Report to/Rapport au :


Finance and Economic Development Committee

Comité des finances et du développement économique


27 March 2012 / le 27 mars 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager / Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure / Urbanisme et Infrastructure


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Robin Souchen, Manager. Realty Services Branch

Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office/Bureau des partenaires immobiliers et du développement

(613) 580-2424 x 21549,


Bay/Baie (7)

Ref N°: ACS2012-PAI-REP-0007








déclaration d’excédent – propriétés de l’avenue roman





That the Finance and Economic Development Committee declare the properties known municipally as 2506, 2512, 2554, 2570 and 2580 Roman Avenue as shown on Document 1 as surplus to the City’s needs and authorize the sale of the properties in accordance with the City’s           Disposal of Real  Property Policy.





Que le Comité des finances et du développement économique déclarer excédentaires par rapport aux besoins de la Ville les propriétés dont les adresses municipales sont les 2506, 2512, 2554, 2570 et 2580, avenue Roman et dont les contours sont indiqués en noir dans le document 1, et d’en autoriser la vente conformément à la politique de la Ville sur l’aliénation de biens immobiliers.





City Council, at its meeting held on 7 May 2008, approved a resolution directing staff to acquire properties located on the south side of Roman Avenue to facilitate the construction of the West Transitway Extension by providing a potential surface route as a less expensive alternative to the tunnel proposed in the 1996 Environmental Assessment for the project.  This surface route had been discarded during the environmental assessment process due to its significant community impact.  At that time Council also directed staff to undertake a Planning and Environmental Assessment study to review all of the route alternatives in this area.


The properties identified in Recommendation 1, outlined in black on Document 1, and municipally known as 2506, 2512, 2554, 2570 and 2580 Roman Avenue were acquired from willing sellers to accommodate the West Transitway Extension (Southwest Transit Way to Pinecrest Road).  


On 2 November 2011, Council received the results of the Planning and Environmental Assessment study, and directed staff to proceed with the tunnel option as previously approved in the 1996 Environmental Assessment Plan for the West Transit Way Extension (Southwest Transitway to Pinecrest Road) as the preferred alternative. Council also approved the cancellation of the acquisition program for the residential properties located on the south side of Roman Avenue. 


As a result of the reversion to the 1996 Environmental Assessment Plan for the West Transit Way Extension (Southwest Transit Way to Pinecrest Road), the subject properties are now surplus to the requirements of the project. The particulars of each property are detailed below.


2506 Roman Avenue


2506 Roman Avenue is improved with a single family residential dwelling.  The property is zoned R10 [1564] - Residential First Density and has an area of 578 m2 (6220 sq. ft.).  The property is legally described as part of Lots 995 & 996, on Registered Plan 413452 in the City of Ottawa and is shown in heavy outline on Document 1.


2512 Roman Avenue


2512 Roman Avenue is improved with a single family residential dwelling.  The property is zoned R1O [1564] – Residential First Density and has an area of 590 m2 (6350 sq. ft.). The property is legally described as the east part Lot 996 and the west part Lot 997 on Registered Plan 413452 in the City of Ottawa and is shown in heavy outline on Document 1.


2554 Roman Avenue


2554 Roman Avenue is improved with a single family residential dwelling.  The property is zoned R1O [1564] – Residential First Density and has an area of 612m2 (6600 sq. ft).  The property is legally described as the west part of Block A, Registered Plan 413452; Roman Avenue South, in the City of Ottawa and is shown in heavy outline on Document 1.


2570 Roman Avenue


2570 Roman Avenue is improved with a single family residential dwelling.  The property is zoned R1O [1564] – Residential First Density and has an area of 612m2 (6600 sq. ft).  The property is legally described as the west part of Block A, Roman Avenue South on Registered Plan 413452, in the City of Ottawa and is shown in heavy outline on Document 1.


2580 Roman Avenue


2580 Roman Avenue is improved with a single family residential building.  The property is zoned R1O [1564] – Residential First Density and has an area of 556 m2 (6,000 sq. ft.).  The property is legally described as Lot 1005 Roman Avenue South on Registered Plan 413452, in the City of Ottawa and is shown in heavy outline on Document 1.



With the update to the West Transit Way Extension and the cancellation of the acquisition program for the residential properties located on the south side of Roman Avenue, the subject properties on Roman Avenue are now surplus to the City’s requirements.  Through the circulation process, the Housing Branch has confirmed that they do not require the dwellings and have advised that their preference is to be credited with the 25% value of the sale proceeds for future multi-unit projects.


The five (5) residential units have been leased since the properties were acquired in 2008. Each tenant will be personally contacted by City staff in late March 2012 and advised of the City’s intention to sell the properties.  Although the properties will not be all sold at the same time, this will allow the tenants ample time to find other accommodations.


Although it is staff’s intention to start the process of advertising the properties for sale in May 2012, only one or two properties will be marketed at a time. The properties will be listed with a local Real Estate Brokerage firm to allow for maximum exposure on the open market through the Multiple Listing Services. A brokerage “For Sale” sign will be erected on the properties and the availability of the properties will also be listed on the City’s Properties for Sale Web Page in accordance with the City’s Disposal Policy. 


Declaring all five (5) properties surplus at this time will ensure prompt closing of these residential sales.  Reports detailing acceptable market value offers will be submitted to the appropriate delegated authority for approval.





There are no rural implications associated with the recommendations.





In accordance with policies approved by City Council on 14 November 2001, the availability of the property was circulated to all City Departments, including the Housing Branch, Planning and Infrastructure and City Operations as well as the Ward Councillor, to determine if the property was required for a City mandated program. The Land Use and Natural Systems unit of the Planning and Infrastructure Portfolio was consulted with respect to the City’s natural heritage system and related policies in the Official Plan and their comments are indicated under the Environmental Implications section of this report. 


There were no objections or concerns expressed from the Ward Councillor or any other City Department at the time of the circulation.


The utility companies were also circulated and no interest was expressed in the retention of an easement other than those that are currently registered on title.



The following Advisory Committees have been circulated:


Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC)

Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee (OFGAC)

Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC)

Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC)

Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee (RCAC)

Rural Issues Advisory Committee (RIAC)

Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee (PTAC)                                                     


No concerns were expressed with respect to the sale of the subject property by any of the Advisory Committees.





Section 2.5.2 of the Official Plan directs the City to make land available for affordable housing and give priority for the sale or lease of surplus City-owned property for this purpose. 


The Housing First Policy approved by Council on 13 July 2005, establishes priority consideration to the Housing Branch in the identification of potentially surplus City-owned property, to be used in achieving the City’s affordable housing program targets.  The policy also requires that the Official Plan target of 25% affordable housing, be met on any City owned property sold for residential development.   Where residential properties are disposed of without a condition requiring an affordable housing component, 25% of the proceeds from the sale are to be credited to a housing fund to be used for the development of affordable housing elsewhere in the City.


As the subject properties are zoned residential, 25% of the proceeds should be deposited into the Housing Reserve Fund to be used to support the development of future affordable housing projects.





I am in support of this declaration and am pleased to see a plan supporting the five (5) properties on Roman Avenue being returned owner occupied homes. After several years of uncertainty in this neighbourhood I see this plan as a positive move to restore the previous sense of community.





There are no legal impediments to implementing the recommendation in this report.





There are no risk management impediments to implementing the Recommendations arising from this report.





Revenue from the sales will be credited to City’s Sale of Surplus Land Account with 25% of the proceeds to be credited to the Housing Reserve Fund as per the Housing First Policy, subject to any adjustments at closing.





The Land Use and Natural Systems unit does not object to the sale of these previously developed residential properties.


The subject properties are located within an existing residential subdivision, backing on to the Highway 417 (Queensway) corridor.  They have not been identified as part of the City’s Greenspace Network in the Greenspace Master Plan.  Aerial photography and available natural heritage information sources do not suggest that they contain any significant features of the natural heritage system or that they perform any significant ecological functions.  The nearest known feature of the City’s natural heritage system is Pinecrest Woods and the Pinecrest Creek significant valleyland, located over 120 m east of the closest property.















There are no accessibility implications to implementing the Recommendation arising from this Report.





Attached as Document ‘1’, is a sketch showing the subject properties.





Following Council’s approval the Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office and Legal Services Branch will finalize the transactions.

Document ‘1’