Finance and Economic Development Committee Comité des finances et du développement économique DISPOSITION 19 / SUITE À DONNER 19 Tuesday, 3 April 2012 le mardi 3 avril 2012 Note: 1. Unless otherwise indicated, Council will be requested to consider all items at its meeting of 11 April 2012 in Finance and Economic Development Committee Report 19. Nota : 1. À moins d’avis au contraire, on demandera au Conseil d’étudier toutes les articles contenus dans le rapport no 19 du Comité des finances et du développement économique lors de sa réunion du 11 avril 2012 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 18 - Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting of 6 March 2012 CONFIRMED TRANSIT COMMISSION COMMISSION DU TRANSPORT EN COMMUN 1. APPLYING FINANCIAL PENALTIES TO CONTRACTS ISSUED BY OC TRANSPO INCLUSION DE PÉNALITÉS FINANCIÈRES AUX CONTRATS ÉMIS PAR OC TRANSPO ACS2012-CMR-OTC-0002 CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend to Council that contracts issued by OC Transpo include a Liquidated Damages clause where the potential or actual consequences to it would be significant from a financial or service delivery perspective for failure to deliver on-time or to expected standards. CARRIED CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE BUREAU DU DIRECTEUR MUNICIPAL 2. 2012 CITY OF OTTAWA MUNICIPAL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (COMAP) UPDATE REPORT MISE À JOUR DU RAPPORT SUR LE PLAN D’ACCESSIBILITÉ MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE D’OTTAWA (PAMVO) 2012 ACS2012-CMR-OCM-0006 CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council receive and consider the REVISED version of the above-noted report and the original supporting documents. CARRIED That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council: 1. Receive for information the 2011-2012 City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP) report; 2. Approve the 2012-2016 City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan as outlined in this report; 3. Approve the City of Ottawa Accessibility Policy to replace the Standards for Accessible Customer Service policy; 4. Approve the Accessible Formats and Communication Supports Procedures in lieu of the Multiple Formats Policy; and, 5. Approve the Accessibility Impacts Checklist as outlined in this report. CARRIED CITY CLERK AND SOLICITOR DEPARTMENT SERVICES DU GREFFIER MUNICIPAL ET DU CONTENTIEUX 3. STATUS UPDATE - FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE INQUIRIES AND MOTIONS - FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 23 MARCH 2012 RAPPORT DE SITUATION - DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS ET MOTIONS DU COMITÉ DES FINANCES ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE POUR LA PÉRIODE SE TERMINANT LE 23 MARS 2012 ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0030 CITY-WIDE / À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Finance and Economic Development Committee receive this report for information. RECEIVED 4. 2011 YEAR END MFIPPA REPORT - SUMMARY RAPPORT DE FIN D'ANNÉE SUR L'APPLICATION DE LA LAIMPVP - SOMMAIRE 2011 ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0014 CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council receive this report for information. CARRIED CITY TREASURER AND FINANCE TRÉSORERIE ET FINANCES DE LA VILLE 5. CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES - 2012 LEVIES PRÉLÈVEMENTS 2012 DES OFFICES DE PROTECTION DE LA NATURE ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0013 CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the 2012 levies as presented in Document 1 for the following: 1. Rideau Valley Conservation Authority; 2. South Nation Conservation Authority; and 3. Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority. CARRIED 6. 2012 BUDGETS AND SPECIAL LEVIES FOR BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREAS AND SPARKS STREET MALL AUTHORITY BUDGETS DE 2012 POUR LES ZONE D’AMÉLIORATION COMMERCIAL ET L’ADMINISTRATION DU MAIL DE LA RUE SPARKS ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0012 CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE 1. That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the 2012 budgets and special levies, as presented in Document 1, for the following: Bank Street BIA Barrhaven BIA Bells Corners BIA ByWard Market BIA Carp BIA Carp Road Corridor BIA Glebe BIA Manotick BIA Orleans BIA Preston BIA Rideau BIA Sparks Street BIA Sparks Street Mall Authority Somerset Village BIA Somerset Chinatown BIA Vanier BIA Wellington West BIA Westboro BIA 2. That Council enact the BIA levy by-laws and the Sparks Street Mall Authority by-law for the BIAs and mall authority listed in Recommendation 1 once the 2012 tax ratios are approved by Council. CARRIED 7. REPORT ON BUDGET EXPENSES PURSUANT TO ONTARIO REGULATION 284/09 RAPPORT SUR LES DÉPENSES BUDGÉTAIRES CONFORMÉMENT AU RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 284/09 ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0010 CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council receive this report for information. CARRIED CITY OPERATIONS OPÉRATIONS MUNICIPALES PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES SERVICES DES PARCS, DU LOISIR ET DE LA CULTURE 8. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FOR NEW ARENA FACILITY IN SHEFFORD PARK PARTENARIAT PUBLIC-PRIVÉ POUR UN NOUVEL ARÉNA AU PARC SHEFFORD ACS2012-COS-PRC-0005 Beacon Hill - Cyrville (11) That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve that staff initiate a P3 Process for the financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance of a multi-pad arena in Shefford Park as described in this report. CARRIED PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE URBANISME ET INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT URBANISME ET GESTION DE LA CROISSANCE 9. BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY TAX ASSISTANCE/ REHABILITATION GRANT APPLICATION – UNITRIN DEVELOPMENTS INC. AND TRIFORM DEVELOPMENTS INC. – 280 – 300 WEST HUNT CLUB ROAD (FILE NO. F18-04-11-UNIT) DEMANDE D’ALLÈGEMENT DE L’IMPÔT FONCIER ET DE SUBVENTION POUR LA REMISE EN VALEUR DES FRICHES INDUSTRIELLES – UNITRIN