Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur les parcs et les loisirs MINUTES 11 PROCÈS-VERBAL 11 Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 7:00 p.m. le mardi 24 avril 2012, 19 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present / Présents : S. Perry (Chair / Présidente), D. Hartnett (Vice-Chair / Vice-président) K. Abella, B. Briggs, P. Cullen and C. Sidorenko Absent / Absents : H. Zarins DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 10 of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of 28 February 2012 were confirmed. REMARKS ANNONCES Chair Perry reminded members that Member Zarins would not be present as he was hosting a fundraising event for the Brain Injury Association of Canada. The Chair also mentioned that Ms. Hilda Chow, Program Manager, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, Ottawa Public Health, will be seeking PRAC’s input on the new Healthy Eating / Active Living program. Member Cullen informed that this would be his last Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting, as he wished to devote more time to pursue other interests and to enjoy the company of his grandchildren. On behalf of the Committee, Chair Perry thanked him for his participation and wished him well in his future endeavours. INTRODUCTION 1. COUNCILLOR M. TAYLOR, CHAIR, COMMUNITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE (CPSC) CONSEILLER M. TAYLOR, PRÉSIDENT, COMITÉ DES SERVICES COMMUNAUTAIRES ET DE PROTECTION (CSCP) Chair Perry welcomed Councillor Mark Taylor, as the Standing Committee Chair to which PRAC reports. She then asked members to introduce themselves to provide background on their experience in Committee-related matters. Councillor Taylor expressed his appreciation for having been invited. ACTION ITEMS POINTS D’EXÉCUTION 2. STATUS AND DIRECTIONS FOR PRAC / RELATIONSHIP WITH CPSC ÉTAT / ORIENTATIONS POUR L’AVENIR DU CCPL / RELATIONS AVEC LE CSCP Councillor Taylor reaffirmed his appreciation for, and intention to continue working with, PRAC and all Advisory Committees reporting to CPSC on meaningful quality-of-life issues, with a view towards improving the lives of the City’s residents. He also expressed his belief in the value provided by the work of the Advisory Committees, and that this work should continue through open communication and interconnected workplanning. 3. GOVERNANCE AND VISIONING FOR PRAC GOUVERNANCE ET VISION POUR LE CCPL Members expressed that information was not being provided readily enough to allow the Committee to focus on its own visioning exercises. Councillor Taylor explained that the Clerk’s Office was engaged in a lengthy review, and that various Governance scenarios could emerge for consideration. He said he would continue to push for Advisory Committees’ consideration at the front end of the process, as a platform to foster discussion in a less structured environment. Chair Perry thanked Councillor Taylor for his input and vowed to keep the lines of communication open. Members then discussed elements of strategic planning, visioning, City priorities, the Committee’s visibility in promoting recreation and how PRAC could influence elements within the City’s Strategic Plan. Members were asked to consider areas upon which the Committee should focus its efforts, to be discussed at PRAC’s next meeting. Action: Members to consider, off-line, areas upon which to focus Committee efforts, to be discussed in detail at PRAC’s next meeting. PRESENTATION PRÉSENTATION 4. POOL ENCLOSURES BY-LAW RÈGLEMENT SUR LES CLÔTURES DE PISCINES The Committee received a PowerPoint slide presentation (held on file with the City Clerk's office pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition Bylaw) from Ms. Arlene Grégoire, Director and Chief Building Official, Building Code Services Branch, Planning and Growth Management (PGM), as an overview of the City’s updated Pool Enclosures By-Law. Following a brief exchange of questions and answers, the Committee received the presentation for its information. Ms. Grégoire said she would provide the Committee with a final version of the By-Law for review and comment prior to its implementation. RECEIVED INFORMATION / DISCUSSION 5. COMMITTEE / SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES MISES À JOUR DU COMITÉ/SOUS-COMITÉS * Master Plan / Plan directeur * 2013 Budget / Budget du 2013 * Policy & Issues / La politique et les questions No detailed updates were discussed or provided. 6. UPDATES FROM STAFF MISES À JOUR DU PERSONNEL Mr. Dan Chénier, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) provided updates and responded to queries on the following: * Aquatic and land registrations for Spring & Summer sessions; * Transition into summer outdoor recreation; * Helping to market local community centres; * Head injury prevention strategy & drowning prevention updates; * Complaints re: City of Ottawa Recreation Guide no longer available in paper form; * Potvin Arena / Shepherd Park Public-Private Partnership Request for Proposal; * The City’s Aquatics Unit’s victory in winning the 2012 Cochrane Cup for lifesaving; * Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department restructuring (PowerPoint slide presentation, held on file with the City Clerk's office pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition Bylaw). Members also asked to be provided with overviews of different Branches within PRCS. Mr. Chénier offered to invite managers each month to introduce the different areas within their purview. Members also discussed how they could help the Department disseminate information pertaining to recreational programming. RECEIVED Action 1: D. Chénier, General Manager, PRCS, to oversee introduction of PRCS branches on a monthly basis, starting with PRAC’s next meeting. Action 2: Members to consider how PRAC can help disseminate information about recreational programming to augment the Recreation Guide (which is no longer available in paper form), for discussion at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Original signed by Original signed by C. Zwierzchowski S. Perry Committee Coordinator Chair PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 11 24 APRIL 2012 5 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LES PARCS ET LES LOISIRS PROCÈS-VERBAL 11 LE 24 AVRIL 2012