Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur le patrimoine bâti d’Ottawa MINUTES 24 PROCÈS-VERBAL 24 Thursday, 6 September 2012, 6:00 p.m. le jeudi, 6 septembre 2012, 18 h Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present/Présents: C. Mulholland (Chair/Président), E. Eagen (Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente), J. Doutriaux, P. Maheu, V. Sahni, E. Zdansky Regrets/Excuses : A. Fyfe DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT There were no declarations of interest. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 23 of the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee of 2 August 2012 were confirmed. APPLICATION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION DEMANDE DE NOUVELLE CONSTRUCTION 1. APPLICATION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AT 506 KENT STREET, A PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CENTRETOWN HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT DEMANDE DE NOUVELLE CONSTRUCTION AU 506, RUE KENT, PROPRIÉTÉ SITUÉE DANS LE DISTRICT DE CONSERVATION DU PATRIMOINE DU CENTRE-VILLE ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0212 SOMERSET (14) Report Recommendations That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommend Council: 1. Approve the application for new construction at 506 Kent Street as per drawings submitted by Harish Gupta Architect Inc. on July 16, 2012; 2. Issue the heritage permit with a three year expiry date from the date of issuance; and 3. Delegate authority for minor design changes to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department. (Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on October 15, 2012) (Note: Approval to Alter this property under the Ontario Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance of a building permit.) Prior to the meeting the committee received the following correspondence in support on this matter, a copy of which is held on file with the City Clerk: * Comment Sheet dated 20 August 2012 from Susan R. Guimond, owner * Letter dated 6 September from Leslie Maitland, President, Heritage Ottawa. The report recommendation was moved by Jérôme Doutriaux and CARRIED as presented. PLANNING AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT URBANISME ET GESTION DE LA CROISSANCE 2. CULTURAL HERITAGE IMPACT STATEMENTS ENONCÉ D’INCIDENCE SUR LE PATRIMOINE CULTUREL ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0195 CITY WIDE / À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE Report Recommendation That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommends that Council adopt the “Guidelines for the Preparation of Cultural Heritage Impact Statements” included as Document 1. Sally Coutts, Heritage Planner II outlined the guidelines for the Preparation of the Cultural Impact Statements, providing background and clarification on issues raised by members. MOTION NO OBH 24/1 Moved by Pierre Maheu That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that the Planning Committee recommend Council approve that the City of Ottawa retain and pay for consultants to prepare all future Cultural Heritage Impact Statements (CHIS) prepared under the new Guidelines for the preparation of CHIS to ensure that the Impact Statements are objective and unbiased. CARRIED with E. Eagen dissenting. The report recommendation was moved by Pierre Maheu and CARRIED as amended by Motion 24/1 with C. Mulholland dissenting. ADDITIONAL ITEM POINT SUPPLÉMENTAIRE MOTION NO OBH 24/2 Moved by E. Eagen That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee approve the addition of the following item for consideration by the Committee at tonight’s meeting, pursuant to Section 20(3) of the Procedure By-law (being By-Law No. 2007-104). CARRIED 3. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RENEWAL TO SUPPORT COUNCIL’S TERM OF COUNCIL PRIORITIES - DISCUSSION RENOUVELLEMENT DES COMITÉS CONSULTATIFS AFIN DE SOUTENIR LE MANDAT DU CONSEIL - DISCUSSION Chair Mulholland provided an update on the presentation he made to the Joint Finance and Economic Development and Governance Review sub-Committee noting comments made and issues that were raised. James O’Graty, Federation of Citizens Association of Ottawa-Carleton (FCA), explained the FCA is an umbrella group of Community Associations in Ottawa and is interested in working with the current members of OBHAC regarding this issue should Council approve the staff recommendation. David Flemming, Heritage Ottawa noted in their presentation to the Joint Committee they expressed concern that if approved Ottawa would be the only Municipality in the province to have the majority of its heritage committee members as Councillors. He also expressed concern with getting knowledgeable citizens to serve given the committee would be politically based. Further, given the workload the councillors already have they may have difficulty achieving quorum. Mr. Flemming ended by thanking the OBHAC members for the work they have done over the years. The Coordinator clarified that if Council approves the staff recommendation the current OBHAC committee will be empowered to meet on an as needed basis until the new Built Heritage sub-committee is established. Members discussed options moving forward, questioning their purpose and the possibility of resigning. Chair Mulholland indicated he would like to move a motion, so Vice-Chair Eagen took the Chair. MOTION NO OBH 24/2 Moved by C. Mulholland That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee recommend that Council amend the membership of the new Built Heritage sub-committee to include less than 50% Councillors to remain in keeping with other Municipalities in Ontario and to ensure an available level of heritage expertise on the committee. CARRIED Action: Coordinator will forward the OBHAC motion in a memo for the Council meeting scheduled for September 12, 2012. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Original signed by Original signed by K. Sammon C. Mulholland Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA BUILT HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 24 6 SEPTEMBER 2012 5 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LE PATRIMOINE BÂTI D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 24 LE 6 SEPTEMBRE 2012 Note: 1. Please note that these Minutes are to be considered DRAFT until confirmed by Committee. 2. Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. Nota : 1. Veuillez noter que ces procès-verbaux doive être considérés comme étant PRÉLIMINAIRE jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient confirmés par le Comité. 2. Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée de nom, mais sans coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population.