Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


9 September 2010 / le 9 septembre 2010


Submitted by/Soumis par : Leslie Donnelly

Deputy City Clerk/Greffière adjointe


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Beverley Watt, A/Coordinator, Policy & Projects/Coordinatrice par intérim de politiques et de projets

City Clerk and Solicitor Department/Direction du greffe et Chef du contentieux

 613-580-2424 ext. 21835,


Ward / Quartier 16 (River)

Ref N°: ACS2010-CMR-CCB-0094








demande d'attribution de nom commÉmoratif - Parc

- À huis clos - questions personnelles concernant une personne identifiable. date de rapport :  à la suite de l’approbation du Conseil





That the Community and Protective Services Committee refer to City Council approval of the Commemorative Naming proposal to rename Ridgemont Park located at 1990 Cochrane Street as Frank J. Licari Park.





Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection réfère au Conseil municipal l’approbation de la proposition de nom commémoratif visant à renommer le parc Ridgemont, situé au 1990, rue Cochrane, parc Frank-J.-Licari.



The Commemorative Naming Policy, approved by City Council on July 24, 2002, outlines the criteria and process for commemoratively naming municipal streets, parks and facilities (or parts thereof).


With respect to criteria, a commemorative name honours individuals who are (or have been) citizens of the City of Ottawa or have made a specific contribution to the City of Ottawa and:



Any member of the public or City Council may submit a name to the City for consideration.  The process is initiated through submission of a Commemorative Naming application and support material.  The policy provides a process for the nomination of the following: a name to be added to the commemorative names reserve list for future consideration; a name for a particular venue selected by the applicant; a name for a venue that is presently named.


As part of the process, the Commemorative Naming Committee (“CNC”) -- consisting of applicable City staff, the Mayor or his designate and the Ward Councillor -- will provide initial approval relating to criteria and the supporting documents or information provided by the nominator.  Staff is then directed to ensure there is community support for the choice by initiating a 60-day consultation phase. Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee will review the public feedback and make a final recommendation on the nomination, to be subsequently considered by the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council.





A naming application for the commemoration of Frank J. Licari Park was received from Joanne M. Licari, the daughter of the nominee, to rename Ridgemont Park located at 1990 Cochrane Street. 


The Commemorative Naming Committee reviewed the application and endorsed the proposed name under the policy criteria of:  The nominated individual has provided extensive community service and has an extraordinary community service record.”  Supporting information about Frank Licari is found in the attached Document 1.


Following the initial endorsement of the application, the public consultation process (outlined below) was carried out for the mandated 60-day period.  Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reconvened to review all comments received.  At its meeting of 9 September 2010, the Commemorative Naming Committee endorsed the naming application and directed staff to forward this recommendation to the Community and Protective Services Committee and City Council. 


Membership of the Commemorative Naming Committee is as follows:










An integral part of the Commemorative Naming process is public consultation on the proposed name.  The following outlines the consultation undertaken for the Frank J. Licari Park application:



The majority of the public comments received during the consultation period were in favour of the application.  Comments received in opposition were from residents who generally preferred that their park name not change at all.  The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee supported the proposal at their meeting of 24 August 2010.





Councillor Maria McRae supports this application.





There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.















City Clerk and Solicitor Department

Financial expenditures associated with this Commemorative Naming proposal for advertisements and the costs of purchasing a plaque and/or hosting a naming ceremony are provided through the City Clerk’s operating budget.


Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department

There are available funds in the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department's 2010 budget for signage.






Document 1 – Frank J. Licari Park Commemorative Naming Public Notice (English and French)






Following Council approval of the Frank J. Licari Park Commemorative Naming proposal, staff will work with the Ward Councillor to coordinate a ceremonial event to unveil a plaque. 







Commemorative Re-Naming Proposal –

“Frank J. Licari Park”


In 2002, City Council created the Commemorative Naming Program as a means to formally recognize individuals who demonstrate excellence, courage or exceptional service to the citizens of Ottawa, the Province of Ontario, or Canada.  This program provides the opportunity for the contribution and dedication of these individuals to be honoured through the naming of municipal streets, parks and facilities.


Further to an application received under the Commemorative Naming Program, it has been requested that the City consider a proposal to rename Ridgemont Park located at 1990 Cochrane Street in River Ward as “Frank J. Licari Park.”


