Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur les routes et le cyclisme MINUTES 9 PROCÈS-VERBAL 9 Monday, 28 May 2012, 7:00 p.m. le lundi 28 mai 2012, 19 h Honeywell Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Honeywell, 110, avenue Laurier ouest NOTE: These Minutes have not been confirmed and should be considered DRAFT. Present/présents : M. Powell (Chair/Président), W. Bruce (Vice-Chair/Vice-Président), G. Durocher, B. March (Ottawa Bicycle Club / Club de cyclisme d’Ottawa), B. McClean, J. Scott, t. Trottier, T. Zahavich Absent/absents: T. Conway, D. Lishman, T. Soltay, (Citizens for Safe Cycling / Citoyens pour la sécurité en vélo), H. Ullyatt DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 8 of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee meeting of 19 March 2012 were confirmed. PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS 1. TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) STUDIES ÉTUDES SUR L’AMÉNAGEMENT AXÉ SUR LE TRANSPORT EN COMMUN Chris Brouwer, Planner III, Planning & Growth Management Department, Policy Development & Urban Design Branch spoke to a detailed PowerPoint Presentation outlining the Light Rail Project and the Transit-Oriented Development Planning Approach. Highlights of the In-progress Preliminary TOD studies were also included in the presentation. A copy of the presentation is held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. Mr. Brouwer was joined by Larry Morrison from Stantec Consulting to assist in addressing questions raised by committee members. RECIEVED 2. SAFER CROSSING OF HOLLY ACRES ROAD AT AERO DRIVE BY PATHWAY USERS TRAVERSÉE PLUS SÉCURITAIRE DU CHEMIN HOLLY ACRES, À LA PROMENADE AERO, PAR LES UTILISATEURS DU SENTIER Paul Clarke, Member of the Board, Citizens for Safe Cycling spoke to a PowerPoint Presentation which serviced to identify the location and importance of the crossing at Holly Acres, identify the existing conditions and challenges faced at this intersection with possible solutions to address current issues. A copy of the presentation is held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. Ms. Peggy McGillivaray, Member of Crystal Beach, Lakeview Community Association, voiced the Community Association’s concerns with the crossing at Holly Acres and identified their preferred solution to the issues at hand. Prior to the meeting, a memo from Councillor Taylor was circulated to members of the committee, indicating his ongoing engagement with City staff in addressing the community’s concerns. A copy of the memo is held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. RECEIVED Moved by t. Trottier WHEREAS many cyclists, pedestrians and families using the Watts Creek and Ottawa River Pathways need to cross Holly Acres Road at Aero Drive, especially when commuting and on weekends, and WHEREAS Holly Acres is a four-lane road with a minimal median and fast traffic, which all combine to make it hard to cross, and WHEREAS wide corners increase traffic speeds; THEREFORE the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee requests the City to consider the Citizens for Safe Cycling proposal to install an on-demand traffic signal to aid cyclists, pedestrians and families to cross Holly Acres safely, that the radius of the corners of Aero and Holly Acres be tightened, and that appropriate signage and/or road markings for cyclists and motorists be erected to aid the safe crossing of Holly Acres. CARRIED ITEMS OF BUSINESS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR 3. WEBSITE FOR FEEDBACK ON CYCLING CHALLENGES - UPDATE SITE POUR COMMENTAIRES SUR LES DÉFIS CYCLISME – MISE-à-JOUR Chair M. Powell indicated in the interest of concerns raised by members in past discussions, it would be beneficial to scale back on their original plan for a website. An update prepared by Member T. Soltay was circulated which explains in detail how the committee could be more engaged with respect to the proposed website. A copy of the update is held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. As well, he circulated a document which provided a snapshot of the Ottawa Forest and Greenspace Advisory Committee’s website which he thought they could use as a model to begin preparing a mock-up for the committee’s own website. RECEIVED Action: Chair Powell to continuing working with City staff and work on preparing a mock up website. 4. UPDATE: WINTER CYCLING MISE À JOUR : CYCLABLES D’HIVER Member J. Scott spoke to a winter cycling survey completed by a Carleton University student as their fourth year thesis. She indicated the sub-committee discussed the need for a study like this to be done annually to collection vital statistics that would identify trends and in turn assist in future planning. An inquiry on the continuance of such a program was submitted, which can be found in the inquiry section of the minutes. RECEIVED 5. UPDATE: BRUCE TIMMERMANS AWARD MISE À JOUR : PRIX BRUCE TIMMERMANS Members of the selection panel informed members that the 2011 Bruce Timmermans Award recipient is Hans Moor. The award ceremony is to take place on June 2, 2012 at Marion Dewar Plaza located at City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West. 6. SUB-COMMITTEES AND LIAISONS UPDATES MISE À JOUR SUR LES SOUS-COMITÉS ET LES AGENTS DE LIAISON * INFRASTRUCTURE AND PARKING SUB-COMMITTEE / SOUS-COMITÉ SUR L’INFRASTRUCTURE ET LE STATIONNEMENT Member B. McClean briefed members on the topics discussed at the sub-committee meeting of April 23, 2012. These included: * Winter Cycling * Book 18 Report * Ottawa Cycling Plan Update * Bank Street Bridges over Canal and River * Churchill – Carling to Richmond * Various Projects the City is undertaking (Robin Bennett, Project Manager for Cycling Programs was in attendance) * Various Public Consultation Groups that are currently occurring within the City on roads and cycling matters. A copy of the sub-committee meeting minutes is held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa Records Retention and Disposition By-law. OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS Chair M. Powell indicated he attended the Public Advisory Group (PAG) meeting for the Segregated Bike Lanes on Laurier Avenue on May 24, 2012. He indicated the meeting was well run; constructive suggestions were put forward and staff appeared to be amendable to finding solutions. The next meeting of the PAG will look at the survey design to take place in September 2012 and the final meeting to discuss conclusion will occur in June in June 2013. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Coordinator Chair ROADS AND CYCLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 9 28 MAY 2012 4 COMITE CONSULTATIF SUR LES ROUTES ET LE CYCLISME PROCES-VERBAL 9 LE 28 MAI 2012