Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


March 31, 2006 / le 31 mars 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Larry Morrison, Manager Infrastructure Approvals Division

Planning and Infrastructure Approvals/Approbation des demandes d’aménagement et d’infrastructure

(613) 580-2424 x 27807,


Kanata (4)

Ref N°: ACS2006-PGM-APR-0053













That Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council:


1.                  Approve an amendment to Development Charges By-Law 2004-308 to reflect changes in the rates and the benefiting area for Shirley's Brook resulting from changes to the Area Specific Development Charge Background Study dated June 28, 2004.


2.                  Approve the revised Shirley's Brook area-specific development charge collection area, growth projections and rates listed in Document 3.


3.                  Authorize the City to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with Klondike Development Inc. for land acquisition, design, and construction for the Shirley's Brook Stormwater Facility East 1 and 2, and Stream Rehabilitation, based upon the principles set out in Document 1, and City Council approved Front-Ending Policy noted in Document 2 with the final form and content of the Front-Ending Agreement being to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the City Solicitor.


4.                  Approve the expenditure of $3,123,000 for the land acquisition, design and construction of the Shirley’s Brook Stormwater Facilities East 1 and 2 and stream rehabilitation, subject to the execution of the Front-Ending Agreement.


5.                  Authorize the City to establish a budget in the amount of $3,123,000 for the related Shirley's Brook Stormwater Facilities East 1 and 2 and stream rehabilitation land acquisition, design, and construction, under Internal Order Number 903230: SWM Pond Shirley's Brook





Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil :


1.         D’approuver une modification au règlement municipal 2004-308 sur les redevances d’exploitation afin que celui-ci tienne compte des changements apportés à la tarification et au secteur visé pour le ruisseau Shirley par suite des modifications à l’Étude préliminaire sur les redevances d’aménagement spécifiques à un secteur du 28 juin 2004.


2.         D’approuver les projections de croissance révisées en matière de redevances d’aménagement relatives au secteur du ruisseau Shirley et les tarifs indiqués dans le document 3.


3.         D’autoriser la ville à conclure une entente de financement préalable avec la société Klondike Development Inc. pour ce qui concerne l’acquisition du terrain ainsi que la conception et la réalisation de l’installation de régulation des eaux pluviales Est 1 et 2 du ruisseau Shirley et le réaménagement du cours d’eau; cette entente devra reposer sur les principes énoncés dans le document 1 de même que sur la politique relative aux ententes de financement préalable approuvée par le Conseil mentionnée dans le document 2, la présentation et le contenu définitifs de l’entente devant être jugés acceptables par le directeur municipal adjoint, Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance, et le chef du contentieux.


4.         D’approuver les frais de 3 123 000 $ relatifs à l’acquisition du terrain ainsi qu’à la conception et à la réalisation de l’installation de régulation des eaux pluviales Est 1 et 2 du ruisseau Shirley et au réaménagement du cours d’eau sous réserve de la signature de l’entente de financement préalable.


5.         D’autoriser la ville à approuver l’établissement d’un budget de 3 123 000 $ pour l’acquisition du terrain ainsi que la conception et la réalisation de l’installation de régulation des eaux pluviales Est 1 et 2 du ruisseau Shirley et le réaménagement du cours d’eau aux termes de l’ordre interne 903230 : gestion des eaux pluviales du ruisseau Shirley.





The Shirley's Brook Stormwater Facilities are located within the South March Community in lands bounded by March Road to the west, Klondike Road to the south, March Valley Road to the east and the upper limit of the Urban Boundary as designated in the Council Approved Official Plan. The lands are referred to as the "Kanata North Urban Expansion Area, (KNUEA)" and were brought into the urban area by Regional Official Plan Amendment #28 (ROPA). A Concept Plan and an associated Master Drainage Plan were completed in support of the ROPA. In 1999, the Shirley's Brook/Watts Creek Subwatershed Study (SBWCSS) was completed and recommended an integrated land/water management approach to development with the Shirley's Brook subwatershed. Subsequently, in 2001, the Kanata North Environmental/Stormwater Management Plan (KNESMP) was completed to compliment the previous subwatershed study. The KNESMP recommended the construction of three stormwater management facilities for the lands east of March Road, as well as, stream rehabilitation works in various reaches of the brook. Two additional ponds were recommended to service the development lands on the west side of March Road.


