Project: Galaxy Camera Flagship Store
Project Address: 406-408 Bank Street (corner of Bank Street and Florence Street)
Date: May 4, 2006
Design Review Panel Members:
Rick MacEwen
Tara Smith
Robert Webster
Framework and General Comments
- The proposed building reinforces the street edge.
- It provides commercial use at grade and residential intensification above.
- The building maintains four storey mass at the street with a set-back at the upper floor.
- The proposed rooftop garden provides a private amenity space for the building occupants.
- The external photographic gallery along the building façade will contribute to the City’s goal for increased public art.
- The development is not well integrated with the proportions, rhythms and forms used by the original commercial buildings of Bank Street.
- The development should be more sympathetic and reinforce the built fabric.
- The contextual fit is poor.
- The material and detailing at the ground floor lacks quality and interest.
- The landscape plan needs to be incorporated into the proposed streetscape design for Bank Street.
- The design of the corner planter and bench needs refinement.
- There needs to be a clear distinction between pedestrian and vehicular traffic where the sidewalk and driveway to the parking garage intersect.
- If the proponent is allowed to propose changes to the City's ROW on Florence Street then the following comments must be considered:
o The parking layout needs to be reworked as the current plan creates a conflict between vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
o Landscape treatment along Florence Street needs to be taller or more substantial to provide an adequate buffer between the sidewalk and parking area.
Response to Self-Assessment
One Review (proponents self-assessment of
the project design in the context of DOUDS):
Two Review (proponents self assessment of
the project design in the context of general design considerations/ principles
relative to OP design objectives):
-The proponent has
demonstrated how the project design will achieve some but not all of the specific
design considerations noted above.
Elements Requiring Further Design Development
The following details those project elements where the
panel feels refinements are warranted / needed to ensure that the project responds to and
advances the design objectives of the city as expressed in DOUDS and the OP.
- The exterior doors may not swing across the public sidewalk, they must be recessed.
- The development is not well integrated with the proportions, rhythms and forms used by the original commercial buildings of Bank Street and this must be addressed.
- The development must be more sympathetic and reinforce the built fabric.
- The contextual fit is poor and must be improved.
- The material and detailing at the ground floor lacks quality and interest and must be refined.
- The discharge point of exhaust air from the parking garage must be identified.
- The means of providing windows on the north and west facades and of complying with the Ontario Building Code must be clarified.
- We expect some modification of the interior will be required to comply with the requirements for exits in the Ontario Building Code and this may affect exterior elements.
Site Plan Elements:
- If the proponent is allowed to propose changes to the City's ROW on Florence Street then the following comment must be considered:
The parking spot furthest east seems
to be located too close to Bank Street and the proposed curb cut at the corner.
This parking space blocks access to the curb cut and creates vehicular and
pedestrian conflict zones when a car backs out of the space.
Streetscape Elements:
- The hard and soft landscape design needs refinement.
- The proponent should contact the City to get the street ROW design for the Bank Street and Florence corner (west side of Bank) and incorporate this into the Site Plan. As the building appears to fill the entire site, the new design of the building, especially at the grade level, should respond to proposed elements of the new streetscape (locations of planting, street furniture, parking, light standards etc.) and/or inform the City of potential conflicts between design proposals.(private site and public realm) so that adjustments could be made.
- The architectural detailing and materials of the proposed planters should be coordinated with the building design and the proposed streetscape treatment along Bank Street.
- Corner planter “A” should be designed to incorporate the bench and the planter as a whole to reduce streetscape clutter.
- The blue rug junipers proposed for planters “B” and “C” along Florence Street are too low to provide adequate screening and act as a buffer between the parked cars and the sidewalk. Columnar deciduous trees which are cold and salt tolerant should be considered along this portion of Florence Street.
- New paving materials or sidewalk markings should be located where the driveway to the parking garage crosses the pedestrian sidewalk.
- The location of the bike racks are too close to the proposed sidewalk curb cut, creating a pedestrian and bicycle conflict zone.
Concluding Comment
We understand LACAC’s approval is required and that our comments are for LACAC’s consideration. Approval of the Urban Design Review Panel is not required. Nonetheless, the panel recognizes that although the plan meets many of the City’s design criteria, there are a number of architectural, site plan and landscaping details which concern the panel. It is hoped that the specific points raised by the panel will be carefully considered by City planners and developers and addressed as appropriate.