uses (if known); Heritage designations if any; Current zoning and OP designations; description of surrounding/adjacent lands; Etc.
[U3]Describe generally what is proposed through the application (residential subdivision – singles and towns, industrial subdivision), and effect of the proposal (infill of an undeveloped parcel, expansion of rural village, etc.)