10 OCTOBER 2000

1. Underlining indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by Committee.
2. Reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on 25 October 2000 in Planning and Environment Committee Report Number 68; Council will be requested to waive the Rules of Procedure to consider Additional Items 7 and 8 at its meeting of 11 October 2000 in Planning and Environment Committee Report Number 67.1


That the Planning and Environment Committee confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of 26 September 2000.




That consideration of this item be deferred to the Planning and Environment Committee meeting of 24 October 2000



2. Osgoode Official Plan Deferral No. 11 and Official Plan Amendment No. 9

That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council:

1. Lift that part of Deferral No. 11 affected by Official Plan Amendment No. 9 to the Township of Osgoode Official Plan and approve the Schedule as described on the Approval Page attached as Annex I.

2. Approve Official Plan Amendment No. 9 to the Township of Osgoode Official Plan as modified by the Approval Page attached as Annex II.



3. Township of rideau OFFICIAL PLAN proposed modification No. 66 - Village of manotick

That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve that the Rideau Official Plan, which was approved in part on 28 March 1995, be further modified by approving Modification 66 to permit development of a property located on the south east part of Lot 3 Concession A (North Gower), within the Village of Manotick.



4. ontario municipal board appeal - DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 06T-99026, Westridge Phase 3B Subdivision, Township of goulbourn

That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve that:

1.The Region support the position taken by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Township of Goulbourn and the Goulbourn Wetlands Group with respect to the wetland boundary in Westridge Phase 3B, and;

2. Should the Ontario Municipal Board determine to approve Phase 3B, that the list of conditions attached as Annex 3 be offered to the Board as appropriate conditions for draft approval.

CARRIED as amended


5. Disputed Revision to DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION

06T-94007, Fernbank south Subdivisions, Township of goulbourn

That consideration of this item be deferred to the Planning and Environment Committee meeting of 24 October 2000.




That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council confirm the Planning and Development Approvals Department’s appeal of the attached severance.




That Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Regional Council approve that:

1. Upon request by the landowners of lots with existing dwellings along Merivale Road between the existing 406 mm watermain at Amberwood Crescent to Beckstead Road that water services be installed from the watermain to the lot line.

2. The cost of the work to be done within the Regional right-of-way to be assigned to each homeowner be the Service Connection Charge, Water Meter Installation Charge and the excavation, backfill and reinstatement costs to the lot line for the property plus $190 multiplied by the portion of the lot adjacent to Merivale (to a maximum of 30 metres).

3. The owners who connect to the watermain be charged interest at the rate imposed on any debentures issued for the project, or if no debentures are issued, at the debenture rate the Region would be charged at the date the project is complete.

4. Any future connections be charged the normal rates under the Regional Regulatory Code for connections to Regional watermains.

5. The landowners have the opportunity to pay the amount owing in a lump sum or amortise such cost over a period of ten years.

6. That capital and debenture authority in the amount of $110,000 be established.




That Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve the amendments contained in the attached Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 9, as amended by the following:

That the words "and the lands between Maple Grove Road and Hazeldean Road mentioned in Section 12 above" be added to Section 13, after the words "Business Park", in both places.

