Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


February 21, 2012 / le 21 février 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par : M. Rick O'Connor

City Clerk and Solicitor/Greffier et Chef du contentieux 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Leslie Donnelly, Deputy Clerk / Greffière adjointe

City Clerk and Solicitor/Greffier et Chef du contentieux

(613) 580-2424 x 28857,


Kanata South/Sud (23)

Ref N°: ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0019













That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council approve the proposal to name a park, located at 100 Akerson Road, as “Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field.”





Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection de recommander à son tour au Conseil municipal d’approuver la proposition de nommer un parc, situé au 100, chemin Akerson, «Parc et terrain de soccer Kristina-Kiss





The Commemorative Naming Policy, approved by City Council on July 24, 2002, outlines the criteria and process for commemoratively naming municipal streets, parks and facilities (or parts thereof).


With respect to criteria, a commemorative name honours individuals who are (or have been) citizens of the City of Ottawa or have made a specific contribution to the City of Ottawa and:



Any member of the public or City Council may submit a name to the City for consideration.  The process is initiated through submission of a Commemorative Naming application and support material.  The policy provides a process for the nomination of the following: a name to be added to the commemorative names reserve list for future consideration; a name for a particular venue selected by the applicant; a name for a venue that is presently named.


As part of the process, the Commemorative Naming Committee (“CNC”) — consisting of applicable City staff, the Mayor and affected Members of Council — provides an initial approval based on the policy’s criteria and the information provided by the nominator.  Staff is then directed to ensure there is community support for the choice by initiating a 60-day consultation phase. Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reviews the public feedback and makes a final recommendation on the nomination, which is subsequently considered by the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council.





A naming application for the commemoration of Kristina Kiss was received from Carrie Bastas to name a park, located at 100 Akerson Road, “Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field.”


The Commemorative Naming Committee reviewed the application and endorsed the proposed name under the following criteria:  The nominated individual has demonstrated excellence, courage or exceptional service to the citizens of the City of Ottawa, the Province of Ontario and/or Canada.  Supporting information about the Kristina Kiss is found in the attached Document 1.


Following the initial endorsement of the application, the public consultation process (outlined below) was carried out for the mandated 60-day period.  Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reconvened to review all comments received.  At its meeting of February 8, 2012, the Commemorative Naming Committee endorsed the naming application and directed staff to forward this recommendation to the Community and Protective Services Committee and City Council.

Membership of the Commemorative Naming Committee is as follows:










An integral part of the Commemorative Naming process is public consultation on the proposed name.  The following outlines the consultation undertaken for the Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field application:


Overview of Public Notification

The public consultation notice was placed on and circulated through a Public Service Announcement (including Twitter) on November 16, 2011.  The information remained on for 60 days. Councillor Hubley also advertised the pubic consultation period through his website and weekly newspaper column.


Overview of Public Feedback

By the end of day on January 16, 2012, the Clerk’s Office had received 8 responses to this proposal:


Summary of Responses





Other :



The residents who supported this proposal spoke about Ms. Kiss’ record of athletic achievement on Canada’s national team.  They also spoke highly of her personal character and leadership to youth. 


The two opponents of the proposal did not question Ms. Kiss’ record, but expressed a preference to delay her commemoration.





Councillor Hubley supports this proposal.




There are no legal impediments to the implementation of the recommendation in this report.





There are no legal implications associated with this report.










There are no accessibility impacts associated with this report.










City Clerk and Solicitor Department

Financial expenditures associated with this Commemorative Naming proposal for advertisements and the costs of purchasing a plaque and/or hosting a naming ceremony are provided through the City Clerk’s operating budget.


Planning and Growth Management

Funds are available for park signage within Planning and Growth Management’s capital budget, 906279 Soho Park.





Document 1 – Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field Commemorative Naming Public Notice (English and French)





Following Council approval of the Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field Commemorative Naming proposal, staff will work with the Ward Councillor to coordinate a ceremonial event to unveil a plaque. 


Commemorative Naming Proposal - Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field

In 2002, Ottawa City Council implemented the Commemorative Naming Program in order to pay an official tribute to persons who have displayed excellence or courage, or who have provided exceptional services to residents of Ottawa, Ontario or Canada. This program provides the City with an opportunity to honour the contribution and devotion of these people by naming a street, a park or a facility in Ottawa after them.

In response to a request received by residents through the Commemorative Naming Program, the City is proposing that a new park at 100 Akerson Road be named the Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field. A summary of the application received by the City is found below.