The City's Area Specific Development Charge Background Study of June 28, 2004 described a special charge area for the Shirley's Brook Area W-2 and Council approved Area Specific Development Charge rates set out in By-Law 2004-308, on July 14, 2004. Three stormwater management facilities and stream rehabilitation works for the lands east of March Road were included in the area specific by-law.  As the ponds on the west side of March Road, previously identified in the KNESMP were benefiting a single developer, they were no longer eligible for development charges and therefore not included in the charge area.


One facility, described as SWMF West 1, is to be located just immediately east of March Road, north of Klondike Road and west of a branch of the Shirley's Brook. Two other facilities, described as SWMF East 1 and 2 are required immediately to the west of March Valley Road, with a pond on either side of a branch of Shirley's Brook. The stream rehabilitation works are to be completed on a reach-by-reach basis in conjunction with the construction of the associated stormwater facilities.




Klondike Developments Inc. (KDI) has submitted applications for Zoning and a Plan of Subdivision for lands within the KNUEA. For the lands to be developed, stormwater management facilities SWMF East 1 and 2, and the Shirley's Brook Stream Rehabilitation are required. To do so, the developer must enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with the City. To accommodate this, amendments are required to the area specific charge to more accurately reflect the anticipated land uses.


At the time of approving the current special area charge, the subject lands were designated in the City Council Approved Official Plan as Enterprise Area. The Enterprise Area designation required at least 50% of the developable lands be devoted to employment uses. Subject to certain criteria, residential development is also permitted in an Enterprise Area. Through Official Plan Amendment #28, the Enterprise Area was changed to General Urban. The change in designation affects the development charge rate due to differences in the distribution of residential and non‑residential lands.


The total lands that contribute flow into these reaches of the Shirley's Brook and to the three storm ponds has changed. Morgan's Grant Phase 13 lands are now discharging into the special charge area and as such these lands must be accounted for in the development charge rate. Interim financial arrangements have been made through the subdivision agreement for these new lands. As such, it is necessary that the City approve an amendment to Development Charges By‑Law 2004-308 to reflect changes in the rates and the benefiting area, and approve the revised area-specific development charge collection area, growth projections, and rates listed in Document 3.


The estimated cost for the three storm ponds and stream rehabilitation is estimated as follows: SWMF West 1 is $973,000, SWMF East 1 is $1,350,000, SWMF East 2 is $1,340,000 and the stream rehabilitation is $433,000. KDI is prepared to front-end the total cost of the design, construction and land acquisition for SWMF East 1 and 2, along with the associated stream rehabilitation works. As such it is recommended that City Council approve the expenditure of $3,123,000 for land acquisition, design, and construction for the construction of the Shirley's Brook Stormwater Facilities East 1 and 2, and stream rehabilitation, and authorize the City to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with Klondike Development Inc. based on the principles set forth in Document 1, and Council approved Front-Ending Policy noted in Document 2 with the final form and content of the Front-Ending Agreement being to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the City Solicitor.




Given the increased land area to the area specific charge, an amendment to the bylaw is the required. An amendment to the Development Charge By-Law requires consultation with the public. The public meeting will occur at the Corporate Services and Economic Development meeting of April 18, 2006. A notice of the proposed By-Law amendment was advertised in Le Droit and the Citizen newspapers on April 7 2006, and April 14 2006. Copies of the amendment to the W-2 Background Study information was made available to the public as of March 27 2006.


Klondike Developments Inc. has agreed to participate as a front-ender in accordance with the principles set forth in Documents 1 and 2.




In the City of Ottawa Area-Specific Development Charge Background Study for Individual Stormwater Management Ponds and Drainage Systems, the overall cost of Area W-2 projects totalled $ 4,429,000. Based on the 2004 anticipated land use within Area W-2, the residential and non-residential attributions were 54% ($2,382,000) residential and 46% ($2,047,000) non residential. As a result of the Official Plan Amendment changing the designation from Enterprise Area to General Urban, the revised total costs to Area W-2 to $4,096,000 with an 80% allocation to Residential and a 20% allocation to non-residential. To date there has been no development within the area and as such, no development charges collected, with the exception of Minto’s Morgan’s Grant, Phase 13. Morgan’s Grant, Phase 13 has been built out with the understanding and commitment that Minto would pay the final Area-Specific Stormwater Charge as a result of a change to include their lands into the Shirley’s Brook collection area W-2. A preliminary calculation was completed for Morgan’s Grant Phase 13, resulting in a lump sum payment of $480,000 to be contributed from Minto Developments. Therefore, the resulting total allocations after netting out Morgan’s Grant Phase 13 lump sum payment will result in an allocation of $2,524,000 to residential, and $751,000 to non-residential.


