Seniors Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur les personnes âgées MINUTES 15 PROCÈS-VERBAL 15 Wednesday, 1 August 2012, 4:00 p.m. Le mercredi 1 août 2012, 16 h Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest NOTE: These Minutes have not been confirmed and should be considered DRAFT. Present / Présents : M. Dunn (Chair/Présidente), P. Michaud; C. Rannie, M. Saumweber Regrets / excuses : D. Breton, J. Nyiramukwende DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations were received. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 14 of Wednesday, 6 June 2012 were confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS DISCOURS D’OUVERTURE 1. CHAIR’S OPENING REMARKS AND CORRESPONDENCE DISCOURS D’OUVERTURE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE ET CORRESPONDANCE Chair Dunn updated members on the following matters: * Discussions with consultant Dan Burrell on issues with the route optimization for seniors that have arose and the impact they have had on the lives of seniors. * Delay in the launch of the Presto Card * Letter from Chris Bradshaw Vice- Chair of the Ottawa Seniors Transportation Committee to OC Transpo regarding the distance from the buses on the Transit System on the Mackenzie King Bridge to the local buses on Rideau Street. RECEIVED PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS 2. NON URGENT TRANSPORTATION PROJECT - THE GOOD COMPANIONS PROJET DE TRANSPORT NON URGENT - THE GOOD COMPANIONS Mr. Russ Gallant, Director of Administration, The Good Companions Senior Centre spoke to a PowerPoint Presentation which outlined the role of The Good Companions Seniors’ Centre. The presentation outlined their role in an affordable and coordinated “non-urgent transportation” system to improve access to Health and Community Services across Champlain. A copy of the presentation and the 2011 survey findings are held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. RECEIVED 3. RURAL OTTAWA SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES (ROSSS) - TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM - ENHANCEMENTS AS A RESULT OF RURAL PARA TRANSPO PARITY REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AUX AÎNÉS EN MILIEU RURAL D’OTTAWA  - PROGRAMME DE TRANSPORT – AMÉLIORATIONS MISES EN ŒUVRE À LA SUITE DES RECOMMANDATIONS DU RAPPORT SUR LA PARITÉ DES SERVICES DE PARA TRANSPO EN MILIEU RURAL Ms. Jennifer Lockyer, Transportation Coordinator, ROSSS provided an overview of the Rural Community Support Transportation Program and outlined how funding received by the City of Ottawa is being used towards providing transportation for residents who live in the rural Ottawa communities. A copy of the presentation and the 2011 survey findings and the brochure titled “ Getting Around: Rural Transportation Options” are held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. RECEIVED ITEMS OF BUSINESS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR 4. DISCUSSION: ADVISORY COMMITTEE RENEWAL TO SUPPORT COUNCIL’S TERM OF COUNCIL PRIORITIES DISCUSSION : RENOUVELLEMENT DES COMITÉS CONSULTATIFS AFIN DE SOUTENIR LE MANDAT DU CONSEIL Leslie Donnelly, Deputy City Clerk outlined what the proposed restructuring of the Advisory Committees would be comprised of should the recommendations be carried by Council on September 12, 2012 and what this would mean specifically for the Seniors Advisory Committee. Following the overview, Ms. Donnelly addressed the various questions and concerns raised by members. RECIEVED 5. OLDER ADULT PLAN UPDATE MISE À JOUR DU PLAN POUR LES PERSONNES Clara Freire, Manager, Client Service Strategies, Client Service Strategies Branch and Nadine Jodoin, Specialist, Policy, Planning and Development, Client Services Strategies Branch updated members on the work that has been done to date, as well as the next steps moving forward with the Older Adult Plan (OAP). She thanked members of the Older Adult sub-committee for all their work and input into the OAP. She also spoke briefly to the proposed restructuring of Advisory Committees and the roundtable format for dealing with matters pertaining of a roundtable to seniors’ issues that is being suggested. RECEIVED 6. FORWARD AGENDA ITEMS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR DES PROCHAINES RÉUNIONS No items were added at this time. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The Committee adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m. Committee Coordinator Chair SENIORS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 1 AUGUST 2012 4 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LES PERSONNES ÂGÉES PROCÈS-VERBAL 15 LE 1 AOÛT 2012 Note: Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. Nota : Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée de votre nom, mais sans vos coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population.