Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority Conseil de gestion du terrain de camping municipal d’Ottawa MINUTES 8 / PROCÈS VERBAL 8 Thursday, 31 May 2012, 4:30 p.m. le jeudi 31 mai 2012, 16 h 30 Ben Franklin Place Client Service Centre / Centre du service à la clientèle place Ben Franklin 101 Centrepointe Drive / 101, promenade Centrepointe Room 1A / Salle 1A Present / Présent: M. Beauregard, I. Barclay, S. Hardman, V. Wong, Councillor/Conseiller Mark Taylor DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT   No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Vice Chair Barclay asked that the last sentence in the first paragraph at Item 4 be changed to read: “The Vice Chair questioned the difference in cost.” Minutes 7 of the meeting of 16 April 2012 were confirmed, as amended. ACTION ITEMS POINTS D’EXÉCUTION 1. CAMPGROUND MANAGER’S REPORT RAPPORT DU GESTIONNAIRE DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING In response to a question posed by the Chair, Mr. Murphy explained that several of the urinals were replaced because the parts necessary to fix these aging units were no longer available and not replacing them would have meant having to tear up part of the building in order to make the repairs. The Chair acknowledged that this particular item would be removed from the list of ‘action’ items to complete. In response to the Manager’s comment in his report, which spoke to the purchase of three radio/telephones, the following Motion was put forward: Moved by I. Barclay That the Campground Manager be authorized to purchase three radio/telephones at a cost of $129.00 each. CARRIED Mr. Murphy circulated copies of the following, all of which are held on file: * Type of Service Booked May 1st to May 30th 2012 * OMC Revenue Breakdown – Weekly (May 23rd to May 29th) * OMC Weekly Revenue – Running totals (updated with hand-out 1C) Some discussion took place about the impact the cancellation of Capital Hoedown at Walter Baker Park would have on the Campground. The Manager explained that about 50 people had booked campsites in anticipation of this event, but they were advised at the time they booked, that their deposit would be non-refundable if they did not show up. Councillor Taylor offered to provide the Manager with a copy of the notice the City sent to organizers of the Hoedown. In response to a question posed about the use of the sites reserved for the handicapped, Mr. Murphy indicated he would keep tabs on those sites over the summer and let the members know how much they are being used. RECEIVED 2. MONTH END FINANCIAL REPORT – APRIL RAPPORT FINANCIER DE LA FIN DU MOIS – AVRIL The Chair advised that a representative from the Finance Department was unable to attend the meeting, but she recognized the importance of having someone available to address questions that may arise. RECEIVED Action: The Chair to contact Brenda Gorton in the FSU to ensure someone attends future meetings. 3. CITY OF OTTAWA’S NEW SMOKE-FREE REGULATIONS NOUVEAUX RÈGLEMENTS SANS FUMÉE DE LA VILLE D’OTTAWA Members received a draft Motion prepared by Councillor Taylor for consideration by the Board. Discussion focused on the following: * The existing status of smoking at the Campground; there are not a lot of campers that smoke when they are here * The rental of the pavilion as a camp site and the impact a no-smoking regulation would have on this location * Campers choosing to smoke should do so in a controlled setting (their campsite), as opposed to having them go into the woods to smoke, which could pose safety concerns * Campers should be exempted from the regulations, just as people are when they rent a hotel room where smoking is permitted * It would be difficult to enforce the new regulation if campsites were not exempted * Public areas of the Campground such as the office, laundry and store, are currently non-smoking. After some discussion, the Motion was amended to read as follows: Moved by I. Barclay WHEREAS the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority (the “Authority”) would like to provide a smoke free setting, and; WHEREAS the Campground is located on National Capital Commission property leased to the City of Ottawa until 31 October 2014, and; WHEREAS the Authority will be requesting the City’s relevant By-law be extended to prohibit smoking on the entire property, with the exception of spaces rented for temporary residency; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority: 1. Request that City Council amend the City of Ottawa By-law No. 2004-276 (being the Parks and Facilities By-law) to include as “outdoor municipality property”, outdoor properties managed or controlled by the Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority for the purposes of prohibiting smoking, excluding spaces rented for temporary residency; and, 2. Forward the request to City Council for its consideration. CARRIED with S. Hardman dissenting 4. RULES OF ORDER – OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND RÈGLES - TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA The Authority considered the Rules of Order as updated with the following details: * Quorum for an Authority meeting is 2 members (Section 7.3) * Place of meeting is Ben Franklin Place (Section 10) * The Rules of Order shall be deemed to have come into force on 31 May 2012 Further, Appendix A to the Rules of Order was updated to reflect the “Campground Manager” at the end of the first paragraph and the term “Chair” in both areas reflected in Section 3. CARRIED Each member provided a signed Code of Conduct to the Coordinator for retention. 5. OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND EMPLOYEE HIRING POLICY POLITIQUE D’EMBAUCHE DES EMPLOYÉS DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA The Authority considered the policy as submitted, noting the completion of the following sentence at the last page: Review Date This policy will be reviewed at the beginning of each term of Council. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS Upgrading the Splash Pad at the Campground Member Wong referred to the research he was doing for upgrading the splash pad at the Campground. He and the Manager agreed this was something they would pursue. Kelly Robertson, Manager of Community Programming in Parks and Recreation advised that she would be the staff contact for this particular improvement. She suggested the OMC might be able to avail itself of funds provided by the City through its Community Partnership Major Capital Program – a cost-sharing program offered by the City, whereby the municipality contributes up to $7500 towards park development. While the Campground is located on NCC property, she would speak with Mr. Murphy and Member Wong to see what can be done. Marketing Opportunities Member Hardman inquired about an off-line conversation that had taken place with regards to the selling of City of Ottawa merchandise at the Campground office. The Chair advised that further to discussions with City staff, this suggestion should not be pursued at this time. The Manager indicated that he would prefer to complete the necessary renovations to the campground office before turning his attention to this suggestion. Yurts There was some discussion about renting yurts (eight-sided, tent-like structures that can sleep up to six people), at the Campground. The Manager indicated that he often gets inquiries from campers looking for rental units. The Chair recognized that any discussions would have to involve the NCC. Member Wong expressed concern about managing too many assets. The Chair suggested that this opportunity not be pursued at this time, but that it could be considered in the future. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Original signed by Rosemary Theriault Monique Beauregard Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND AUTHORITY MINUTES 8 31 MAY 2012 6 CONSEIL DE GESTION DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 8 LE 31 MAI 2012