Regional Council

24 May 2000

Haydon Hall

1:30 p.m.

draft agenda

A. National Anthem


B. Prayer


C. Roll Call


D. Confirmation of Minutes

Confirmation of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of 10 May 2000 and of the Special Regional Council meeting of 11 May 2000.


E. Declarations of Interest Arising From Prior Meetings of Council and Committees


F. Communications

Issued separately.



Simultaneous translation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the attendant at reception. L’interprétation simultanée de ces délibérations est offerte. Veuillez parler au préposé à l’accueil.

G. Regrets

The following members of Council advising that they will be absent from Council and Committee meetings during the dates indicated:

No regrets filed to date.


H. Motion to Introduce Committee Reports

Community Services Committee Report No. 46

Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 65

Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 57

Transportation Committee Report No. 62


I. Motion to Adopt Committee Reports


J. Motion to Introduce By-laws Three Readings


K. Motions (Of Which Notice Has Been Previously Given)

Moved by Councillor M. Meilleur

Seconded by Councillor J. Legendre

WHEREAS Council has implemented, from time to time, various restrictions on its Urban Truck Routes pertaining to weight and time of day in order to mitigate the negative effects of truck traffic on residential communities;

AND WHEREAS the Region in 1997, following extensive public input, adopted a policy in its Transportation Master Plan which provides in Section 2.5.3 that Council shall:

"4. Enact a night-time ban on truck traffic, for a trial period, on King Edward Avenue with appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that there is not a shift from this corridor to any other corridor because of the night-time ban. Consultation with the community and trucking industry will precede the trial restriction, and be an important component of a monitoring and evaluation program. The identification of a permanent night-time truck route should be pursued simultaneously, if necessary."

AND WHEREAS the negative impacts on the community abutting King Edward Avenue will continue in the absence of construction of an alternative permanent interprovincial truck route;

AND WHEREAS Council therefore wishes to pursue this part of its Transportation Master Plan initiated in 1998 and, as required by the OMB, to continue to implement appropriate action to establish an alternative permanent interprovincial truck route and to improve the quality of life for the King Edward Avenue community;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council proceed to implement section 2.5.3, Policy 4 of the Transportation Master Plan.


L. Notices of Motion (For Consideration at Next Regular Council Meeting)


M. Confirmation By-law


N. Inquiries


O. Adjournment