Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


26 May 2009/ le 26 mai 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Kent Kirkpatrick,
City Manager/Directeur des services municipaux


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Gordon MacNair, Manager, Realty Services

Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office/gestionnaire, services immobiliers, Bureau de développement et de partenariats immobiliers

(613) 580-2424 x 21217, 


Orléans (1)

Ref N°: ACS2009-CMR-REP-0031








stratégie d’acquisition de l’île petrie      





That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the acquisition of two vacant properties located on Petrie Island based on the principles as outlined in this report.





Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil d’approuver l’acquisition de deux biens-fonds vacants situés sur l’île Petrie sur la base des principes énoncés dans le présent rapport.     





On 5 September 2006 the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approved the following motion:


Whereas Petrie Island is designated in the Official Plan as a major open space, urban natural feature and significant wetlands;

And Whereas the Community and Protective Services, Parks and Recreation Branch, are developing a comprehensive programming strategy;

Be it Therefore Resolved that:

a)   staff be directed to review the remaining ownership of lands on Petrie Island with the objective to acquire privately owned lands in an effort to consolidate City ownership; and

b)   report back to Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee for approval of a Petrie Island Acquisition strategy.


An investigation has confirmed that three properties located on Petrie Island are privately owned.  Two properties, Parcels “A” & “B” as outlined on Document 1 are vacant lots while the remaining property is improved with a single-family residence. This report is recommending an acquisition strategy for the two vacant lots only.


and it is now scheduled for development in ???? (Lynda – I just wanted to add something about this Taylor Creek property that we bought back to make it sound like we are now achieving the goal of the business park.  Without a comment about that, I think it sounds like the re-purchase was all about the money we generated and the additional revenue we will generate for these properties isn’t mentioned as part of the rationale for the buy-backs.





Parcel “A” is designated Urban Natural Feature within the Official Plan and qualifies under Section to be acquired at the request of the owner. The site under the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 250-2008 is zoned EP – Environmental Protection.


With respect to Parcel “B”, the Official Plan designates the lands as Major Open Space with a significant portion of this parcel being identified as Provincially Significant Wetlands by the MNR. This designation intends that the land will eventually be in public ownership, however, no commitment is given to acquiring this land on request.  The parcel is zoned O1 a Parks and Open Space Zone with no residential uses permitted in this zone.


Both properties are subject to a floodplain overlay that does not allow new buildings. The highest and best use for both lots is considered to be passive recreational land.


Staff is recommending that the City acquire the two vacant parcels when they become available at an acquisition price that is based on the current market value at that time.





The Official Plan designates Parcel “A” as Urban Natural Feature and Parcel “B” as Major Open Space and it is therefore in the interest of the City to have both parcels under public ownership.





No public consultation has been undertaken for this strategy.  The ward Councillor supports the acquisition strategy. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department and the Community Sustainability Department support the Petrie Island Acquisition Strategy being recommended.





There are no legal/risk management impediments to implementing any of the Recommendations arising from this Report.







Funding is available within 904330 Natural Area Acquisition (Urban) for Parcel “A” and a source of funding will be sought for Parcel “B” once it becomes available.





Attached, as Document 1 is a sketch showing Parcels “A” and “B”.





Following approval, Realty Services will proceed with acquiring the two sites as they become available.