Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur la conservation de l’architecture locale MINUTES 28 PROCÈS-VERBAL 28 Thursday, 17 September 2009, 6:00 p.m. le jeudi, 17 septembre 2009, 18 h Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present/Présents: V. Angel, S. Crossley, R. Dalibard, M. McGregor, C. Mulholland, V.Sahni, A. Teramura, È. Wertheimer Absent/Absents: J. Baltz (Chair/Président), J. Doutriaux (Vice-Chair/Vice-président), H. McArthur, S. Whamond (Regrets/Excuses) A. Lukey DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 27 of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting of 3 September 2009 were confirmed. At the outset of the meeting, the Coordinator advised that since neither the Committee Chair nor Vice-Chair could be present, a presiding officer would have to be appointed by the committee to chair the meeting. Member Sahni volunteered. Moved by M. McGregor: That, in the absence of both the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, Member Sahni be appointed as Presiding Officer to chair the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting of 17 September 2009. CARRIED ACTION ITEMS EXÉCUTION 1. APPLICATION TO DEMOLISH THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 7280 BOLTON STREET AND APPLICATION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AT 72-80 BOLTON STREET, A PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE LOWERTOWN WEST HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT - REVISION DEMANDE DE DÉMOLITION DE L'IMMEUBLE SITUÉ AUX 7280, RUE BOLTON ET DEMANDE DE CONSTRUCTION D'UN IMMEUBLE AUX 72-80, RUE BOLTON, DANS LE DISTRICT DE CONSERVATION DU PATRIMOINE DE LA BASSE-VILLE OUEST - REVISÉ ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0170 RIDEAU-VANIER (12) Sally Coutts, Heritage Planner, provided a PowerPoint presentation. She was accompanied by Leslie Collins, Heritage Planner. Lize Lauzon, owner, was also present to answer questions on the application. Ms. Coutts explained that in 2007 City Council approved the demolition of the single detached dwelling at 72-80 Bolton Street and the construction of a four-storey apartment building under the Ontario Heritage Act. However, after Council granted approval under the Ontario Heritage Act, but before the issuance of a building permit, Ottawa Hydro required modifications to the design because the front facade exceeded the allowable distance for buildings from overhead hydro wires. In response, the property owner redesigned the building, and as the building has been redesigned, new permission under the Ontario Heritage Act is required. The main differences in the new design are the change from a mansard roof with dormers to a flat roof and the setting back of the top two storeys. Staff have no objection to the proposal, as it is similar in design and execution to the plan approved by City Council in 2007. They view the building as complementary to the character of other low-rise buildings in the area and feel it will enhance this area of the Lowertown West Heritage Conservation District, and will animate this section of Bolton Street in particular. Hubert Gratton did not have any particular concern with the architectural design of the building, but was concerned about preserving the heritage character of what he referred to as the ‘capital city’s front yard’ - Ottawa’s Ceremonial Sussex Drive – which is home to numerous embassies and is visited by thousands of tourists. He also referenced the architecturally acclaimed Aga Khan international centre, situated less than a thousand feet away from the proposed building on Bolton. He suggested the French doors and metal railings that are proposed for the new building are not compatible with the streetscape. He hoped that the LACAC would support the preservation of the heritage character of the neighbourhood by insisting that this building be more compatible with the surrounding area. Mr. Gratton’s detailed submission is held on file with the City Clerk and Solicitor’s branch pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition By-law. David Jeanes, Heritage Ottawa stated that after viewing the proposed designs, as presented in Ms. Coutts’ presentation, he would report back to the board of Heritage Ottawa that the new design looks reasonable for the area. He was pleased with the architectural design elements and scale of the building. Member Sahni noted the committee had also received correspondence dated 8 September 2009 from Rochelle Davis Bourque in support of the application. Some members expressed compassion for Mr. Gratton’s concerns and suggested it is disappointing to see neighbourhoods of rich character get taken over by somewhat blander buildings. Overall, however, members supported the application and remarked that it is an improvement on the previous design. Moved by M. McGregor: That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee recommend that Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council: 1. Approve the application to demolish 80 Bolton Street. Demolition permit to be issued conditional upon the issuance of a building permit for new construction on the property at 72-80 Bolton Street; and 2. Approve the design of the construction of a four-storey apartment building on the site, according to the plans by A. Dagenais and Associates, Inc. received on August 13, 2009. CARRIED with S. Crossley dissenting. OTHER BUSINESS AND INFORMATION AUTRES QUESTIONS ET ANNONCES Leslie Collins, Heritage Planner referred to the email she had sent members prior to the meeting about the Ottawa Architectural Conservation Awards 2009/2010. The deadline for nominations has now passed and she inquired whether LACAC members would be interested in assisting with the review and evaluation of the applications, as they had done in previous years. Members Dalibard, Angel, and Wertheimer volunteered and Member Mulholland will confirm as soon as possible. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Original signed by Original signed by Committee Coordinator A/Chair LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 28 17 SEPTEMBER 2009 4 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LA CONSERVATION DE L’ARCHITECTURE LOCALE PROCÈS-VERBAL 28 LE 17 SEPTEMBRE 2009