CARRIED as amended



1. Section 4.4 Business Parks is hereby arnended by the addition of new policies 4.4.6 to 4.4.13 following policy 4.4.5:

"6. In the Kanata West Business Park further require that development in Lot 1, part of lot 2, lot 3, and the south half of lot 4 Concession 1 in West Carleton (formerly the Township of Huntley) and part of lot 1, part of lot 2, lot 3, and part of lot 4 Concession 1 in Kanata (formerly the Township of March) and development between Mnle Grove Road and Hazeldean Road in parts of lots 26 and 27, lot 28 and part of lot 29 Concession 12 in Goulbourn respects the following criteria:
  1. Provision is made for relatively high densities of employment and opportunities for a range of parcel sizes in an attractive office and light manufacturing business park that meets the needs of the high technology industry;
  2. A high quality of urban design is achieved through road design guidelines and site planning standards for landscaping, signage, lighting, set-backs and other aspects of the development;
  3. Transportation demand management shall be supported and a high quality ~it service shall be provided from the outset of development through requirements for building locations, roadway patterns and development density, while allowing for the phased implementation of a ~t strategy.-,, leading to development of a tmsitway and that ~ortation studies required to support development applications include ~odation impa 'et on existing roads and communities and propose measures to mitigate those impacts;
  4. Recreational pathways shall be provided to link Stittsville, Kanata and all areas of the park to facilitate walking and cycling and provide opportunity for outdoor recreation. Golf courses should be discouraged within the area;
  5. Development shall be guided by the Carp River subwatershed study and the concept plan, plans of subdivision and site plans in the area shall include measures to maintain and enhance environmental features;
  6. Development shall only proceed through plan of subdivision which implements the concept plan and through zoning, the primary vehicle for implementing the concept plan;
  7. Subject to the concept plan referred to below and notwithstanding policy 4.4.2, retail and commercial services throughout the park shall be scaled to support the role of the Kanata Town Centre as the retail and commercial service core of the West Urban Centre by:

(i) Permitting development of a retail, entertainment and commercial service core on the north side of Highway 417 at Huntinar Drive primarily to serve as a focal point for the park serving area employees; and

(ii) Within the park north of Maple Grove Road generally permit only those retail and commercial services and other non-residential uses required to meet the daily needs of employees.

7. The costs of infrastructure required to support development in the Kanata West Business Park and the area between MUle Grove Road and Hazeldean Road (exclusive of infrastructure on Table 6 of the Plan) will be funded primarily by the development through such means as the Municipal Act Section 22 1, a special area development charge levied within the area or by other means exclusive of the property tax. The contribution to these costs by the Palladium Auto Park development shall take into account the nature of the uses permitted on these lands by policy and the contributions already made, or agreed to, for the servicing of these lands. This policy shall not apply to development approved for the Corel Center in policy 3.5.2. 1 0.

8. Notwithstanding section 3.2.10, which requires that a Local Official Plan amendment be prepared to guide development in areas with a substantial amount of vacant land, permit development in the Kanata WestBusiness Park and in the area between Mgple Grove Road and Hazeldew Road following approval by the City of Ottawa Council, or its designate, of a concept plan to guide zoning, subdivision and public expenditures in the arm The concept plan, developed in consultation with area landowners, other interested parties, and the public shall implement policy 4.4.6 and other policies of this Plan an@ determine:

  1. An overall pattern of development defined by major and minor roadways, natural features, and recreational corridors, which distributes development density and employment so as to achieve a total of 3 1,000 to 36,000 jobs;
  2. Appropriate uses reflecting the needs of the high technology industry and its research, manufacturing and administration functions;
  3. A strategy for providing ~it to the area which may develop in phases beginning with ~it priority measures and leading to construction of a ~itway, and which will allow for connections to other portions of the urban area;
  4. Detailed plans for the provision of piped services, transit and transportation infrastructure, a schedule for phasing development and infrastructure, and agreement regarding the apportiomnent of the cost of such facilities;
  5. Design guidelines for lands adjacent to Highway 417 to ensure an attractive gateway is created between the rural and urban area;
  6. For land within 450 m of the Limestone Resource Area in the northeast quadrant of Highway 417 and Carp Road, measures to ensure that the opportunity to extract aggregates will not be restricted by the proposed development;
  7. An appropriate separation of established residential uses and new employment uses through such means as lot patterns and the location of roads and open spaces and measures to ensure that Stittsville neighbourhoods are protected from cut-through traffic in the short teen and the long term;
  8. Provisions for continuous, publicly-accessible open space and recreational pathways adjacent to the Carp River on the east and west banks, in keeping with policies elsewhere in this Plan;
  9. Other studies as required in this Plan.

