ACS number
Select Committee_ENG
Select Committee_FRE
Date submitted_ENG
Date submitted_FRE
If Council or a Committee has previously considered the matter, include a brief history or chronology of the item, including dates on which the item was considered, by which Committee, and motions/decisions made at those meetings.  If existing policy or a precedent exists, it should be noted in this section of the report.
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Version française (send for translation through Ozone)
The recommendations should be clear, explicit and provided in both English and French.  They should be written in the form of a Council motion suitable for immediate adoption and provide a logical outcome of analysis and discussion.
Version française – send for translation through Ozone
Begin with a summary statement or paragraph that states why the recommendation is proposed and the value added (i.e. save money, improve service, etc.)  Various options considered by staff should be presented, as well as they those options were not proposed (use pros and cons if applicable).  Any benchmarking (i.e. City standards, comparison with standards in industry and/or other municipalities) or reviews of best practices (i.e. other policies, programs and processes that are similar to those being processed) should be noted in this section.
The report must explain how the recommendations will affect rural residents, lands, services or businesses, including implications on rural land use, by-laws, green space, quality of life, agricultural issues, water quality, wildlife management, forest management, etc.
This section consists of two components: consultation and public notification.  The purpose of notification is to inform and provide specifics about the way in which consultation will take place.  Consultation should be designed to engage stakeholders in a discussion about a proposal and to obtain feedback.  It should describe the steps that have been taken to engage the public, as well as any input that was received.
ONLY LEGAL SERVICES STAFF MAY COMPLETE THIS SECTION.  Report writers should provide the general information, details and rationale related to the topic in the Discussion section of the report, as well as any known or previously identified legal issues or concerns.  The respective Solicitor will outline the legal impact to the City resulting from the report recommendations in the Legal Implications section.  If there are no legal implications, the Solicitor will provide a comment to that effect.  All reports will be sent via the online RADAR tool to Sharon Pagé (ext. 27398) to secure the necessary comments and approval from Legal Services.  Reports cannot go forward without addressing this section and should be forwarded to Legal Services five (5) working days prior to the report deadline.

If a risk has been identified, the details should be well communicated in the report.  Report writers should provide the general risk information, details, rationale, and associated impacts related to the topic in the Discussion section of the report.  Considerations that should be addressed include:


Has the risk been accurately explained, including how likely it is to materialize and what impact it would have on the City?

What steps have been taken, or need to be taken, to effectively mitigate risk?

If a timeline changes the risk, has this been identified?

Has the risk been linked to anticipated impact on priorities and objectives?

Is sufficient attention being devoted to monitor risk? How?


This section should include one of the following statements:

There are no risk implications; or

There are risk implications.  These risks have been identified and explained in the report and are being managed by the appropriate staff


If you require additional assistance, contact Kim Hunton, Corporate Risk Management Coordinator, Corporate Business Services, CMO at extension 43703.
ONLY FINANCE STAFF MAY COMPLETE THIS SECTION.  Report writers should provide the general finance information, details and rationale related to the topic in the Discussion section of the report.  Finance will outline the financial impact to the City resulting from the report recommendations in the Financial Implications section.  If there are no financial implications, Finance will provide a comment to that effect.  All reports will be sent via the online RADAR tool to your Finance Account Manager to secure the necessary comment from the Finance Department.  Reports cannot go forward without addressing this section and should be forwarded to Finance five (5) working days prior to the report deadline.
Name, Job Title, Department (English/French)
Telephone Number, Email Address