DEVELOPMENTS INC. ET TRIFORM DEVELOPMENTS INC. – 280–300, RUE HUNT CLUB OUEST (DOSSIER NO F18-04-11-UNIT) ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0066 Knoxdale-Merivale (9) That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve: 1. The Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Application submitted by Unitrin Developments Inc. and Triform Developments Inc., owners of the property at 280-300 West Hunt Club Road, for a Brownfields Property Tax Assistance and Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant not to exceed $4,579,511.00 payable as a property tax rebate or equivalent to Unitrin Developments Inc. and Triform Developments Inc. over a maximum of eight years subject to the establishment of, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Agreement; 2. Delegation of authority to the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Infrastructure, to execute a Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Agreement with Unitrin Developments Inc. and Triform Developments Inc. establishing the terms and conditions governing the payment of the Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant for 280-300 West Hunt Club Road to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Infrastructure, the City Clerk and Solicitor and the City Treasurer; 3. An exemption for the proposed redevelopment at 280-300 West Hunt Club Road from paying future Municipal development charges up to a maximum of $2,029,651.00 under Section 7 of the South Urban Centre Stormwater Development Charges By-law, 2009 in accordance with the Guideline for the Development Charge Reduction Program due to Site Contamination approved by Council March 28, 2007 and included in the $4,579,511.00 grant request as outlined in Recommendation 1 above; 4. The enactment of a property tax assistance by-law providing tax assistance for the property at 280-300 West Hunt Club Road in the form of conditional cancellation and/or deferral of the increase in the taxes levied on the property for municipal purposes under the provisions and requirements of Section 365.1, as amended, of the Municipal Act with the amount not to exceed $4,579,511.00 subject to the terms and conditions of the Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Agreement; and 5. Staff to apply for matching property education tax assistance for the property at 280-300 West Hunt Club Road under the Provincial Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program or through any other replacement program administered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. CARRIED REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIPS AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE BUREAU DES PARTENAIRES IMMOBILIERS ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT 10. RENOVATION OF 658.9m2 (7,092 SQUARE FEET) AT 255 CENTRUM BOULEVARD RÉNOVATION D’UNE SURFACE DE 658,9 m2 (7 092 PIEDS CARRÉS) AU 255, BOULEVARD CENTRUM ACS2012-PAI-REP-0008 Cumberland (19), Orléans (1) That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve a change in scope for the retrofit of the former Council Chambers / auditorium area and existing office space located within 255 Centrum Boulevard which was previously approved in Council Report ACS2010-CMR-REP-0028 and was specific to a lease with the Federal Government. CARRIED 11. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LANDS DEMANDE D’APPROBATION D’EXPROPRIATION ACS2012-PAI-REP-0009 Orléans (1), Cumberland (19), Barrhaven (3), Gloucester South/Sud Nepean (22), Kanata South/Sud (23), Kitchissippi (15) That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the application for approval to expropriate lands pursuant to Section 4 of the Expropriations Act, that are required to facilitate: 1. The widening and construction of Trim Road, between North Service Road and Innes Road; 2. The widening and construction of St. Joseph Boulevard/Old Montreal Road, between Highway 174 Ramp 45 and the Cardinal Creek Bridge; 3. The widening and construction of Tenth Line Road, between Vanguard Drive and the South Urban Boundary; 4. The widening and construction of Jockvale Road, between Paul Métivier Drive and Cambrian Road; 5. The construction of the intersection of Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road; and 6. The protection of a section of land required for Rapid Transit Network identified on Official Plan Schedule D, being part of 855 Carling Avenue. CARRIED 12. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS - ROMAN AVENUE PROPERTIES DÉCLARATION D’EXCÉDENT – PROPRIÉTÉS DE L’AVENUE ROMAN ACS2012-PAI-REP-0007 Bay/Baie (7) That the Finance and Economic Development Committee: 1. Declare the properties known municipally as 2506, 2512, 2554, 2570 and 2580 Roman Avenue as shown on Document 1 as surplus to the City’s needs and authorize the sale of the properties in accordance with the City’s Disposal of Real Property Policy; and 2. Recomment Council approve that the proceeds from the sale of the houses be deposited in West Transitway Account #904688 to fund implementation of the interim transit improvement measures approved by Council in report ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0178 in November 2011. CARRIED, as amended INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION DISTRIBUÉE AUPARAVANT A. REPORT ON USE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY DURING 2011 BY PUBLIC WORKS AS SET OUT IN SCHEDULE ‘B’ CITY OPERATIONS PORTFOLIO OF BY-LAW 2011-28 RAPPORT SUR L’UTILISATION DE LA DÉLÉGATION DE POUVOIRS EN 2011 PAR TRAVAUX PUBLICS, COMME IL EST INDIQUÉ À L’ANNEXE B DU PORTEFEUILLE DES OPÉRATIONS MUNICIPALES, DU RÈGLEMENT 2011-28 ACS2012-COS-PWS-0005-IPD CITY-WIDE/À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE RECEIVED CORPORATE SERVICES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA 56 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 ii COMITÉ DES SERVICES ORGANISATIONNELS ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE ORDRE DU JOUR 56 LE 19 SEPTEMBRE 2006 PAGE FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DISPOSITION 19 3 APRIL 2012 viii COMITÉ DES FINANCES ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE SUITE À DONNER 19 LE 3 AVRIL 2012