9. That the concept plan identified in policy 4.4.8 above, shall be prepared and financed by area landowners, for the approval of Regional Council or the new City of Ottawa Council, or its designate, under the guidance and review of municipal staff and in consultation with other interested parties and the public. The concept plan shall include the means by which the cost of infrastructure required to support development in the benefiting area can be funded and apportioned among the landowners;

10. That a study be undertaken to assess the housing demand and required residential land supply resulting from the employment numbers generated the expanding West Urban Area and, specifically, the Kanata West Business Park. The study shall review the appropriate balance of jobs to households and shall identify the locations where required residential land can best be accommodated in close proximity to the expanding employment area, in a manner consistent with the policies of the Region's Official Plan.

11. Where municipal funding is to be allocated to the infrastructure required for the Kanata West Business Park and the area between Maple Grove Road and Hazeldean Road , such allocation of funding shall not result in priority over such infrastructure to the other capital works identified in Table 6.

12. That the rural land between Maple Grove Road and Hazeldean Road be designated Urban Area on Schedule A and designated Business Park -General Urban on Schedule B of the Official Plan and that development not occur on the subject lands until the concept planning exercise addresses the following matters:

  1. the most appropriate mix of uses that together create a unique, medium density mixed use area that complements and supports both the adiacent residential areas and the prestige empIoyment areas; land uses for the area and how these lands can best complement and support the Kanata West Business Park;
  2. design guidelines for Hazeldean Road and adjacent lands that support walking, cycling, and transit use and create an attractive connection between Stittsville and Kanata.,
  3. the infrastructure requirements and costs of providing water, wastewater, stormwater management, road and transit systems to serve the proposed development;
  4. a plan for phasing development in the context of the larger planning area;
  5. funding arrangements for the required infrastructure;
  6. the desirability, or not, of maintaining some buffer between the urban areas of Kanata and Stittsville;
  7. impact on resource areas and the natural envirownent; and
  8. other matters as required elsewhere in the Plan.

13. In approving the construction of the new roads and new transit facilities with the Kanata West Business Park, Council shall require that any necessary mitigation measures are in place, or have funding allocated for them in the capital budget, to ensure that existing roadways and transitways can handle the additional traffic generated by the Business Park. "

2. Schedule A Rural Policy Plan is hereby amended by changing to urban area Lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, and the south half of lot 4 Concession 1 in West Carleton (formerly the Township of Huntley), part of lot 1, part of lot 2, lot 3, and part of lot 4 Concession 1 in Kanata (formerly the Township of March), and parts of lots 26 and 27, lot 28 and part of lot 29 Concession 12 in Goulboum as shown on Schedule 1 attached.

3. Schedule B Urban Policy Plan is hereby amended by the addition of lands designated Business Park and General Urban, as shown on Schedule 2 attached.

4. Schedule CI Future Urban Regional Roads Plan is here by amended by the addition of four proposed Regional Roads, as shown on Schedule 3 attached, namely an extension of Campeau Drive to the Palladium Drive interchange north of Highway 417; an extension of Huntmar Drive to Hazeldean Road; an new road from the westerly ramps of the Palladium Drive Interchange south to Maple Grove Road; and a regional road generally in the right of way of Maple Grove Road.

5. Schedule C2 Urban Regional Roads Right-of-Way Protection Policy Plan is hereby amended by the addition of a 40 m right of way protection for the Palladium Drive interchange, as shown on Schedule 4 attached. Schedule C2 is further amended with the addition of a 37.5 m right of way protection to Huntmar Drive and Maple Grove Road.

6. Schedule 1 Regional Open Space Network is hereby amended by the extension of a Recreational Pathway between the Carp River and Huntmar Road, as shown on Schedule 5 attached, and extension of a pathway from Maple Grove north and south along the west side of the Carp River. Schedule 1 is further amended by the extension of the Entry Route designation west of the proposed expansion area to Regional Road 5, as shown on Schedule 5.

Schedule 2 of Amendment 9 Official Plan (1997) of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton