to/Rapport au :
Finance and Economic Development Committee
Comité des
finances et du développement économique
Council / et au Conseil
27 March
2012 / le 27 mars 2012
by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice
municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure /
Urbanisme et Infrastructure
Contact Person/Personne ressource : Gordon MacNair,
Director Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office/ Directeur, Partenariats et
Développement en immobilier
(613) 580-2424 x 21217,
Cumberland (19), Orléans (1) Barrhaven (3), Gloucester-South Nepean (22) Kanata South (23), Kitchissippi (15) |
Ref N°: ACS2012-PAI-REP-0009 |
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the application for approval to expropriate lands pursuant to Section 4 of the Expropriations Act, that are required to facilitate:
1. The widening and construction of Trim Road, between North Service Road and Innes Road;
2. The widening and construction of St. Joseph Boulevard/Old Montreal Road, between Highway 174 Ramp 45 and the Cardinal Creek Bridge;
3. The widening and construction of Tenth Line Road, between Vanguard Drive and the South Urban Boundary;
4. The widening and construction of Jockvale Road, between Paul Métivier Drive and Cambrian Road;
5. The construction of the intersection of Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road; and
The protection of a section of land required for
Rapid Transit Network identified on Official Plan Schedule D, being part of 855
Carling Avenue.
Que le Comité des finances et du développement
économique recommande au Conseil d’approuver la demande d’expropriation de
terrains présentée aux termes de l’article 4 de la Loi sur l’expropriation, afin de faciliter :
et la construction du chemin Trim, entre le chemin North Service et le chemin Innes;
et la construction du boulevard Saint-Joseph/chemin Old Montréal, entre la
bretelle 45 de l’autoroute 174 et le pont du ruisseau Cardinal;
et la construction du chemin Tenth Line, entre la promenade Vanguard et la
limite sud du secteur urbain;
et la construction du chemin Jockvale, entre la promenade Paul-Métivier et le
chemin Cambrian;
construction de l’intersection des chemins Eagleson et Fernbank;
protection d’une partie du terrain requis pour le réseau de transport en commun
rapide défini dans l’Annexe D du Plan officiel, faisant partie du 855, avenue
City Council, by its approval of the 2012 Capital budget approved funding for the design and property acquisition for the following projects:
· Trim Road construction and widening, North Service Road to Innes Road;
· St. Joseph Boulevard/Old Montreal Road construction and widening, Highway Ramp 45 to the Cardinal Creek Bridge;
Tenth Line Road construction and widening, Vanguard Drive to the south
Urban boundary;
Jockvale Road construction widening, Paul Metivier Road to Cambrian Road;
Construction of the intersection of Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road; and
Transitway Corridor Protection.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval for staff to initiate expropriation, if necessary, to facilitate the proposed construction and where applicable, corridor protection.
The Trim Road and St. Joseph Boulevard/Old Montreal Road widening projects require lands from approximately fifty (50) property owners abutting Trim Road and St. Joseph Boulevard/Old Montreal Road. The project involves partial land requirements, permanent easements and temporary construction easements required for construction purposes.
The Tenth Line Road widening and urbanization project has been ongoing since 2007 and originally required the acquisition of partial takings from multiple properties. The lands conveyed to the City to date were acquired through negotiation; however, several partial takings of property are still required to complete the project between Vanguard Drive and the Urban Boundary.
The Jockvale Road widening project will tie in the new four lane urban cross section that has been constructed north of the Jock River. The next phase of construction includes two (2) new bridge structures to be built over the Jock River, as well as upgrading the current two lane road to four lanes ending at a new roundabout to be constructed at Cambrian Road. The project involves the partial taking of property from two (2) property owners.
The Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road intersection project involves realignment of the intersection to bring the connection closer to ninety (90) degrees, that is required for traffic safety and to provide safe access to commercial development situated on the east side of Eagleson Road. The project will also urbanize the eastern end of Fernbank Road installing storm drains, curbs and sidewalks. One partial taking of property remains outstanding and is required to complete the project.
