Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur le patrimoine bâti d’Ottawa MINUTES 25 PROCÈS-VERBAL 25 Thursday, 20 September 2012, 6:00 p.m. le jeudi, 20 septembre 2012, 18 h Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present/Présents: C. Mulholland (Chair/Président), E. Eagen (Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente), J. Doutriaux, E. Zdansky Regrets/Excuses : A. Fyfe, P. Maheu DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT Chair Mulholland declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 24 of the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee of 6 September 2012 were confirmed. APPLICATIONS TO ALTER DEMANDES VISANT À TRANSFORMER 1. APPLICATION TO ALTER 192 STANLEY AVENUE, A PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NEW EDINBURGH HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT DEMANDE EN VUE DE MODIFIER LE 192, AVENUE STANLEY, PROPRIÉTÉ SITUÉE DANS LE DISTRICT DE CONSERVATION DU PATRIMOINE DE NEW EDINBURGH ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0218 RIDEAU-ROCKCLIFFE (13) REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommend Council: 1. Approve the application to alter 192 Stanley Avenue as per drawings submitted by Dennis Kane, ARC Associates Inc. on August 1, 2012 and included as Documents 3, 4, and 5; 2. Delegate authority for minor design changes to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department; and 3. Issue the heritage permit with a two-year expiry from the date of issuance. (Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on November 12, 2012) (Note: Approval to Alter this property under the Ontario Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance of a building permit.) Lesley Collins, Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the report. Maggie Butcher, owner of a neighbouring property, strongly opposed the proposal as she felt it is not in keeping with the heritage nature of the area, given the size of the structure and the lack of greenspace being retained. Lesley Maitland, Heritage Ottawa, spoke to the heritage aspects of the application, noting although it is supportive of many of the heritage values in New Edinburgh, Heritage Ottawa is concerned with the size of the structure as it does not follow the guidelines of the heritage overlay; she stressed that guidance is needed on the development of the laneways. Further, Ms. Maitland indicated Heritage Ottawa supports the New Edinburgh Community Alliance (NECA) in requesting a Cultural Heritage Impact Statement be undertaken. Gail McEachern, New Edinburgh Community Alliance (NECA) spoke to the importance of protecting the principle elements outlined in the conservation plan and in the heritage overly zoning for New Edinburgh and discussed the importance of landscape and open space in the area. She noted this development is large and does not meet the sections of the City of Ottawa’s Official Plan that speak to respecting the character and massing of adjacent lots and minimizing the loss of landscape and open space. Subsequently, she strongly encouraged members to not approve this application in its current form. Dennis Kane, ARC Associates Inc. was present and available to respond to questions. Members acknowledged the importance of intensification and were pleased with the appropriate use of materials in the proposal. However they expressed concern with the size of the proposed building and significant reduction in greenspace and questioned the guidelines related to development on the laneways. Prior to the meeting the committee received the following correspondence on this matter, a copy of which is held on file with the City Clerk: * Letter dated 20 September 2012 from Heritage Ottawa * Email dated 19 September 2012 from Paul McConnell, neighbour * Letter dated 13 July 2012 from the New Edinburgh Community Alliance * Email dated 19 September 2012 from Jeffrey Smith, neighbour * Email dated 19 September 2012 from James Turpie The report recommendation was moved by Elizabeth Zdansky and CARRIED as presented with J. Doutriaux dissenting. 2. APPLICATION TO ALTER 353 ELMWOOD AVENUE, A PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE ROCKCLIFFE PARK HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT DEMANDE EN VUE DE MODIFIER LA PROPRIÉTÉ DU 353, AVENUE ELMWOOD, SITUÉE DANS LE DISTRICT DE CONSERVATION DU PATRIMOINE DE ROCKCLIFFE PARK ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0219 RIDEAU-ROCKCLIFFE (13) REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommend that Council: 1. Approve the application to alter 353 Elmwood Avenue as per drawings submitted by Hierarchy Development and Design on August 20, 2012, included as Documents 3, 4, and 5, subject to the following conditions: * The proposed stone veneer on the front elevation be removed and replaced with the same composite siding proposed for the upperstorey, sides and rear of the building; and * The design of the front porch and pediment be reconsidered in consultation with heritage staff. 2. Delegate authority for minor design changes to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department; and 3. Issue the heritage permit with a two-year expiry date from the date of issuance. (Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on November 19, 2012) (Note: Approval to Alter this property under the Ontario Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance of a building permit.) *Chair Mulholland declared a conflict of interest and left the room. Elizabeth Eagen took the Chair. Lesley Collins provided an overview of the report indicating that staff is supportive of the application subject to the conditions outlined in recommendation 1. Peter J. Ho, owner and John Paul Boisvert, Designer, Hierarchy Design and Development addressed the conditions staff identified. They discussed the size of the pediment and although they are trying to maintain the existing size, the revised pediment will be smaller than originally submitted. They expressed the desire to maintain the brick on the front of the building and provided samples of similar façades in the neighbourhood. The report recommendation was moved by Jérôme Doutriaux and CARRIED as presented. C. Mulholland re-entered the room and resumed the Chair. APPLICATION TO DEMOLISH DEMANDE DE DÉMOLITION 3. APPLICATION TO DEMOLISH 273 SUSSEX AND 275-279 SUSSEX, TWO