Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur les forêts et les espaces verts d’Ottawa MINUTES 17 PROCÈS-VERBAL 17 Monday, 25 June 2012, 6:30 p.m. Le lundi 25 juin 2012 18 h 30 Colonely By Room 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Present / Présents: H. Hamilton (Chair/présidente), B. Henkelman (Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente) R. Alam, L. Donohue, J. Garlough, P. Hall, N. Parent, C. Seward, M. Wani Regrets/excuses: S. Fast DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were received. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 16 from the May 28, 2012 meeting were confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS 1. CHAIR’S OPENING REMARKS AND CORRESPONDENCE DISCOURS D’OUVERTURE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE ET CORRESPONDANCE The Chair reported on the following: * Central Park in the Glebe was recently designated the Clemow Estate East Heritage Conservation District * Felled Brighton Beach Oak Tree in Ottawa South, turned into “Sailing Through Time” sculpture (on display at Carleton University) * She attended two recent meetings hosted by the City: Downtown Moves; Western LRT Extension * Forestry staff is unavailable so there will be no update at Item 3 * Volunteer Beltzner is unable to attend this evening but has circulated his submissions for Item 5 (A) and (E) 2. PRESENTATIONS PRÉSENTATIONS A) WHAT OTTAWA CAN LEARN FROM THE CITY OF MUMBAI (NATURAL ENVIRONMENT) CE QU’OTTAWA PEUT APPRENDRE DE LA VILLE DE MUMBAI (MILIEU NATUREL) Member Wani gave a detailed PowerPoint presentation of the item, a copy of which is held on file. RECEIVED B) HIDDEN HARVEST OTTAWA RÉCOLTE CACHÉE À OTTAWA Member Garlough gave a verbal presentation on the item. RECEIVED INFORMATION ITEMS 3. CITY OPERATIONS - FORESTRY SERVICES MONTHLY UPDATE OPÉRATIONS MUNICIPALES – SERVICES FORESTIERS – RAPPORT MENSUEL No update provided. 4. PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE MONTHLY UPDATE URBANISME ET INFRASTRUCTURE – RAPPORT MENSUEL Nick Stow, Planner III provided a detailed overview of the Wildlife Strategy Report which had recently been circulated to the Working Group and members of OFGAC. A copy of the draft report is held on file. He also touched briefly on Blandings Turtle Conservation Plan, and advised of the status of the Council Position for Urban Boundary – Phase 2B Hearing – OMB, which rises to Council on 27 June. RECEIVED Action: Staff was requested to provide an update on Beaver Deceivers and the status of the Kizell Wetlands at the August meeting. ACTION ITEMS POINTS PRIORITAIRES 5. PROJECT FILE UPDATES MISES À JOUR SUR LES DOSSIERS DE PROJETS A) 1566 Stagecoach Road Development and OMB Appeal Le point sur l’aménagement du 1566, chemin Stagecoach et l’appel à la CAMO   The Committee received Volunteer Beltzner’s presentation in advance of the meeting. A copy is held on file. B) Tree Canopy Mapping Project Projet de cartographie du couvert forestier Member Alam provided a PowerPoint presentation of the item. A copy is held on file. The Committee felt it would be beneficial for councillors (whose wards have been mapped), to receive details on the project. Action: The Chair to arrange a meeting with Forestry staff to advise what OFGAC is doing with respect to tree mapping. C) Heritage Tree Workshop Atelier sur les arbres du patrimoine Member Parent provided details on the workshop she and the Chair attended between June 8th and 9th, 2012 at the Central Experimental Farm (Neatby Building). D) Berrigan Community Plaque Site Endroit choisi pour la plaque de la communauté Berrigan Member Parent provided details on the item. Funding for the landscaping was provided by Councillor Harder’s office. It was suggested that photographs of the before and after landscaping at this site be put on the OFGAC website. E) Barrhaven-Riverside South Rapid Transit EA Évaluation environnementale du couloir de transport en commun rapide Barrhaven-Riverside-Sud   The Committee received Volunteer Beltzner’s presentation in advance of the meeting. A copy is held on file. 6. FORWARD AGENDA ITEMS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR DE LA PROCHAINE RÉUNION * Environment Strategy / Stratégie environnementale * Water Environment Strategy / Stratégie sur le milieu aquatique * Rural Review / Questions rurales OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS OFGAC Website It was suggested that the following items be reflected on the website: * Decisions taken by the Committee since 2009 * Preliminary work done on the Tree Mapping Project Impact of Development/Construction on Trees The Chair advised that over the summer, she would be working on a photo-report for Councillors, on the impact construction and development has on trees. The report would include the problems and what needs to happen. She was seeking assistance from other Committee members in the preparation of the report. Member Leaving the Committee Committee Members said farewell to Caroline Seward who advised that this would be her last meeting. She was going on maternity leave. NEXT MEETING PROCHAINE RÉUNION The Committee agreed to cancel the July meeting. The next meeting would be held on 27 August 2012. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Original Signed By Original Signed By R. Theriault H. Hamilton Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA FORESTS AND GREENSPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 17 25 JUNE 2012 5 COMITE CONSULTATIF SUR LES FORÊTS ET LES ESPACES VERTS D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 17 LE 25 JUIN 2012 Note: 1. Please note that these Minutes are to be considered DRAFT until confirmed by Committee. 2. Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. Nota : 1. Veuillez noter que ces procès-verbaux doive être considérés comme étant PRÉLIMINAIRE jusqu’à ce qu’ils soivent confirmés par le Comité. 2. Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée de votre nom, mais sans vos coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population.