The Rapid Transit Network identified on Schedule D of the City’s Official Plan sets out the City’s transit requirements to support its growth projections to the year 2031. A component of that network is the Western Light Rail Transit (LRT) Corridor. Zoning By-law No. 2010-192 adopted by City of Ottawa, includes a provision to restrict development to rapid transit network within a triangular portion of property forming part of a larger parcel located at 855 Carling Avenue. More specifically this is defined as a three dimensional area measured from below grade to a height of 15 metres above grade, identified as Parcel D on Schedule 129 to the By-law. In the decision rendered on appeal of Zoning By-law No. 2010-192, lead by the property owner, the Ontario Municipal Board ruled that “…if the City wants or needs this property as defined in the By-law, it should acquire it responsibly in accordance with either the Expropriations Act or the Planning Act”. In consideration that authority is not available by the Planning Act, application to expropriate is required.
The project approval reports associated with the respective projects and planning initiative identified above, did not include authorization for staff to initiate expropriation for the property rights required to facilitate the said construction, if necessary. In accordance with section 4 of the Expropriations Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. E-26, as amended (the “Act”), Council, the expropriating authority, must approve and direct staff to proceed with the application for approval to expropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing and pursuant to the direction of the Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability Portfolio, Realty Services will contact property owners to negotiate property settlements.
Upon Council approval of this report, as the expropriating authority, staff can proceed with the expropriation procedures by providing the statutory notices to the owners together with publishing the required notices in the newspapers having general circulation in the locality in which the lands are located.
It is important to reaffirm the City’s position that meaningful negotiations to acquire the partial takings, permanent and temporary construction easements will continue. Every effort will be made to negotiate amicable settlements with all property owners. In the event it becomes necessary to commence expropriation proceedings to meet construction schedules, negotiations will continue in an attempt to resolve any outstanding issues as per the City approved Acquisition Policy.
All requirements are within the Urban Boundary of the City of Ottawa. Conveyance of the property requirements will not generate any rural implications.
Public consultation for these projects is part of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and includes open houses and notices.
The subject road
projects are located in Ward 1 - Orleans, Ward 19 - Cumberland, Ward 3 –
Barrhaven, Ward 22 – Gloucester South
Nepean, Ward 23 - Kanata South and Ward
15 - Kitchissippi.
The Ward
Councillors, Stephen Blais (Cumberland), Jan Harder (Barrhaven), Steve Desroches (Gloucester South Nepean), Allan
Hubley (Kanata South) and Katherine
Hobbs (Kitchissippi) have been consulted and support this approval
request. Councillor Bob Monette (Orleans) is
aware of the staff recommendation.
The expropriation process is commenced by the
service of a Notice of Intent to Expropriate. Upon receipt of the notice, an
owner can require that a hearing be held into the necessity for the
expropriation. Upon such hearing being held, the hearing officer will issue a
report which serves as a non-binding recommendation to Council.
Acquisition of the land requirements are required
to complete the road widening projects.
Failure to approve the expropriation will delay completion of the
projects and could lead to additional costs.
Funds have been provided in the 2012
Capital budget for the expropriation of lands outlined in the recommendations.
There are no technology implications
with regard to this report.
The recommendations of this report support
City Council’s strategic priority: Transportation and Mobility (TM) - meeting
the current and future transportation and mobility needs of residents,
visitors, and enterprises by improving transit and by emphasizing choice and
accessibility of multiple types of transportation; and its objective TM3,
provision of infrastructure to improve mobility choices by supporting
initiatives relates to routes; specifically, Strategic Initiative 14: Asset
Renewal of Roads – a program to sustain renewal of roads within the City’s
transportation network to maintain operational performance.
There are no accessibility impacts
with regard to this report.
Following Council’s approval,
Realty Services and Legal Counsel will serve a Notice of Application for
Approval to Expropriate upon the registered owner(s) and publish the said
Notice pursuant to Section 6 of the Expropriations