Accessibility Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur l’accessibilité MINUTES 13 PROCÈS-VERBAL 13 Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 4:00 p.m. Le mercredi 16 mai 2012, 16 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Present: P. Leclair (Chair), B. Brown, S. Brunet, C. Gardner, H. Lenthall, B. McMahon, P. Ryan Absent: T. Gilhen (Vice-Chair) (regrets), K. Jordan (absent) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were received. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 12, March 21, 2012 were confirmed. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESTO SMART CARD - PRESENTATION CARTE À PUCE PRESTO – PRÉSENTATION David Pepper, Manager, Business and Operational Services introduced staff from the Transit Services who were on hand to respond to questions. Prior to beginning the presentation, Mr. Pepper noted that although it was short notice, he wanted to provide the Committee with information on the Para Transpo Fares that was tabled at the Transit Commission earlier that day. The Committee agreed to receive this information. Sharon Thompson, Coordinator, Strategic Support, Transit Services provided a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is held in the City’s Clerk’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa’s Records Retention and Disposition Bylaw. Victor Emerson, past Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee signed up to speak to Committee, however due to time constraints, he offered to provide his comments in writing. A copy of his comments are held in the City’s Clerk’s office pursuant to the City of Ottawa’s Records Retention and Disposition Bylaw. Although staff responded to questions from members, due to lack of time, staff offered to return to the next meeting in order to continue discussions and respond to members’ questions. 2. UPDATE FROM THE ACCESSIBILITY SPECIALIST MISE À JOUR DE LA SPÉCIALISTE DE L’ACCESSIBILITÉ Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Corporate Accessibility Specialist, provided a verbal update on the following items: - COMAP - Customer Service Standard - Integrated Regulation - Built Environment - Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Leadership Conference The Committee appreciated the information that was provided verbally but requested that future presentations be submitted in writing and in advance of the meeting for the benefit of the members. Action: Ms. Berlinguette-Saumure to forward the detailed information to members via the Coordinator. Action: Coordinator to forward the approved checklist to members. Also forward email from Member McMahon regarding the outdated information on the Accessible Taxi Program to Ms. Berlinguette-Saumure for follow-up. ACTION ITEM 3. SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE CALENDRIER POUR LES RÉUNIONS D’ÉTÉ Action: Coordinator to inquire on the availability of members for the summer months meetings. UPDATES FROM STAFF AND INFORMATION ITEMS 4. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES MISE À JOUR DES SOUS-COMITÉS Due to time constraints, no updates were provided at this meeting. 5. AAC LIAISON REPORTS / UPDATES RAPPORTS ET MISES À JOUR DE L’AGENT DE LIAISON DU COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR L’ACCESSIBILITÉ Due to time constraints, no updates were provided at this meeting. 6. FORWARD AGENDA ITEMS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR DES PROCHAINES RÉUNIONS Due to time constraints, the Committee did not have an opportunity to discuss this item. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The Committee adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. Committee Coordinator Chair 4 ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 13 16 MAY 2012 4 COMITE CONSULTATIF SUR L’ACCESSIBILITÉ PROCES-VERBAL 13 LE 16 MAI 2012 Note: Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. Nota : Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée de votre nom, mais sans vos coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population.