Frank Licari has been involved in his community in various volunteer capacities for more than two decades. As Chair of the Ridgemont Community Association, Frank has been integral in advocating for the preservation of local greenspace and providing guidance and leadership when addressing the growth of the community. Frank believes in creating safe and well-connected communities and, as such, worked with his colleagues and neighbours to initiate the Neighbourhood Watch Program. As well, Frank has organized numerous social functions for the local residents, including street dances, community garage sales, and winter carnivals. He has also dedicated his time over the past 15 years to coordinate the Ridgemont Community’s hockey and skating Winter Program which has been instrumental in providing youth with an active and social outlet throughout the long winter months.


Frank is well-known within his community for his dedication, loyalty and hard work on behalf of his friends and neighbours. His further contributions can be seen in the completion of the Clifford Bowey Pool on Kitchener Avenue which is specifically designed for the benefit of mentally and physically challenged children in addition to the general public. Frank was similarly successful in working with the City to upgrade the playstructure in Ridgemont Park, where he spent many hours preparing and maintaining the outdoor ice rink and coordinating clean-up days and tree-planting initiatives.


In recognition of Frank’s contributions and his encouragement of community spirit, the City has been asked to rename Ridgemont Park as “Frank J. Licari Park.”


If you would like to provide comment on this proposal or require any further information, please contact:


Beverley Watt, Policy & Projects Coordinator

City Clerk & Solicitor Department

Ottawa City Hall

110 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 21835

Fax: 613-580-2416



Comments on this proposal must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, September 6, 2010.

Proposition de nom commémoratif –

« Parc Frank-J.-Licari » 


En 2002, le Conseil municipal a mis en place le programme de noms commémoratifs dans le but d’officiellement rendre hommage à des personnes qui ont fait preuve d’excellence, de courage ou qui ont rendu des services exceptionnels aux résidents de la Ville d’Ottawa, de l’Ontario ou du Canada. Ce programme donne l’occasion à la Ville d’honorer la contribution et le dévouement de ces gens en attribuant leur nom à une rue, à un parc ou à une installation d’Ottawa.


En réponse à une demande reçue dans le cadre du programme de noms commémoratifs, la Ville propose d’attribuer le nom commémoratif Parc Frank-J.-Licari au parc Ridgemont situé au 1990, rue Cochrane, dans le quartier Rivière.


Frank Licari participe activement à la vie communautaire de son milieu depuis plus de 20 ans. En tant que président de la Ridgemont Community Association, il a fait preuve d’intégrité en luttant pour la préservation des espaces verts, mais aussi de vision et de leadership sur les questions relatives à la croissance du quartier. Frank croit en l’importance de créer des quartiers sûrs et tissés serrés. Dans cette optique, lui et ses collègues ont travaillé à la mise sur pied d’un programme de surveillance du quartier. Frank a aussi organisé de nombreuses activités sociales pour les résidents du quartier, notamment des danses en plein air, des ventes-débarras et des carnavals d’hiver. Au cours des 15 dernières années, il a aussi consacré du temps à l’organisation du programme de hockey et de patinage de Ridgemont, une belle activité sociale et sportive pour les jeunes pendant les longs mois d’hiver.


Frank est bien connu dans son milieu pour son dévouement, sa loyauté et son travail acharné. On lui doit également la construction de la piscine Clifford Bowey, sur l’avenue Kitchener, qui est spécialement conçue pour les enfants ayant un handicap physique ou mental, en plus d’être ouverte au grand public. Frank a par ailleurs travaillé avec la Ville à l’amélioration des structures de jeu du parc Ridgemont, où il a passé des heures à aménager et entretenir la patinoire extérieure, et à organiser des journées de nettoyage et de plantation d’arbres.


Pour rendre hommage à la contribution de Franck et à son sens de l’esprit de communauté, on a demandé à la Ville d’Ottawa de remplacer le nom du parc Ridgemont par « Parc Frank-J.-Licari ».


Les personnes qui désirent formuler des commentaires ou obtenir plus de renseignements sur cette proposition sont priées de communiquer avec :


Beverley Watt, coordonnatrice des politiques et projets

Service du greffier municipal et chef du contentieux

Hôtel de ville d’Ottawa

110, avenue Laurier Ouest

Ottawa (Ontario)  K1P 1J1

Téléphone : 613-580-2424, poste 21835

Télécopieur : 613-580-2416

Courriel :


Les commentaires sur cette proposition doivent être reçus avant 16 h 30 le lundi 6 septembre 2010.