Health and Social Services Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur la santé et les services sociaux MINUTES 9 PROCÈS VERBAL 9 Tuesday, 26 June 2012 6:30 p.m. Le mardi 26 juin, 2012 18 h 30 Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, Avenue Laurier Ouest NOTE: These Minutes have not been confirmed and should be considered DRAFT. Present/Présents : C. Lever (Chair / Présidente), T. Buffone C. Caule, M. FarhangMehr, G. Sippert-Szollos Absent / Absents : C. Lurette (Vice-Chair / Vice-président), J. Laku DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were received. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 8 of the meeting of 24 January 2012 were confirmed. ITEMS OF BUSINESS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR 1. SUSTAINABLE PURCHASING POLICY FOR THE CITY OF OTTAWA POLITIQUE D’ACHAT DURABLE POUR LA VILLE D’OTTAWA Linda Cristina, Strategic Support Coordinator, Neighbourhood Sustainability Branch, along with Jeff Bryne and Brian Hum, Ms. Cristina provided the committee with a PowerPoint presentation (held on file with the City Clerk). INFORMATION ITEMS AND UPDATES POINTS D’INFORMATION ET MISES À JOUR 2. PRESENTATION: 2012 PROVINCIAL BUDGET IMPACTS PRÉSENTATION : IMPACT DU BUDGET PROVINCIAL 2012 Chair Lever updated Committee on this item that went to the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) for information. Action: Coordinator to forward link to the CPSC report 3. DISCUSSION: COMMISSION FOR REVIEW OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE IN ONTARIO - DISCUSSION PAPER DISCUSSION : DOCUMENT DE DISCUSSION DU COMMISSION D’EXAMEN DU SYSTÈME D’AIDE SOCIAL DE L’ONTARIO Ms. Linda Lalonde provided an update at an earlier meeting, in which the committee was unable to achieve quorum (22 May 2012). The report is now being received for information for procedural reasons. RECEIVED 4. SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE CALENDRIER DES RÉUNIONS ESTIVALES The committee agreed to cancel the July and August meetings. Action: Committee Coordinator to send cancellation notice for the July and August meeting. OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. ________________________ _____________________________ A/Committee Coordinator Chair HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 9 26 JUNE 2012 3 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LA SANTÉ ET LES SERVICES SOCIAUX PROCÈS VERBAL 9 LE 26 JUNE 2012