BUILDINGS DESIGNATED UNDER PART V OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT AND LOCATED IN THE LOWERTOWN WEST HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT DEMANDE DE DÉMOLITION DES PROPRIÉTÉS SITUÉES AU 273, PROMENADE SUSSEX AINSI QU’AUX 275, 276, 277, 278 ET 279, PROMENADE SUSSEX, DEUX BÂTIMENTS DÉSIGNÉS EN VERTU DE LA PARTIE V DE LA LOI SUR LE PATRIMOINE DE L’ONTARIO CONSTRUITS DANS LE DISTRICT DE CONSERVATION DU PATRIMOINE DE LA BASSE-VILLE OUEST ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0217 RIDEAU-VANIER (12) REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommend that Council: 1. Approve the application to demolish 273 and 275-279 Sussex Drive subject to the following conditions being satisfied prior to the issuance of a demolition permit: a. That the owner provide archival documentation of the two buildings, including photo documentation prepared by qualified professionals, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management prior to their removal; and b. That the owner provide to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department an undertaking to landscape the vacant lots until such time as they are redeveloped by the National Capital Commission. (Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on October 28, 2012) (Note: Approval to Demolish these properties under the Ontario Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance of a building permit.) John Smit, Manager, Development Review - Urban, Planning and Growth Management, provided an overview of the report. He introduced Ghadban Ziad, Manager, Design and Construction, Randy Dempsey, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects, Richard Daigneault, Project Manager, National Capital Commission and Ron Clarke, Delcan, noting they were present to respond to questions and provide additional information as required. Members discussed the size of the sidewalk, curb line, speed limit and timeline of work. They expressed concern with removing the buildings to build roads and questioned whether an alternate bike path was considered, as well as moving the buildings back on the properties. Staff indicated that a number of options were considered, including moving the buildings, and stressed the decision was not made lightly; however, staff feel this proposal is the most appropriate means of moving forward with this issue. Mr. Smit further noted that any development on this property in the future will be subject to being constructed in accordance with the Lowertown West Heritage District Design Guidelines. Mr. Daigneault clarified that the NCC hired an ERA Consultant to work with Delcan to complete a cultural heritage impact statement, which found there was no real impact. He stressed that this issue is as much a transportation issue as heritage. Nancy Miller Chenier, Lowertown Community Association, spoke in opposition to the proposal expressing concerns with removing buildings for roads. She feels this sacrifices significant built heritage in the area, noting the buildings are modest but are historical landmarks. Ms. Chenier discussed the history of the buildings as it relates to the heritage character and requested that the Committee deny the application to demolish. As well, she asked that the Committee recognize the architectural and cultural significance of these buildings and recommend the designation of the row house at 275-279 Sussex Drive. Leslie Maitland, Heritage Ottawa, supported the Lowertown Community Association in recommending against this proposal. Ms. Maitland spoke to the heritage character of the district and finding alternative solutions. She stressed that traffic considerations should not dictate the demolition of these historic homes and strongly recommends the OBHAC vote against the staff recommendation and consider a Part IV designation. Donna Kearns, resident, spoke against the staff recommendation noting she owns three houses in Lowertown, and feels this area is an incredibly important part of City of Ottawa. She noted that even though the buildings may not be visually appealing they are a part of the heritage character of the neighbourhood and provide a connection to the community. In addition to stressing the importance of preserving properties in lowertown, Ms. Kearns also expressed concern with the modification to the road noting currently the curve slows traffic naturally. David Jeanes, Transport Action spoke to the issue of traffic calming. He suggested that making the proposed modifications to the street and increasing the speed limit is dangerous for pedestrian crossing. He spoke to an alternate cycling route, noted the limited availability of OC Transpo in the area and stressed that transportation issues should not be weighted heavier than that of heritage. Nancy Oakley, citizen, made the following points: * the Cultural Heritage Impact Statement came too late in the process; * heritage should be respected and be part of the planning process from the beginning; and, * better options should have been provided. Prior to moving his motion, Member Doutriaux noted that he was shocked by the disregard shown for heritage issues and that they seem to be seen as impediments rather than assets. MOTION NO OBH 24/1 Moved by Jérôme Doutriaux: That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommend that Council refuse the application to demolish the buildings located at 273 and 275-279 Sussex Drive. CARRIED The report recommendation was REJECTED per Motion 24/1. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Original signed by Original signed by K. Sammon C. Mulholland Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA BUILT HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 24 20 SEPTEMBER 2012 8 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LE PATRIMOINE BÂTI D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 24 LE 20 SEPTEMBRE 2012 Note: 1. Please note that these Minutes are to be considered DRAFT until confirmed by Committee. 2. Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. Nota : 1. Veuillez noter que ces procès-verbaux doive être considérés comme étant PRÉLIMINAIRE jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient confirmés par le Comité. 2. Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée de nom, mais sans coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population.