Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur les arts, le patrimoine et la culture MINUTES 15 PROCÈS VERBAL 15 Monday, 16 April 2012, 4:00 p.m. Le lundi 16 avril 2012 16 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present / Présents: S. Jeannotte (Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente), B. Barrett, J. Bruce, C. Chudczak, C. Cooke, L. Fox, S. Hawkins, C. Higginson-Murray C. Tessier Absent / Absents: C. O’Grady (Chair/Présidente) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were declared. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 14 – Monday, 19 March 2012 Procès-verbal 14 – le lundi 19 mars 2012 CARRIED ITEMS OF BUSINESS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR 1. CULTURAL ASPECTS OF LANSDOWNE PARK REDEVELOPMENT ASPECTS CULTURELS DE RÉAMÉNAGEMENT DU PARC LANSDOWNE Vice-Chair Jeannotte Vice-Chair Jeannotte summarised the reason why this item is of importance to AHCAC and some of the concerns facing the arts and culture community. * Cultural aspects * Programming * Interpretive walk * Central square for artists * Design John Smits, Manager, Development Review (Urban) gave a PowerPoint presentation which is held on file by the City Clerk’s office. He stated that Council has approved the Master Plan Directions which included direction for the integration of an interpretive walk as an organizing principle for all of Lansdowne that would reflect the history and stories of Lansdowne and an Urban Park Plan provided with 2 significant public art elements – beacon and screen representing 10% of the construction cost for the park and 1% of the construction cost for the entire project. Following Mr. Smits presentation the members posed various questions on the Horticultural building, sources for public art funding, relationship with the Algonquin nation, the art screen, etc… Mr. Allan Teramura, Architect, Watson MacEwen Teramura Architects gave a give a brief PowerPoint presentation where he expressed his concerns on some aspects of the project. He also discussed the letter he wrote to the Mayor and the response received from Councillor Peter Hume as Chair of the Planning Committee. These are held on file by the City Clerk’s office. The Committee then heard from the following delegations: Pat Durr, owner Pat Durr Arts, past-president of CARFAC National and past-co-chair of the Arts Advisory Committee voiced her concerns on the 1% for public art call and why Ottawa artists have not been given preference on this major piece of Ottawa construction. A copy of her speaking notes is held on file with the City Clerk’s office. Sara Minaeian, Ottawa Youth Commission, wanted to ensure that the youth of Ottawa were included in any aspects of art and design for the Lansdowne project. 2. ARTS COURT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT- UPDATE MISE À JOUR - LE PROJET DE RÉAMÉNAGEMENT DE LA COUR DES ARTS Nicole Zuger, Program Manager, Arts and Heritage Development Nicole Zuger, Program Manager, Arts and Heritage Development gave a brief summary on the status of the project. She noted that the working group would be meeting in May and as of yet no response to the grant application but hopefully by June. 3. UPDATE – COMMEMORATIVE NAMING POLICY MISES À JOUR - POLITIQUE SUR LES NOMS COMMÉMORATIFS Members Tessier and Bruce Member Tessier commented that the Commemorative Naming Policy Sub-Committee has met 4 times now and should have a draft of a report for the May meeting. This report would be forwarded to either a Standing Committee of Council or to the Deputy City Clerk. Should members have any questions or comments please forward to Member Tessier and Member Bruce as soon as possible. ADDITIONAL ITEM POINT SUPPLÉMENTAIRE 4. ONTARIO HERITAGE TRUST – NOMINATIONS FOR THE HERITAGE COMMUNITY RECOGNITION PROGRAM 2012 Moved by B. Barrett That the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee approve the addition of this item for consideration by the Committee at today’s meeting, pursuant to section 84(3) of the Procedure By-Law (being By-Law 2006-462). CARRIED Committee Coordinator Marc Desjardins stated that he had received an email from Daniele Hamonic, Coordinator, Volunteer Program Development, Parks, Recreation and Culture wishing to nominate Linda Russell for the Built Heritage category of the Heritage Community Recognition Program 2012. He had circulated Ms. Russell’s information earlier that day. If AHCAC approves the recommendation then the coordinator would prepare a report to go to Community and Protective Services Committee on May 17, 2012 followed by Council on June 13. This nomination is for the Doors Open Ottawa founder and volunteer co-chair of the DOO Advisory Council, Linda Russell. Linda is a retired CBC radio producer. Doors Open Ottawa event, which started in 2002 is a city-wide weekend celebration of our architectural heritage when historic and architecturally significant buildings open their doors to the public. The Committee members agreed with the nomination but in the future would like more time to review and they also agreed that the process needs to be reviewed by the members for future nominations. Moved by B. Barrett That the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee recommend that the Community and Protective Services Committee refer to City Council the nomination of Linda Russell as the nominee to the Built Heritage Category of the Heritage Community Recognition Program 2012. CARRIED Action: The nomination will be referred to the Community and Protective Services Committee and Council via a report for consideration. UPDATES MISES À JOUR 5. ROUNDTABLE TABLE RONDE Members/membres Members provided the committee an overview of what they have been active with and upcoming events in the City and Region. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The Committee adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. Original signed by Original signed by M. Aston S. Jeannotte Committee Coordinator Vice-Chair 4 ARTS, HERITAGE & CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 16 APRIL 2012 COMITE CONSULTATIF SUR LES ARTS LE PATRIMOINE ET LA CULTURE PROCÈS-VERBAL 15 LE 16 AVRIL 2012 2 ARTS, HERITAGE & CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 16 APRIL 2012 COMITE CONSULTATIF SUR LES ARTS LE PATRIMOINE ET LA CULTURE PROCÈS-VERBAL 15 LE 16 AVRIL 2012