3:00 P.M.



Chair: R. Chiarelli

Members: D. Beamish, R. Cantin, B. Hill, P. Hume, G. Hunter, M. Meilleur, W. Stewart and R. van den Ham

Regrets: A. Loney


That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee confirm the Minutes of the 07 September 1999 meeting.




No declarations of interest were filed.



- Chief Administrative Officer’s report dated 15 Sep 99

Councillor van den Ham referenced negotiations with Canderel and Gateway and inquired if there would be further discussions with these groups. M. Beckstead, Chief Administrative Officer, reported the two conditions listed on page three of the report were the result of the negotiations and were agreed to by the parties.

Councillor Munter inquired what the anticipated financial implications for the Year 2000 budget were. Mr. Beckstead explained more work was required in the analysis. However, he stated the commitment was made the project would be on a break even basis and would operate on a carry over from year to year; if it did not break even in the first year, the shortfall would be the first line of expenditure to cover in the second year, therefore, having no impact on the 2000 budget. The Chief Administrative Officer believed in the first twelve months the facility would be brought into a break even situation.

Councillor Munter suggested the need for the condition that there would be no funds budgeted out of the 2000 operating budget. Mr. Beckstead referenced the need to still complete the transfer, however, believed, given the context of which the reports were approved, there was the possibility to deliver a break even situation.

Councillor Munter noted the fifteen year term and referenced the consequences of municipal restructuring on the organizations in the near future. He expressed concern for the 2000 budget and referenced other Regional priorities and mandates.

Chair Chiarelli stated the transaction, particularly with restructuring, would not result in a deficit or a cost to the taxpayer. He viewed the project as a long term commitment, with or without municipal restructuring. The Chair explained a business case would be provided outlining revenues and expenses resulting in a zero deficit in the long term. Chair Chiarelli further explained if the projections did not materialize and a deficit exists, it would not come from the 2000 budget. Rather, the plan for 2001 would cover any small deficit that may accrue above the 2000 business plan which was designed to break even.

Councillor Munter expressed his support for the report on the understanding there would be no net cost in the 2000 operating budget given the many other pressures faced by the Corporation. The Councillor indicated the social service, health and transit budgets may require an increase and would create significant pressures in 2000. Chair Chiarelli agreed is was not correct to use health care money for Lansdowne Park. He stated Council must commit to ensure they restrict the spending within all approved budgets.

Mr. Beckstead explained the Region would operate Lansdowne Park as a cost centre that would carry its own "balance sheet" from year to year. He reiterated that based on the reports, staff would not recommend any spending to fall to the tax line.

Councillor Hunter referenced the possibility the Central Canada Exhibition Association (CCEA) may move from Lansdowne Park. He wondered about the consequences of this revenue loss.

Chair Chiarelli believed the CCEA had a lease with 2 - 3 years remaining and the rents had been prepaid, resulting in no current rental income from the CCEA.

E. Johnston, A/Regional Solicitor, confirmed there was a prepayment for some period of time. He stated that would be addressed in the Statement of Adjustments on closing and would determine further steps to be taken by the Corporation. He did not believe the long term revenue from the CCEA had been factored into the considerations on the financial analysis.

Chair Chiarelli added the CCEA had indicated they may wish to make adjustments to the lease, however, had not made a final decision. The Chair stated the Region, as a fair landlord, would want to entertain all rational solutions and options, expecting reasonable financial arrangements could be made if the lease had to be varied in any way. Chair Chiarelli explained Lansdowne Park was a very extensive business operation with many leases. He stated is was not possibly at this point to prejudge how the many arrangements would unfold over the next years. However, he stated the Region may have to be more responsible in terms of the types of evolutions that may take place.

Councillor Hunter referenced the lack of activity on the Ottawa Roughriders and potential departure of the CCEA. He wondered about the continued existence of the regional character of Lansdowne Park. Chair Chiarelli indicated the National Curling Championships and Francophone Games were planned for 2001, with an interest from Soccer Canada and strong business interests regarding the CFL. The Chair stated there would be a strong business case made to maintain Lansdowne Park as a regional facility and operate it on a break even point.

