Regional Council

No. 8

12 April 2000

The Region of Ottawa-Carleton
Council Minutes


The Council of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton met at Haydon Hall, Regional Headquarters, 111 Lisgar Street, Ottawa, on Wednesday, 12 April 2000 at 1:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 1:45 p.m. and opened with the signing of the National Anthem, sung by senior kindergarten and 1st grade students from Parkwood Hills Public School.

The Regional Chair, Robert Chiarelli, presided and led Council in prayer.



Announcements/Ceremonial Activities

Chief Administrative Officer, Merv Beckstead’s Comments

"I wish to advise Council that I accepted the position of Special Advisor to the Chair of the Ottawa Transition Board. I will begin my duties in this position on May 1, 2000. I am pleased to assist the Transition Board in the development of the new City of Ottawa. As well, I would like to announce that I will not be a candidate for the City Manager position as it requires a five-year commitment.

It has been a great 7 ½ - 8 years at the Region of Ottawa-Carleton, encompassing both difficult and interesting times. There has been excellent support from the Chair and members of Council as well as all levels of staff in serving the public and delivering essential services to our residents.

This was not an easy decision for me to make, but I am glad to leave the Region in this fashion and am looking forward to the opportunity to assist the Board in making a positive influence on the new City of Ottawa.

Thank you to each and every one of you. This has been a most rewarding experience, a real pleasure."



Moved by Councillor A. Munter

Seconded by Councillor B. Hill

RESOLVED THAT Regional Council express its gratitude and admiration to Merv Beckstead for his eight years of dedicated commitment and selfless service to the citizens of Ottawa-Carleton.



International Asset Management Competitions, 1998-1999 ~ GHD Assets and Facilities Management Excellence Award

Councillor Peter Hume’s Comments:

I am pleased to announce that Regional government has been internationally recognized for how we manage our watermain network. Je suis heureux d'annoncer que le gouvernement régional a été reconnu à l'échelle internationale pour la façon dont il gère son réseau d'aqueduc.

Assets Management Quarterly International, a respected organization that promotes sound asset management through information sharing and professional development, has honoured our staff with the GHD Assets and Facilities Management Excellence Award.

The Region’s winning submission was written by Dr. Fattah Hash-em-Zada of the Environment and Transportation Department. I am told that Dr. Hash-em-Zada’s paper was highly praised by the international judging panel which received close to 200 entries from organizations and governments around the world.

It describes how the Region has developed management tools to ensure Ottawa-Carleton’s 2,400 kilometres of watermains are maintained in a systematic fashion to achieve the lowest possible long-term costs.

We forecast the financial requirements for our watermain rehabilitation program using a detailed computerized inventory. By determining which watermains will need to be replaced or repaired over the next 50 years, our staff are able to prioritize work, and when possible, coordinate construction with road and sewer projects to minimize impact to the public. It’s all about protecting our taxpayer’s investment in our watermain infrastructure and providing reliable water services at the best possible value.

Dr. Penny Burns, Editor and Convenor of AMQ International, is in Ottawa from her organization’s home base in Australia, to present us with this coveted award. I invite Mr. Mike Sheflin, Commissioner of the Environment and Transportation Department, Mr. Jim Miller, Director of Engineering Services, and Dr. Fattah Hash-em-Zada, to join me in the Council ring for the official awards presentation.

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Penny Burns to Regional Council. Dr. Burns, I extend to you a warm welcome to the Region of Ottawa-Carleton.

Thank you, Dr. Burns. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Hash-em-Zada, Mr. Sheflin and Mr. Miller on behalf of Regional Council. This is but one of the many initiatives on asset management your Department has developed to ensure effective use of financial resources in the region and ultimately, for the new City of Ottawa. We thank you for your ongoing commitment.

Dr. Burns, on behalf of the Region of Ottawa-Carleton, I wish you an enjoyable stay in our Nation’s Capital City. Please accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation for your visit today.

Thank you, merci."


Confirmation Of Minutes

The minutes of the Regular Council meeting of 22 March 2000 were confirmed.


Declarations Of Interest Arising From Prior Meetings Of Council And Committees

No declarations of interest were filed.



