Finance and Economic Development Committee MINUTES 20 Tuesday, 1 May 2012, 9:30 a.m. Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West Present: Chair : Mayor J. Watson Councillors P. Clark (Vice-Chair ), R. Chiarelli, D. Deans, K. Egli, A. Hubley, P. Hume, M. McRae, M. Taylor, M. Wilkinson Regrets Councillor D. Thompson (City Business) CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Minutes 19 - Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting of 3 April 2012 CONFIRMED DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE 1. 2011–2014 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN ACS2012-CMR-OCM-0008 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Finance and Economic Development Committee: 1. Approve Appendix A to this report; and 2. Refer the report to the Transit Commission, Standing Committees and Council for their consideration and approval as follows: * Transportation Committee – Appendix B: 2 May 2012; * Environment Committee – Appendix C: 3 May 2012; * Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee – Appendix D: 10 May 2012; * Planning Committee – Appendix E: 8 May 2012; * Transit Commission – Appendix F: 16 May 2012; * Community and Protective Services Committee – Appendix G: 17 May 2012; * Council – Appendix H: 23 May 2012; and 3. That Council consider and approve this report in its entirety following consideration by the Transit Commission and the various Standing Committees. CARRIED 2. 400TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS OF SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN’S VOYAGE TO OTTAWA ACS2012-CMR-OCM-0007 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the celebratory plan for the 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain’s voyage to Ottawa as described in this report, and refer associated funding to the 2013 budget process. CARRIED CITY CLERK AND SOLICITOR DEPARTMENT 3. COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1ST TO MARCH 31ST, 2012 ACS2012-CMR-LEG-0005 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council receive this report for information. RECEIVED CITY TREASURER AND FINANCE 4. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 2011 TO DECEMBER 31, 2011 ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0017 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council receive this report for information. Staff responded to questions from Councillors Egli and McRae with respect to the report. The report was then RECEIVED by Committee as presented. DIRECTION TO STAFF: That staff explore ways of providing clearer explanations of how money is being spent without necessarily providing a significantly larger report. 5. 2011 – PURCHASING YEAR IN REVIEW ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0016 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council receive this report for information. Staff responded to questions from Councillor McRae with respect to the report. The report was then RECEIVED by Committee as presented. 6. 2012 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET Q1 STATUS REPORT ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0018 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Finance and Economic Development Committee: 1. Receive this report for information; and 2. Recommend Council approve the capital budget adjustments as outlined in Document 5 CARRIED Committee considered the following motion: MOTION FED 20/01 Moved by Councillor K. Egli WHEREAS an error was noted in the “Discussion” section of the above-noted report with respect to the date for the details on Q1 results to be submitted to the Transit Commission (page 230 of the Agenda package - currently referenced as June 20); THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report be amended to indicate that the details on Q1 results will be submitted to the Transit Commission on May 16. CARRIED The report recommendations were then put to Committee and CARRIED, as amended by Motion 20/01. 7. 2012 TAX RATIOS AND OTHER TAX POLICIES ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0015 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve:   1. The adoption of the following optional property classes in 2012: * Shopping centre commercial property class * Parking lots and vacant lands commercial property class * Office building commercial property class * Large industrial property class * New multi-residential property class * Professional sports facility class   2. The adoption of the following tax ratios for 2012:   Tax Class Ratios ** Residential 1.000000 Multi-Residential 1.700000 New Multi-Residential 1.000000 Farm 0.200000 Managed Forest 0.250000 Pipeline 1.539271 Commercial Broad Class 1.924496 - Commercial * 1.826951 - Office Building * 2.207164 - Parking Lots and Vacant Land – Commercial* 1.197053 - Shopping Centre * 1.519664 - Professional Sports Facility 1.826951 Industrial Broad Class 2.428169 - Industrial * 2.574494 - Large Industrial * 2.210831 * including new construction classes for BET purposes ** Subject to final minor revisions upon OPTA close-off 3. The adoption of the following tax ratios and by-laws for the mandatory property subclasses and the tax rate percentage reduction for farmland awaiting development: * Commercial excess land (i.e. commercial, office and shopping centre tax classes) - 70% of the applicable commercial property class tax ratio * Vacant industrial land, industrial and large industrial excess land - 65% of the applicable industrial property class tax ratio * Farm lands awaiting development subclass I - 75.0% of the residential property class tax ratio and the corresponding tax rate percentage reduction for the awaiting residential, multi-residential, commercial and industrial property classes; and Farm lands awaiting development subclass II - no tax rate reduction 4. That the tax rates for 2012 be established based on the ratios adopted herein. 5. That the 2012 capping and clawback provisions be as follows: a) That capping parameters be approved at the higher of 10% of the previous year’s annualized tax or 5% of the 2011 Current Value Assessment (CVA) taxes; b) That capped/clawback properties whose recalculated annualized taxes fall within $250 of their CVA taxation be moved to their CVA tax for the year; c) That properties which have reached their CVA during 2011 or crossed over from the clawed back category to the capped category remain at CVA taxes and be excluded from any further and future capping adjustments; d) That properties that cross over from the capped category to the clawed back category remain subject to claw back adjustments. 6. That the tax level for “new construction” properties be set at a minimum level of 100% of their CVA taxes for 2012 and future taxation years. 7. That the property tax mitigation programs be continued and endorsed for 2012, including the charitable and vacancy rebate programs, the Farm Grant Program and the Low Income Seniors and Disabled Persons Complete Tax Deferral Program as previously approved by Council; and a) the associated policies be received and endorsed; and b) that any future municipal capital facility agreements be presented to FEDCO for review and recommendation to Council for approval. 8. a) Changes to the Urban Fire Special Service area for tax levy purposes pursuant to section 326 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as defined in the attached report to include properties within Document 1 – Fire Zone 41 and within Document 2 – Fire Zone 47. b) Changes to the Rural Fire Special Service area for tax levy purposes pursuant to section 326 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as defined in the attached report to exclude properties within Document 1 – Fire Zone 41 and to exclude properties within Document 2 – Fire Zone 47. 9. a) That City Council give direction to City staff, interested stakeholders such as Eastern Ontario Landlord Organization (EOLO) to work together and attempt to find, refine or develop generally accepted methods of demonstrating the tax burden on multi-residential properties as compared to residential properties so that City Council can address the multi-residential tax ratio question. b) That City Council request the Province investigate the use of a more sophisticated valuation model of income capitalization for the Multi-Residential properties by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) to facilitate the determination of the equivalent tax burden between the residential and multi-residential property tax classes and among the various property types within the multi-residential property tax class. CARRIED PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 8. LANSDOWNE PARTNERSHIP PLAN – CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL WORKS ACS2012-ICS-INF-0005 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve that staff undertake the construction works for soil remediation and the relocation of the Horticulture Building as described in this report, to be funded through the advancement of $12.6 million of existing capital authority to the 2012 spending plan. Kent Kirkpatrick, City Manager, provided Committee with a verbal overview of the staff report and recommendations. Committee heard from the following public delegations: * Erin Kelly, Ottawa Chamber of Commerce; * Richard Hayter; * David Eaton. Any written submissions provided by the delegations are held on file with the City Clerk. Committee also received a written submission from Mr. Dick Brown, Executive Director of the Ottawa Gatineau Hotel Association, a copy of which is held on file with the City Clerk. Staff responded to questions from Committee members with respect to the report. Committee considered the following motion: MOTION FED 20/02 Moved by Councillor M. Taylor WHEREAS the current wording in the report Lansdowne Partnership Plan – Construction of Capital Works related to the Certificate of Public Use and the construction timelines requires more clarity; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the current wording on this issue which currently reads, “It is anticipated that