Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority Conseil de gestion du terrain de camping municipal d’Ottawa MINUTES 11 / PROCÈS VERBAL 11 Monday, 15 October 2012, 4:30 p.m. le lundi 15 octobre 2012, 16 h 30 Ben Franklin Place Client Service Centre / Centre du service à la clientèle place Ben Franklin 101 Centrepointe Drive / 101, promenade Centrepointe Room 1A / Salle 1A Present / Présent: M. Beauregard, I. Barclay, S. Hardman, V. Wong Regrets/Excuses: Councillor/Conseiller Mark Taylor DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT   No declarations of interest were filed. Moved by I. Barclay That the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority approve consideration of the Meeting Agenda at today’s meeting, pursuant to Sections 19(3) and 20(1) of the Rules of Order. CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL The Authority noted that reference to “Cluster 3” at Item 2 of the Minutes should be amended to read “Cluster 1”. Minutes 10 of the meeting of 16 July 2012 were confirmed, as amended. ACTION ITEMS POINTS D’EXÉCUTION 1. CAMPGROUND MANAGER’S REPORT RAPPORT DU GESTIONNAIRE DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING Following a brief review of the report, the Manager provided the following updates/details: * he has done what he can to improve the fencing, including putting up more signs to deter non-campers from walking through the campground; he will continue to monitor the situation during the course of the winter * in addition to the Running Totals provided in his report, as of October 9, the total revenue is $344,628.39 * two water pumps were installed to help pump City water to all parts of the campground; at full capacity, the pumps work at 20 HP and he wanted to get that usage down to 3 HP. Testing done during the night and off-season shows that the usage drops to ½ HP, resulting in big savings. To purchase the valves/pumps will cost approximately $5000. With regards to the latter, Jim Santagati, FSU Coordinator confirmed that, if approved, there are funds in the 2012 capital budget to cover this expense. Moved by S. Hardman That the Authority authorize the expenditure of $5000 from the 2012 capital budget, for the Campground Manager to purchase two water pumps for the Campground. CARRIED The Manager also distributed the following documentation, a copy of which is held on file: * Ottawa Municipal Campground Feedback Sheets Summary 2012 Following a review of the positive and negative comments included as part of the survey, Kelly Robertson, Manager, City Wide Recreation Programs agreed to look into what can be used to control poison ivy at the campground and would provide that information to the Campground Manager. She also agreed to provide the Manager with details about the City’s standing offer for bus transportation services, which could be used at the Campground. The Manager highlighted the following improvements he wanted to pursue: * continuing improvements with the washrooms * repainting the lines in the parking lot * widening the entrance to the Campground from one lane to two, thereby allowing vehicle access while other motorists stop to register. An estimate of the work is between $10,000 and $20,000 and funds are available in the existing 2012 capital budget. With regards to the latter, the FSU Coordinator advised that any expenditure of 2012 dollars would have to be used this year. Ms. Robertson added that the Lease Agreement between the City and the NCC would determine if such capital improvements could be made. The Chair offered that the Authority could approve funding for this improvement in principle, subject to discussions with the NCC, as and if required. She reminded members that the NCC was seeking requests for proposals from interested parties to take over responsibility for the Campground (and other NCC property), resulting in the City no longer operating the Campground. Following a brief discussion on the matter, the following was put forward: Moved by I. Barclay That the Authority approve, in principle, the widening of the campground entrance, subject to discussions with the NCC as and if required. CARRIED Ms. Robertson indicated she and Mr. Santigati, Coordinator, Financial Services Unit, together with Josee Helie, Program Manager, Recreation Planning and Facility Development would look into this opportunity. 2. MONTH END FINANCIAL REPORT The Campground Manager confirmed that they have moved some items from the operating to the capital budget as per the last meeting with regards to washroom repairs and electrical outlet upgrades. RECEIVED 3. OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND AUTHORITY 2012 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET As part of the Campground Manager’s report (Item 1), the Authority received the proposed salary and rate increases for 2013. He advised that the 2012 salaries came in under budget and 2013 campsite rates are recommended to be increased by $1.00 to help defray the cost of providing wi-fi at the campground. Overall, the OMC is competitively priced when compared to other campgrounds. Moved by I. Barclay That the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority (OMCA) recommend that City Council approve the 2013 operating and capital budget submission for the OMCA. CARRIED The Chair noted that the budget would be tabled with Council on 24 October and considered on 28 November 2012. 4. PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS FOR: A) THE SALE AND OTHER DISPOSITION OF LAND B) A PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT POLICY Moved by S. Hardman WHEREAS the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority (OMCA) is a Local Board of the City of Ottawa (the City) and, as such, it must conform to City policies; and WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001 requires that the OMCA adopt a policy related to the sale and other disposition of land; and WHEREAS the Ottawa Municipal Campground is situated on lands that are owned by the National Capital Commission (NCC) and leased to the City at a nominal fee for a defined period of time; and WHEREAS the OMCA does not actually engage in the sale and other disposition of land; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the OMCA adopt, with the appropriate changes, the City of Ottawa policy for the sale and other disposition of land. CARRIED Moved by V. Wong WHEREAS the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority (OMCA) is a Local Board of the City of Ottawa (the City) and, as such, it must conform to City policies; and WHEREAS the Ottawa Municipal Campground utilizes the services of the Financial Services Unit (FSU) of the City of Ottawa; and WHEREAS the Ottawa Municipal Campground has adopted in practice the City's Purchasing and Procurement Policy since the FSU provides that service; and WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001 requires that the OMCA adopt a policy related to the purchasing and procurement of goods and services; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority formally adopt the City’s Purchasing and Procurement Policy. CARRIED 5. ACTION ITEMS – 2011/2012 MESURES À PRENDRE – 2011-2012 The Chair indicated that Internet Access (Item 5 of the 2011 Action Items) is now complete as per her e-mail to members on 11 October which detailed the prohibitive costs of providing internet at the Campground. Depending on what happens with the Campground lands in the future, the Authority may choose to revisit this issue. RECEIVED ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Originals signed by Rosemary Theriault Monique Beauregard Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND AUTHORITY MINUTES 11 15 OCTOBER 2012 6 CONSEIL DE GESTION DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 11 LE 15 OCTOBRE 2012 Note: 1. Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. Nota : 1. Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée de votre nom, mais sans vos coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population.