Kristina Kiss has played a great role in promoting Canadian soccer amongst young female athletes, demonstrating both enthusiasm and excellence on the soccer pitch. Kristina’s most memorable highlights include a fourth place at the FIFA Women’s World Cup USA 2003 and the Canadian Association’s first-ever qualification for the 2008 Women’s Olympic Football Tournament. She also won a silver medal at the XIV Pan American Games Santo Domingo 2003 and a bronze medal at the XV Pan American Games Rio de Janeiro 2007. In Santo Domingo in 2003, she scored Canada’s lone goal in the 1:2 after extra time loss to Brazil in the final.

In addition to her achievements, Kristina made 75 appearances with Canada’s national team, ranking 11th on the all-time list. She was 19 years old when she made her first appearance on March 12, 2000 at the Algarve Cup in Portugal. She scored her first goal at her fifth appearance on May 31, 2000, in a 2:1 win over New-Zealand.

Before joining the national team, Kristina played soccer with her hometown club in Ottawa. She went to the BMO National Championships on two occasions with South Nepean United, winning the Jubilee Trophy in 1998 and a bronze medal in 1999. Kristina Kiss also played three seasons of professional soccer with IF Floya in Norway.

The City of Ottawa has been asked to recognize Kristina Kiss’s important contribution to Ottawa and Canada by naming a new park at 100 Akerson Road the Kristina Kiss Park and Soccer Field.

If you would like to make any comments regarding this proposal or obtain further information, please contact:

Tyler Cox, Policy and Projects Coordinator
City Clerk and Solicitor Department
Ottawa City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
Tel.: 613-580-2424, extension 15636
Fax: 613-580-2416

Comments on this proposal must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 16, 2012.


Proposition d'un nom commémoratif - Parc et terrain de soccer Kristina-Kiss

En 2002, le Conseil municipal d’Ottawa a mis en œuvre le programme de noms commémoratifs afin de rendre officiellement hommage aux personnes qui ont fait preuve d’excellence ou de courage, ou qui ont offert des services hors pair aux résidents d’Ottawa, de l’Ontario ou du Canada. Ce programme donne l’occasion à la Ville de souligner la contribution et le dévouement de ces gens en nommant une rue, un parc ou des installations d’Ottawa en leur honneur.


Donnant suite à une demande de résidents reçue par le truchement du programme de noms commémoratifs, la Ville propose d’attribuer le nom « Parc et terrain de soccer Kristina-Kiss » au parc situé au 100, chemin Akerson. Voici un résumé de la demande reçue par la Ville.


Kristina Kiss a joué un rôle prédominant dans la promotion du soccer canadien parmi les jeunes athlètes féminines grâce à son enthousiasme pour ce sport. Au nombre de ses principales réalisations figurent un quatrième rang à la Coupe du monde féminine de la FIFA de 2003 aux États-Unis et la toute première qualification de l’Association canadienne au Tournoi olympique de football féminin de 2008. Elle a également gagné une médaille d’argent au XIVe Jeux panaméricains à Saint-Domingue en 2003 et une médaille de bronze au XV e Jeux panaméricains à Rio de Janeiro en 2007. À Saint-Domingue en 2003, elle a marqué en prolongation l’unique but du Canada dans la finale contre le Brésil, qui s’est soldée par une défaite de 2 à 1.


De plus, Kristina Kiss a participé à 75 matchs avec l’équipe nationale canadienne, se classant 11e quant au plus grand nombre de participations. Elle avait 19 ans quand elle a participé pour la première fois à la Coupe Algarve au Portugal, le 12 mars 2000. Elle a marqué son premier but lors de son cinquième match avec l’équipe nationale le 31 mai 2000, contribuant ainsi à la victoire de son équipe (2 à 1) contre la Nouvelle-Zélande.


Avant de se joindre à l’équipe nationale, Kristina Kiss a joué au soccer pour le club de sa ville natale, Ottawa. Elle a participé aux Championnats nationaux BMO à deux reprises avec le club South Nepean United, remportant le Trophée Jubilee en 1998 et une médaille de bronze en 1999. Elle a également joué pendant trois saisons avec l’équipe norvégienne de soccer professionnelle IF Floya.


La Ville d’Ottawa s’est fait demander de reconnaître l’importante contribution de Kristina Kiss envers Ottawa et le Canada en nommant le parc situé au 100 Akerson le « Parc et terrain de soccer Kristina-Kiss ».


Les personnes qui désirent formuler des commentaires ou obtenir plus de renseignements sur cette proposition sont priées de communiquer avec :

Tyler Cox, coordonnateur, Politiques et Projets
Bureau du greffier municipal et chef du contentieux
Hôtel de ville d’Ottawa
110, avenue Laurier Ouest
Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 1J1
Téléphone : 613-580-2424, poste 15636
Télécopieur : 613-580-2416
Courriel :

Les commentaires sur cette proposition doivent être reçus avant 16 h 30 le lundi 16 janvier 2012.