the MOE will post a Certificate of Property Use (CPU) by mid-May. The CPU will establish the risk management measures approved by the Ministry of the Environment regarding the contaminated soils on the Lansdowne site. The CPU will be posted for a minimum of 30-days, during which time the public will have the opportunity to provide comment. The City will not issue a Commence Work Order until such time as the CPU has been approved by the MOE.”; Be amended to read as follows: “It is anticipated that the MOE will post a Certificate of Property Use (CPU) by mid-May. The CPU will establish the risk management measures approved by the Ministry of the Environment regarding the contaminated soils on the Lansdowne site. The CPU will be posted for a minimum of 30-days, during which time the public will have the opportunity to provide comment. The City will not issue a Commence Work Order for the contaminated soil remediation specified in the CPU until such time as the CPU has been approved by the MOE. Other work such as Coliseum Building demolition and Horticulture Building relocation may commence earlier, and any excavated materials required for those works will be handled in accordance with applicable regulations.” CARRIED The report recommendations were then put to Committee and CARRIED, as amended by Motion FED 20/02. REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIPS AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 9. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – ACQUISITION, DISPOSAL AND LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY – 1 JULY TO 31 DECEMBER 2011 ACS2012-PAI-REP-0011 CITY-WIDE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee receive this report for information. RECEIVED 10. DISPOSAL STRATEGY - 9 LEEMING DRIVE – FORMER ST. THOMAS SCHOOL ACS2012-PAI-REP-0012 BAY REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council: 1. Approve the staff recommendation to retain a small portion of the property at 9 Leeming Drive, shown as Parcel A on Document 2 attached and having an area of approximately 0.124 ha (0.306 acres) to increase the size of Maki Park to allow for future park development; 2. Declare the remainder of the property at 9 Leeming Drive, being Parcels B and C on Document 2 attached as surplus to the City’s needs; 3. Approve the staff recommendation to market the remainder of the property at 9 Leeming Drive for sale being Parcels B and C on Document 2 attached and having an area of approximately 1.00 ha (2.47 acres) and legally described as part Block E, Registered Plan 442519 to recoup a portion of the $2M expenditure; and 4. Approve the transfer of the property described in Recommendation 3 to the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation (OCLDC) to initiate the sale and redevelopment of this property as described in this report. Appearing before Committee on this item were Mr. Gordon MacNair, Director of the Real Estate Partnership & Devevelopment Office, Mr. Peter Radke, Manager of Realty Initiatives & Development, and Mr. Dhaneshwar Neermul, Program Manager of Strategic Realty Services. Mr. Neermul spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to provide Committee with an overview of the report. A copy of his presentation is held on file with the City Clerk. The following individuals had registered to speak on this item but were not in attendance when Committee dealt with the item: * Ms. Ruth Tremblay, Crystal Beach/Lakeview Community Association (CBLCA) * Mr. Michael Tremblay, Crystal Beach/Lakeview Community Association (CBLCA) * Mr. Grant Millar, Crystal Beach/Lakeview Community Association (CBLCA) * Mr. Harry Kingston, Crystal Beach/Lakeview Community Association (CBLCA) A copy of the CBLCA’s written submission was received by Committee and is held on file with the City Clerk. The report recommendations were then put to Committee and CARRIED, as presented. 11. PROPERTY SETTLEMENT – TRIM ROAD PROJECT (NORTH SERVICE ROAD TO INNES ROAD), CLARIDGE HOMES (TRIM ROAD) INC. ACS2012-PAI-REP-0006 Orléans (1) REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the property settlement for the acquisition of a strip of vacant lands containing 3.123 ha, shown as Parcel 1 and Parcel 3 on Document 1, as required for the Trim Road (North Service Road to Innes Road) Project for the amount of $1,614,240 from Claridge Homes (Trim Road) Inc. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned the meeting at 10:23 a.m. Committee Coordinator Chair FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 6 DECEMBER 2011 ii COMITÉ DES FINANCES ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE PROCES-VERBAL 15 LE 6 DÉCEMBRE 2011 PAGE Notes: 1. Please note that these Minutes are to be considered DRAFT until confirmed by Committee. 2. Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. 3. Unless otherwise noted, items requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on 9 May 2012 in Finance and Economic Development Committee Report 20. FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES 20 1 MAY 2012 2