Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority AGENDA 10 Monday, 16 July 2012, 4:30 p.m. Ben Franklin Place Client Service Centre 101 Centrepointe Drive Room 1A Rosemary Theriault, Coordinator (613) 580-2424, ext. 21624, Committee Members : Chair : M. Beauregard Vice-Chair : I. Barclay Members : S. Hardman, V. Wong Councillor : M. Taylor DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Minutes 9 – 18 June 2012 You can read this document on-line at ACTION ITEMS 1. CAMPGROUND MANAGER’S REPORT Don Murphy, Manager 01 2. MONTH END FINANCIAL REPORT – JUNE 04 3. AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR FOR THE CAMPGROUND 4. ottawa municipal campground authority - annual report 06 5. ACTION ITEMS – 2011/2012 11 OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING 17 September 2012 Note: Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. ii iii OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND AUTHORITY AGENDA 10 16 JULY 2012 PAGE ii OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND AUTHORITY AGENDA 10 16 JULY 2012 PAGE