Regional Council

23 February 2000

Haydon Hall

1:30 p.m.

draft agenda



A. Prayer


B. Roll Call


C. Announcements/Ceremonial Activities


D. Confirmation of Minutes

Confirmation of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of 9 February 2000.


E. Declarations of Interest Arising From Prior Meetings of Council and Committees


F. Communications

Issued separately.




Simultaneous translation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the attendant at reception. L’interprétation simultanée de ces délibérations est offerte. Veuillez parler au préposé à l’accueil.

G. Regrets

The following members of Council advising that they will be absent from Council and Committee meetings during the dates indicated:

Councillor R. van den Ham 21 - 23 February 2000 {Regional Business}


H. Motion to Introduce Committee Reports

Community Services committee Report No. 41

Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 56

Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 51

Transportation Committee Report Nos. 54 and 55


I. Motion to Adopt Committee Reports


J. Motion to Introduce By-laws Three Readings

1. Being a by-law to requisition interim amounts for child care purposes.

2. Being a by-law to requisition interim amounts for general regional purposes.

3. Being a by-law to requisition interim amounts for solid waste purposes.

4. Being a by-law to requisition interim amounts for transit purposes.

5. Being a by-law to approve area municipality by-laws (regulating traffic on local streets as follows):

City of Gloucester 15 of 2000

City of Gloucester 16 of 2000

Township of West Carleton 04 of 2000

6. Being a by-law to stop up, close and authorize the sale of part of Hunt Club Road (formerly Knoxdale Road) @ Moodie Drive, in the City of Nepean, (and more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto).

7. Being a by-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers and to repeal By-Law 50 of 1999 and By-Law 54 of 1999.

8. Being a by-law to assume for public use and establish as common and public highways certain lands to become part of the Regional Road System.


K. Motions (Of Which Notice Has Been Previously Given)


L. Notices of Motion (For Consideration at Next Regular Council Meeting)


M. Confirmation By-law


N. Inquiries


O. Adjournment