Mr. Paul Keogh, Ottawa Association of Exposition Managers (OAM), stated they represented one of the key stakeholders in Lansdowne Park. He reported the transfer had been discussed and it was agreed the Region’s assumption of the facility was a positive move that would reflect positively on the industry. He stated the OAM planned to take a partnership position with the Region to assist in making Lansdowne a viable resource for all.

In response to a question from Councillor Cantin regarding space, Mr. Keogh stated the current buildings could be used effectively. However, he added it would be beneficial to have more contiguous space on the site as it provided more flexibility in producing events.

Mr. Nicholas Patterson, Ottawa-Carleton Resident, inquired if the four page report was the complete information provided to Committee members. Mr. Beckstead explained additional information was provided in the original report considered by Council on

5 May 99, in additional to numerous background analysis.

In response to a question from Mr. Patterson regarding the annual loss, Mr. Beckstead confirmed the operating deficit of the Park had been projected at $1.2 million. The Chief Administrative Officer stated part of this operating cost was a debt service charge which the City of Ottawa will retain. Mr. Patterson stated that even after removing the debt service charge, the facility was still a "loser". He stated history had shown that government’s were not effective in running businesses, referencing the lack of a business and management plan for this transaction.

Mr. Patterson referenced the problems associated with Ogden Corporation, in which they were having a difficult time running their venues, noting they were professionals and leaders in the industry. He believed the chances of successful performance from the Lansdowne facility under the management of government was minimal, noting its long history of losing money.

Chair Chiarelli inquired what the speaker believed should happen in terms of the ownership and management of Lansdowne Park. Mr. Patterson suggested putting the facility out for tender for a specific lease in order to attempt to attract a professional management company, as done with most of the United States stadiums.

Chair Chiarelli explained the issue was two fold: firstly, the financial aspect and secondly, the public use aspect. The Chair wondered in trying to obtain a private facility manager, what uses would be permitted. Mr. Patterson did not believe it was correct to re-invent the wheel, but consider what had been successfully done in the United States and elsewhere.

Councillor Cantin referenced a previous surcharge imposed on Lansdowne and pointed out the operating deficit was really $600,000. The Councillor stated based on the discussed plans and management, the deficit would be reduced further. Councillor Cantin pointed out municipal government mandate was to provide public services and use, not necessarily at a profit. The Councillor referenced the regional operation and management of the water environment pollution control plant for close to $5 million less than tendered by a private contractor.

The Committee then considered the report recommendations.


That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve:

1. In recognition of the regional character of Lansdowne Park, that the facility be assumed by the Region of Ottawa-Carleton subject to the terms and conditions set out in this report;

2. Further review and study of the unification of the Regional sewer system and the Ottawa sanitary and combined sewer systems be undertaken jointly by the Region and the City of Ottawa, subject to the terms and conditions set out on this report.


(B. Hill dissented)




- Chief Administrative Officer’s report dated 09 Sep 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP Management Solutions, Ottawa, to carry out the organizational review of human services functions of the Corporation, RFP No. 00299-91867-P01, at a cost not to exceed $278,000 excluding GST.





- Environment and Transportation Commissioner’s report dated 03 Sep 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve:

1. The watermain extension in Abbott Street from 260 m east of Amy Crescent to Iber Road and on Iber Road from Abbott Street to Harry Douglas Drive;

2. The reimbursement to the Township of Goulbourn for the cost to construct 406 mm diameter watermains on Abbott Street and Iber Road in the amount of $416,000.