The following members of Council advising that they will be absent from Council and Committee meetings during the dates indicated:

Councillor D. Holmes 12 April 2000

Councillor G. Hunter 30 March - 10 April 2000

Councillor J. Legendre 5 - 11 April 2000


Motion To Introduce Committee Reports



Moved by Councillor M. McGoldrick-Larsen

Seconded by Councillor C. Doucet

RESOLVED THAT Community Services Committee Report No. 43; Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report Nos. 60, 61 {In Camera} and 63; Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 53; and Transportation Committee Report No. 59 be received and considered and that the Rules of Procedure be suspended in order that Council may receive and consider Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 54 {In Camera}.



Community Services Committee Report No. 43


Social Assistance Intake Screening Unit (ISU) For Eastern Ontario


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve that the Social Services Department submit a Business Case Proposal to the Ministry of Community and Social Services to establish and operate a Social Assistance Intake Screening Unit (ISU) to serve Eastern Ontario.



Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 60

1. Woodroffe Avenue Safety Improvements

Change In Scope - Contract No. ETL99-6046


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve an increase in Contract ETL99-6046 for the provision of additional engineering services to Stantec Consulting Limited, Ottawa, in the amount of $40,018, bringing the revised contract total to $257,763.


2. Regional Radio Communications System Contract Extension


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve a contract extension to Kevin B. Nauss and Associates, Kanata, to provide engineering contract co-ordination and system design services in the amount of $150,000, bringing the total contract provision up to $500,000.

"CARRIED" with Councillors Hill and Hunter dissenting.


3. Disposition Of Sinking Fund Surplus And Discontinuance Of Levy


Committee Recommendations

That Council approve:

1. The distribution of a sinking fund surplus in the amount of $620,691.10, in respect of by-law 167 of 1989, be distributed to the City of Ottawa and that the surplus amount be used in accordance with Section 116 (44.1) of the Regional Municipalities Act;

2. The discontinuance of the final sinking fund levy, in the amount of $2,500,000.00 to be made on June 25, 2001 in respect of the debentures authorized under by-law 126 of 1991 in accordance with Section 116 (42) of the Regional Municipalities Act R.8.



4. Purchase Of Systems Support Services For SAP


Committee Recommendations

That Council approve:

    1. The purchase of SAP R/3 consulting services from IBM Canada Ltd., to assist with the software upgrade from version 4.0b to 4.6b at a cost not to exceed $210,000.
    2. The purchase of SAP R/3 application 3rd level support services from IBM Canada Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, for the period of April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001 at a cost not to exceed $225,000.


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 63

1. Environmental Code


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve an Environmental Code, and recommend the Environmental Code be forwarded to the Council of the new City of Ottawa for adoption.



Moved by Councillor J. Legendre

Seconded by Councillor L. Davis

RESOLVED THAT Item 1 of Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 63 – Environmental Code – be referred to the Planning and Environment Committee for further consideration.

"LOST" on a division of 12 NAYS to 5 YEAS as follows:

NAYS: Councillors Hill, Bellemare, Stewart, Loney, Byrne, Beamish, McGoldrick-Larsen, Kreling, van den Ham, Munter, Cantin and Chair Chiarelli…12

YEAS: Councillors Hunter, Davis, Legendre, Doucet and Meilleur…5

Item 1 of Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 63 was then put to Council and "CARRIED".


2. West Nepean Collector

Crystal Beach/Graham Creek Flow Diversion

Contract ETL00-0026 - Consultant Appointment


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve the appointment of CH2M Gore & Storrie Limited, Ottawa, to provide preliminary design, detailed design and construction services for the Crystal Beach/Graham Creek Flow Diversion for a total contract provision of $494,340.



3. Melfa Crescent, Minaki Avenue, Melfa Court And Prince Of Wales Watermain Rehabilitation - Consultant Appointment


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve the appointment of Stantec Consulting Limited, Ottawa, to provide professional engineering and related services to prepare the watermain design and tender specifications for Melfa Crescent, Melfa Court, Minaki Avenue and Prince of Wales Drive for a total contract provision of $54,260.



4. Lees Avenue And Beechmont Drive Watermain Rehabilitation

Consultant Appointment - Contract No. ETL00- 3009


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve the appointment of Novatech Consultants Limited, Nepean, to provide engineering services for the detailed design and assistance during tendering for the rehabilitation of the Lees Avenue and Beechmont Drive watermains under Contract ETL00-3009, for a contract amount of $107,160.50.