As a result of the land designation changes and to the development charge benefiting area, changes to the stormwater requirements, and the revised growth projections, there will be an increase in the development charge rates. The changes are reflected in Document 3.


Costs associated for the design, construction, and land for Shirley’s Brook Ponds East 1 and 2, and stream rehabilitation will amount to $3,123,000. Subject to Council approval, the Front-Ender would be paid back pursuant to the principles set out in Document 1 and the Council approved Front-Ending Policy as noted in Document 2.


The total cost to be reimbursed to the Front-Ender is summarized as follows.


Project Costs

Development Charge Item



Development Charge Up-Set Limit


Criteria for Repayment



Design, Construction, and Land for Shirley’s Brook Ponds East 1 and 2 and Stream Rehabilitation







Repayment based on actual value of ponds and stream rehabilitation to an upset limit of $3,123,000. (Land cost are based on City approved land appraisals)


The Long Range Financial Plan forecasted the construction of the Shirley’s Brook East Pond 1, and Shirley’s Brook rehabilitation in 2007 with an estimated operational impact of $20,000 per year starting in 2008. Shirley’s Brook East Pond 2 was forecasted in 2009 with an estimated operational impact of $14,000 per year starting in 2010. The existing deferred revenue account 830252 established for Shirley’s Brook Area Specific Stormwater Development Charge reserves collected from Area W-2, By-Law 2004-308, will be used to fund this capital project and reimburse the Front-Ender on a quarterly basis. As such, it is recommended that City Council authorize the City to establish a budget in the amount of $3,123,000 for the related Shirley’s Brook Stormwater Facilities 1 and 2 and stream rehabilitation, land acquisition, design, and construction under internal order number 903230 SWM Pond Shirley’s Brook.


Should other Development Charge Storm related works within the same Area Specific Stormwater Development Charge Area be constructed during the life of this Front-Ending agreement, the Front-Enders acknowledge that they will share on a pro-rata basis with other stormwater drainage projects in the distribution of Development Charge Revenue.




Document 1      Front-Ending Policy Agreement Principles

Document 2      Council Approved Front-Ending Policy

Document 3      Development Charge Calculation for Area Specific Stormwater Management for Area W-2, Shirley's Brook Stormwater Facilities




The report will be forwarded to City Council for a decision on April 26, 2006. Following the decision, any amendment to the By-Law will be advertised in the Citizen and LeDroit within 20 days. The public will have 40 days to appeal the amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board. In regards to the Front-Ending agreement the final form of the agreement will be prepared by Legal Services in consultation with the Planning and Growth Management Department. Building Services Division will be informed of the revised rates pending Council approval and the passing of the amended by-law for administration.





1.      The Front-Ender shall be required to post a letter of credit or cash deposit equal to the value of the design and construction of the Shirley’s Brook Stormwater Facilities East 1 and 2 Ponds and stream rehabilitation based upon a construction contract between the Owner and a construction company.


2.      Contract for works to be awarded by Klondike Developments Inc. subject to prior review by the City.


3.      Construction to be completed to City and other regulatory standards.


4.      Stormwater Facility will only be assumed by the City when the facility meets the requirements of all approval agencies and has been completed to City standards.


5.      Cost of the facilities to be initially borne by Klondike Developments Inc..


6.      Klondike Developments Inc. to be reimbursed quarterly from stormwater development charges collected within the benefiting area.


7.      The cost of the design, construction, and land (subject to City approved land appraisal) for the Shirley’s Brook Stormwater Facilities East 1 and 2 and stream rehabilitation is set at an upset limit of $3,123,000. Should the cost exceed the upset limit, the additional cost shall be borne by the Front-Ender, and the City shall not be obligated to compensate the Front-Ender for additional costs.


8.      Amount outstanding to Klondike Developments Inc. to be indexed at the same rate as the development charges.


9.      Should other Development Charge storm related works be constructed during the life of this Front-Ending Agreements as identified in By-law 2004-308 as amended (within stormwater collection area identified in Document 3), the Front-Ender acknowledges that they will share with other stormwater drainage projects in the distribution of Development Charge revenue collected.


10.  Land remuneration is subject to a land appraisal. Land compensation shall be for tableland only and shall be net of any constraint lands.


