Cumberland Heritage Village Museum Board Conseil du musée-village du patrimoine de Cumberland MINUTES 14 PROCÈS-VERBAL 14 Monday, 29 October 2012 – 7:30 p.m. le lundi 29 octobre 2012 – 19 h 30 Orléans Client Service Centre Centre du service à la clientèle d’Orléans 255, boul. Centrum Blvd. - Room / salle 340 Present / Présents: R. Thomas (Chair / Président), A. Dessaint (Vice-Chair/Vice-président), J. Aquilina, J. Larsen, L. O’Byrne Absent / Absents: A. Jellett, S. Lemieux DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 13 of Monday, 24 September 2012 were confirmed with amendment to item 6. REVIEW OF PAST ACTION ITEMS SUIVI DE QUESTIONS ANTÉRIEURES The Board received and reviewed the table outlining outstanding action items not listed as current agenda items. Items not marked complete were carried over for review at the next Board meeting, in addition to any action items flowing from this agenda. The following updates were identified: The Board Chair advised that he would schedule the meeting with the Councillor and community members following the working group meeting with Board members in mid-November. Members of the working group in charge of reviewing the translation of the history book provided a brief update on the progress. It was noted that the chapters have been translated by different translators; therefore the styles are different from chapter to chapter. They recommended an editor review the book in its entirety upon completion to ensure fluidity and consistency. ACTION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS POINTS D’EXÉCUTION ET DE DISCUSSION 1. STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE BOARD AND TERMS OF REFERENCE STRATÉGIQUES ET TERMS DU MANDAT DU CONSEIL The Board Chair had circulated a draft of the terms of reference for members to review. The Board reviewed the document line-by-line and suggested changes throughout the document. Action 1: The Coordinator to provide wording of the selection panel for inclusion in Section 3: Board Recruitment Process and Criteria. Action 2: At the request of the Board, the Coordinator will request the Program Manager of Heritage Museums and Programs to update Appendix 1: Role of City Council and City Staff, specifically, section 3 on Reporting Relationships. Action 3: The Board Chair to update the terms of reference based on the suggestions raised at the meeting. 2. DEVELOPMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN PLAN DE MISE EN ŒUVRE DU PLAN DE DÉVELOPPEMENT Rachel Perkins, Museum Administrator provided a verbal update on the development plan that was created based on the Implementation Plan prepared by Lord Cultural Resources. She advised that the document was very much a work in progress paper which included a priority list, timelines and costs associated to each project. Action: Coordinator to add an update on this item on the next agenda. The following suggestions were provided by members: * Include in the Plan to consult with donators * Include a section/column on succession planning * Document should be used as an evaluation tool Ms. Perkins provided an update on the activities at the museum in October. She advised that the Haunted Historic Village was a success as well as the smashing pumpkins. 3. PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS FOR 2012 ARTICLE PROPOSÉS POUR LES ORDRES DU JOUR EN 2012 The Board agreed that the new members would populate this document and that it was no longer necessary to list it as an agenda item. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Original Signed By Original Signed By Carole Legault Russ Thomas ____________________________ _____________________________ Board Coordinator Chair CUMBERLAND HERITAGE VILLAGE MUSEUM BOARD MINUTES 14 29 OCTOBER 2012 3 CONSEIL DU MUSÉE-VILLAGE DU PATRIMOINE DE CUMBERLAND PROCÈS-VERBAL 14 LE 29 OCTOBRE 2012