5. Billings Bridge Consultant Appointment (ETL00-7011)


Committee Recommendations

That Council approve:

1. The appointment of Delcan Corporation, Ottawa, to provide Professional Engineering Services for Billings Bridge,, for a total contract provision of $110,000;

2. The transfer of funds in the amount of $25,000 from the Structure Rehabilitation/Replacement Program (Order No. 900089) to Billings Bridge Rehabilitation (Order No. 900404).


6. Purchase Of Various Spare Parts And Components For Sharples Centrifuge Units, R. O. Pickard Environmental Centre, Contract WEPD00-15


Committee Recommendations

That Council approve the award of the following:

1. The granting of a sole-source contract for the purchase of spare parts for the Sharples centrifuge units installed at the R. O. Pickard Environmental Centre (the Pickard Centre) from Alfa Laval Limited, Scarborough, for a contract period of one year expiring 28 February 2001 at an estimated annual expenditure, inclusive of GST and PST, of $95,000.

2. That subject to satisfactory performance by the supplier, mutual agreement, and availability of funds, and provideding prices, terms and conditions remain the same for the subsequent terms, the Environment and Transportation Commissioner be delegated the there is no change in the cost structure, the Chief Administrative Officer be delegated aauthority to extend this contract for up to two (2) additional one (1) -year terms.



7. Traffic Control Signal Installations-

Carp Road/March Road And Carp Road/Flewellyn Road

Consultant Appointment (ETL00-5019)


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve the appointment of McCormick Rankin Corporation, Ottawa to provide functional, preliminary and detailed design drawings together with tender ready contract documents for traffic signal installations and roadway modifications at Carp Road/March Road, and Carp Road/Flewellyn Road for a total contract provision of $56,924.


8. Limebank Road / River Road / Armstrong Road

Environmental Assessment: Consultant Appointment


Committee Recommendation

That Council appoint Totten Sims Hubicki to undertake an Environmental Assessment study for the widening of River Road, Limebank Road and Armstrong Road at a cost not to exceed $430,000 (including contingencies).



Moved by Councillor C. Doucet

Seconded by Councillor J.Legendre

RESOLVED THAT Item 8 of Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 63 – Limebank Road/River Road/Armstrong Road – EA Consultant Appointment, be referred to the Transportation Committee.

"LOST" on a division of 12 NAYS to 5 YEAS as follows:

NAYS: Councillors Bellemare, Hume, Stewart, Loney, Byrne, Beamish, McGoldrick-Larsen, Kreling, Hunter, van den Ham, Cantin and Chair Chiarelli…12

YEAS: Councillors Munter, Davis, Legendre, Doucet and Meilleur…5

Item 8 of Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 63 was then put to Council and "CARRIED".


Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 53

1. Public Meeting to Consider Draft Regional Official Plan Amendment 8 -

Kanata North Expansion Area


Committee Recommendation

That, having held a public meeting, Council enact a by-law to adopt Regional Official Plan Amendment 8 to the 1997 Regional Official Plan, attached as Annex A to this report.



Moved by Councillor A. Munter

Seconded by Councillor G. Hunter

RESOLVED THAT Regional Official Plan Amendment 8 be amended as follows:

"CARRIED" on a division of 12 YEAS to 4 NAYS as follows:

YEAS: Councillors Hill, Bellemare, Hume, Stewart, Loney, Byrne, Hunter, Munter, Davis, Legendre, Meilleur and Chair Chiarelli…12

NAYS: Councillors Beamish, Kreling, van den Ham and Cantin…4


Item 1 of Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 53 as amended by Motion No. 56 was then put to Council and "CARRIED" with Councillor van den Ham dissenting.


2. City of Ottawa Comprehensive Official Plan - Lifting of Deferral No. 25


Committee Recommendation

That Council lift the remaining part of Deferral No. 25 as described on the Approval Page attached as Annex 1.

"CARRIED" with Councillor Hunter dissenting.


3. Shirley’s Brook / Watts Creek Subwatershed Study


Committee Recommendation

That Council endorse the Shirley’s Brook/Watts Creek Subwatershed Study (September 1999) as the technical document to guide environmental planning and management decisions within the subwatershed area.