(REVISED MARCH 21, 2005)                                                                             DOCUMENT 2


Front-ending agreements are requested by developers who wish to have specific growth-related capital works in place in advance of the City’s capital project plans for emplacement of these same works:  developers agree to finance the works at the “front end” and recover their costs from the City at a later date.  The following conditions must be met in order for the City to enter into a front-ending agreement:


  1. All front-ending agreements with the City will be for growth-related capital works that have been included in a development charge study. 


  1. Stormwater ponds and related sewer works that are 100% development charge funded in the recommended by-laws will be paid back to the developer based on revenues as they are collected from the designated area.  This means that at no time are the repayments to exceed the revenues received.  Each front-ending agreement will define the geographic area involved and a separate and specific deferred revenue account may be set up to keep track of the revenues collected and payments made.  Crediting will also be allowed for the front-ending agreements related to stormwater ponds. 


  1. For all other capital projects – A lump sum payment (both the development charge portion and the City portion) will be made to the developer in the year the project is identified in the City’s ten year capital plan at the time the front-ending agreement is approved.  Should growth occur earlier than forecasted, then repayment would be accelerated to reflect the revised timing the City would have budgeted for the project.  If growth occurs more slowly than forecasted, then the City will have an additional three years (three years from the year the project was identified in the ten year plan) to make repayments.  Only in this latter case will the City’s portion of the payment be indexed beginning with the year the project was identified in the ten year plan. 


  1. The development charge portion that will be reimbursed will be indexed yearly in accordance with the rate of indexation pursuant to the development charge by-laws.  (City Council approved February 7, 2005)


  1. Given that the City will be assuming operating costs earlier than anticipated through the front-ending agreement process, the City is not to pay any carrying costs to the developer.


  1. All development charges payable by developers must be paid up front in accordance with the City’s by-law.  With the exception of the stormwater ponds and related sewer works, there will not be any crediting allowed as a result of entering into a front-ending agreement.  (On December 8, 2004, City Council approved, “That staff be directed to work with the industry to develop the details of a credit policy to be incorporated into the front-ending policy”.)


  1. In the case where a developer(s) has front-ended a project that at the discretion of the City benefits other developers, those developers who were not part of the front-ending agreement shall pay all of their development charges owed either at the time of registration of a plan of subdivision or upon the issuance of the first conditional building permit, whichever comes first.  (City Council approved July 14, 2004 Motion 16/5)


  1. A report to Council is required to authorize staff to enter into a front-ending agreement.  The recommendation will include the financial commitment of the City, specify the funding source(s), the project timeline and where necessary, request that a specific deferred revenue account be established.  The financial comment in the report will specify the timelines for the repayment, an operating budget impact and an estimate of the year in which the operating budget impact will begin.  It should also indicate the year in which the project was originally identified in the City’s ten year capital plan.  A capital project will be established upon Council approval to enter into a front-ending agreement. The status of these projects will be provided to Council on a yearly basis.



STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FOR AREA W-2, SHIRLEY’S BROOK STORMWATER FACILITIES                                                                                                                                   DOCUMENT 3




JANUARY 10, 2005


(AREA W-2)

BY-LAW 2004-308
























Prepared By Kevin Lamer

Coordinator, Development Infrastructure Forecasting and Budgets

Infrastructure Approvals Division

City of Ottawa


Project Description


Shirley’s Brook, Charge Area W-2


The Kanata Shirley’s Brook stormwater management ponds and channelization works include the construction of three stormwater ponds and channelization of a portion of the Shirley’s Brook. The above noted stormwater management ponds and channelization are included in the W-2 benefiting charge area on the schedule A. The Shirley’s Brook West SWMF # 1 West is located North of Klondike Road, East of March Road and West of the Main Branch of the Shirley’s Brook. Shirley’s Brook East SWMF # 1 is located North of the Shirley’s Brook, East of the CN Railway and West of Fourth Line Road. Shirley’s Brook East SWMF # 2, is located North of Klondike Road, South of the Shirley’s Brook, East of the CN Railway, and East of Fourth Line Road. The Shirley’s Brook Channelization works are located in the main Branch of the Shirley’s Brook, North and South of Klondike Road, East of March Road, and West of Fourth Line Road.


Relevant Studies/ By-Laws



Other Approvals


Schedule “A”

Stormwater Development Charge Area Shirley’s Brook Stormwater Facilities