Ottawa Municipal Campground Authority Conseil de gestion du terrain de camping municipal d’Ottawa MINUTES 7 Monday, 16 April 2012, 4:30 p.m. le lundi 16 avril 2012, 16 h 30 Ben Franklin Place Client Service Centre / Centre du service à la clientèle place Ben Franklin 101 Centrepointe Drive / 101, promenade Centrepointe Room 312 / Salle 312 Present / Présent: M. Beauregard, I. Barclay, S. Hardman, V. Wong, Councillor/Conseiller Mark Taylor DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT   No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL In light of the fact that Don Murphy has agreed to stay on as Campground Manager, the Chair advised that the Motion reflected at Item 6 of the Minutes of 17 October 2011 would be tabled for the time being. Member Wong inquired about the status of the items in the survey referred to at Item 1. The Chair suggested that this was something that could be reviewed and that perhaps he and/or Member Hardman or the Vice Chair might take on. She confirmed that the Manager was looking at setting up an inventory of store items. The Manager advised that one of the items from the survey that he would like to look into was a better splash pad. Action: Member Wong agreed to research replacing the splash pad. Minutes 6 of the meeting of 17 October 2011 were confirmed, as amended. ACTION ITEMS POINTS D’EXÉCUTION 1. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR FOR 2012 ÉLECTION DU (DE LA) PRÉSIDENT(E) ET DU (DE LA) VICE-PRÉSIDENT(E) POUR 2012 The Coordinator called for nominations to the position of Chair. Moved by I. Barclay That Monique Beauregard be nominated as Chair to the OMCA. Member Beauregard accepted the nomination. No further nominations were forthcoming and she was appointed as Chair of OMCA for 2012. The Committee Coordinator called for nominations to the position of Vice Chair. Chair Beauregard stepped from the chair in order to make the following nomination: Moved by M. Beauregard That Ivan Barclay be nominated as Vice Chair to the OMCA. Member Barclay accepted the nomination. No further nominations were forthcoming and he was appointed as Vice-Chair of OMCA for 2012. 2. CAMPGROUND MANAGER’S REPORT RAPPORT DU GESTIONNAIRE DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING Don Murphy circulated copies of his report dated 16 April 2012. He briefly reviewed the contents with members. A copy of his report is held on file. Moved by S. Hardman That the Campground Manager be authorized to purchase the Parks 9 Reservation Software at a cost of $595.00*. CARRIED * One-time cost; includes one year of support With respect to the wireless connection, Members were advised that it has been re-established. It had been approved and set up last year, but there had been a delay in getting it started up again. Therefore, formal approval was not required by the Board at today’s meeting. The Manager added the following verbal updates: Official Camp Opening Date * Tuesday, 1 May * There will be a social BBQ held on April 30 for OMCA members and staff. Urinals * one bank of units must be replaced (at a cost of approximately $1000) because replacement parts are outdated and are no longer available. The question is whether to look at doing certain banks at a time. There are 12 urinals in total and there is an immediate need. When asked if this cost would come out of the maintenance budget, Wendy Dewan, Program Manager, Recreation and Parks indicated that there is a reserve fund and the accessibility and electrical works recently completed at the park came in under budget so there could be some funds available from that account. She added that it could be dealt with as a Motion at Council if required. Given that the amount is small, Councillor Taylor suggested that the question be posed to the City Clerk because the Board could very well get approval to draw from the remaining funds for this particular need, without having to seek Council approval. RECEIVED Action: The Chair asked the Manager to bring forward an estimate to replace all the urinals and the Authority would look to see if it needs to get financing approval. 3. 2011 YEAR END STATEMENTS DÉCLARATIONS DE FIN D’EXERCICE 2011 The Board reviewed the statements as contained in the agenda. Minor clarification and notes to follow-up on were made by the Manager and Ms. Dewan. 4. OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND ACCESSIBLE AND ELECTRICAL PROJECTS PROJETS D’ACCESSIBILITÉ ET D’ÉLECTRICITÉ AU TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA The Authority received with their agenda a screen-shot of the costs associated with these projects. The Chair commended staff for bringing the project in under-budget. Wendy Dewan, Program Manager, Recreation and Parks indicated that once the 5% recovery monies are debited, the total cost of the project is $267,837.00. The Vice Chair questioned the difference in cost. Action: Staff to provide details to the Authority members with respect to the cost of the project.* RECEIVED * Members later received an e-mail from staff, via the Chair, dated 25 April in response to the question raised. A copy is held on file. 5. RESPONSE FROM OC TRANSPO RE ROUTE 96 SERVING CAMPSITE RÉPONSE D’OC TRANSPO RELATIVEMENT AU CIRCUIT 96 DESSERVANT LE TERRAIN DE CAMPING The Authority received a memo dated 16 April 2012 from the Manager of Transit Service Design, explaining why OC Transpo cannot provide Route 96 service to the Campground during the camping season. A copy of his memo is held on file. RECEIVED Action: The Chair will write to OC Transpo to thank the company for thoroughly investigating this matter. 6. CITY OF OTTAWA’S NEW SMOKE-FREE REGULATIONS NOUVEAUX RÈGLEMENTS SANS FUMÉE DE LA VILLE D’OTTAWA As background information, the Authority received the link to the Community and Protective Services Committee report entitled: “Expanding Smoke-Free Spaces - Let’s Clear the Air: A Renewed Strategy for a Smoke-Free Ottawa” (ACS2012-COS-EPS-0012), which was approved, as amended by Council on 22 February 2012. Following some discussion of the matter, the Board expressed their preference to continue with the status quo at the Campground. However, at the suggestion of the Chair, they agreed to table the matter until the next meeting, pending consultation with the Medical Officer of Health. TABLED TO NEXT MEETING Action: The Coordinator to prepare a précis of the comments made by the members for the information of the Medical Officer of Health. 7. RULES OF ORDER – OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND RÈGLES - TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA At the suggestion of the Chair, the Authority agreed to table this item until the next meeting, giving members an opportunity to review the document in more detail. TABLED TO NEXT MEETING 8. OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND EMPLOYEE HIRING POLICY POLITIQUE D’EMBAUCHE DES EMPLOYÉS DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA At the suggestion of the Chair, the Authority agreed to table this item until the next meeting, giving members an opportunity to review the document in more detail. TABLED TO NEXT MEETING 9. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FOR 2012 HORAIRE DES RÉUNIONS POUR 2012 The Authority confirmed the meeting schedule as set out, noting that one of the summer meetings may be cancelled. In addition, one of the summer meetings is generally held at the Campground. Meeting notices would be sent as appropriate. RECEIVED OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS Action Items 2011 The Chair advised that the Coordinator had prepared a list of items from 2011, detailing the actions taken by the Authority and the status of each. She indicated that an updated version of the document would be included on subsequent agendas as a guide to what items/matters are outstanding and require attention. Action: The Coordinator to circulate the list to the Manager and Members for their information. Parks and Recreation Staff Representative to the OMCA Wendy Dewan advised that she would be moving on from this Board and that her replacement, Kelly Robertson, would attend future meetings of the Authority. The Chair commended Ms. Dewan for her years of exceptional service to the OMCA and wished her well with her new responsibilities. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Original signed by Rosemary Monique Beauregard Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA MUNICIPAL CAMPGROUND AUTHORITY MINUTES 7 16 APRIL 2012 7 CONSEIL DE GESTION DU TERRAIN DE CAMPING MUNICIPAL D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 7 LE 16 AVRIL 2012