"CARRIED" with Councillor Legendre dissenting.

4. Rural Area Studies


Committee Recommendation

That Council receive this report for information.



5. Township of Cumberland - Wastewater Pumping Stations,

Operation and Maintenance


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve the use of staff of the Region of Ottawa-Carleton to perform operation and maintenance activities, on a cost-recovery basis, for the five wastewater pumping stations and associated forcemains of the Township of Cumberland.





Moved by Councillor A. Loney

Seconded by Councillor H. Kreling

RESOLVED THAT Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report No. 61 and Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 54 be considered In Camera pursuant to Subsection 11(1) of the Procedure By-law, as they relate to:

- a proposed or pending acquisition of land for the purposes of the Regional Corporation;

- the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.




The Chief Administrative Officer and appropriate staff were present to brief Council and to respond to questions.

On a motion by Councillor Cantin, Council arose from In Camera session.



Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 54

Proposed Settlement for Amendments 45, 46 and 51 to the Official Plan of the City of Kanata and Partial Settlement of the Regional Official Plan Retail Policies in Kanata


Committee Recommendation

That Council approve, and direct the Regional Solicitor to execute, the Minutes Of Settlement regarding Amendments 45, 46 and 51 to the Official Plan of the City of Kanata and their implementing by-laws, and regarding the retail policies of the Regional Official Plan, as they apply to the Terry Fox Business Park.



Transportation Committee Report No. 59

1. 1800 Bank Street - Median Closure - Public Hearing


Committee Recommendations

Having held a public hearing, that Council approve:

1. the median closure at the access at 1800 Bank Street and associated extension of the northbound left-turn bay at the intersection of Bank Street and Alta Vista Drive (Annex A), and;

2. the immediate implementation of temporary physical measures to close the median break until the permanent closure is in place.


 2. Fallowfield Transit Station - Roadway Modifications - Public Hearing


Committee Recommendation

Having held a public hearing, that Council approve the preliminary design for the new intersections on Woodroffe Avenue and Fallowfield Road as required to serve the Fallowfield Transit Station, including associated Woodroffe Avenue safety improvements.


3. Modifications To Greenbank Road From Strandherd Drive To A Point Approximately 380 M North Of Strandherd To Accommodate The Proposed Development Of A Canadian Tire Store - Public Hearing


Committee Recommendations

Having held a public hearing, that Council approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Greenbank Road and the Canadian Tire Site Access and the construction of associated roadway modifications on Greenbank Road from Strandherd Drive to a point approximately 380 m. north of Strandherd Drive as described in the report, subject to the proponent, Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited:

a. funding the total cost for the roadway modifications plus any associated utility relocations and the installation of traffic control signals which would include paying the annual maintenance costs until such time they meet the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario installation warrants and Council approves the assumption of these maintenance costs, and;

b. executing legal agreements with respect to the above.



4. Laurier Avenue Bridge Reconstruction - Amendment To Environmental Assessment Study


Committee Recommendation

That Council delete the examination of a below grade or above grade pedestrian link across Laurier Avenue between Confederation Park and the Regional Plaza in front of the Regional Headquarters.



Motion to Adopt Committee Reports


Moved by Councillor H. Kreling

Seconded by Councillor R. Cantin

RESOLVED THAT Community Services Committee Report No. 43; Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report Nos. 60, 61 {In Camera} and 63; Planning and Environment Committee Report Nos. 53 and 54; and Transportation Committee Report No. 59 be received and adopted as amended by Motion No. 56.

"CARRIED" with dissents as recorded on various items.


Motion To Introduce By-Laws


Moved by Councillor G. Hunter

Seconded by Councillor L. Davis

RESOLVED THAT the following by-laws be enacted and passed.

By-law 27 of 2000 to approve area municipality by-laws regulating traffic on local streets as follows:

City of Nepean 019-2000

By-law 28 of 2000 to assume for public use and establish as common and public highways certain lands to become part of the Regional Road System.


By-laws enacted and passed.


Confirmation By-law


Moved by Councillor D. Beamish

Seconded by Councillor A. Loney

RESOLVED THAT by-law 29 of 2000 to confirm the proceedings of Council be enacted and passed.


By-law enacted and passed.



Council adjourned at 3:35 p.m.