- Environment and Transportation Commissioner’s report dated 03 Sep 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve:

1. The construction of the forcemain for the Crystal Beach/Graham Creek Collector Flow Diversion in Acres Road from its intersection with Aero Drive to the West Nepean Collector on Carling Avenue;

2. The Region enter into a Subdivision Agreement with Tamarack Development Corporation, whereby Tamarack Development Corporation will include in its contract the installation of approximately 285 meters of forcemain for the Crystal Beach/Graham Creek Collector Flow Diversion and the replacement of the existing West Nepean Collector maintenance access chamber located at Carling Avenue and Acres Road;

3. The repayment of the installation cost for a total contract provision of $168,855 with no carrying cost payable by the Region of Ottawa-Carleton to Tamarack Development Corporation upon satisfactory completion of the work to Regional standards and specifications and receipt of invoice, under Contract No. ETL99-2016;

4. The Subdivision agreement referred to in recommendation number 2, be executed and registered on title for the developer’s lands in the Carver Development and be secured by a Letter of Credit, for the total cost of the forcemain and replacement of the maintenance access chamber, prior to letting of the contract to bring sewer services to the land.




FILE 00399-55081-G01 - CONTRACT AWARD  

- Environment and Transportation Commissioner’s report dated 24 Aug 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee and Council approve the purchase of Traffic Controllers, Traffic Controller Cabinets and Power Supplies to Novax Industries Corporation, New Westminster, British Columbia, as the sole-source vendor of these particular products, for a total contract award of $143,059.





Contract No. 98-618 - Contract Award  

- Environment and Transportation Commissioner’s report dated 26 Aug 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve the award of Contract No. 98-618 for the construction of Dominion Station on the West Transitway to Dibblee Paving and Materials Ltd., Nepean, for a total contract provision of $265,000.



7. PRESSURE ZONE 2C/1E WAter SYstEM RELIABILITY Functional design STUDY - consultant award - contract no. etl 99-3038

- Environment and Transportation A/Deputy Commissioner’s report dated 01 Sep 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve the award of the Pressure Zone 2C/1E Water System Reliability Functional Design Study to Ainley Graham and Associates Ltd., Gloucester, for a total contract provision of $170,000.




- Environment and Transportation Commissioner’s report dated 16 Aug 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee and Council approve the rejection of all bids and the cancellation of tenders for Contract No. 97-331, for the supply and installation of a diesel generator set at the Hurdman’s Bridge Water Pumping Station.




- Planning and Development Approvals Commissioner’s report dated 02 Sep 99

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve the sale of vacant land municipally known as 2226 Devine Road, described as being part of Lot 25, Concession 6, Township of Cumberland, shown as Parts 1, 2 & 3, on Plan 4R-1169 to Yves Paquette and Sophie Prud'homme for the amount of $28,000 pursuant to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale that has been received.





- Councillor G. Hunter’s report dated 14 Sep 99

Councillor Hunter introduced the report by explaining the Wild Bird Care Centre (WBCC) had been in operation for many years. The Councillor explained a similar facility, the Ottawa-Carleton WildLife Centre, operates for wild animals that had been injured and the WBCC provided a parallel service for birds. Councillor Hunter stated the Region provided a purchase of service to the WildLife Centre for their service which allowed the organizers to carry on its operations of a care nature, rather than having to concentrate on fundraising. The Councillor acknowledged he had been a skeptic and did not necessarily favour funding outside agencies to do work of their own interests. However, Councillor Hunter believed if the WildLife Centre received funding, the WBCC should also be on an equally footing during budget considerations.

In closing, Councillor Hunter reported that during a visit to the WBCC, he discovered a tremendous business with ample tourist potential. He stated the Centre cared for exotic birds and was located in a natural wooded environment, providing an opportunity for visitors to get close to nature’s inhabitants.

Speaking to the report recommendations, Councillor Hunter proposed a change to the recommendation to illustrate the Committee recommending to Council the request from the WBCC to be included in the 2000 budget considerations and on an annual basis thereafter. The Councillor noted the recommendations were not a commitment for financial support, but would allow the agency the opportunity to have equal consideration during budget deliberations.

Councillor Stewart inquired if there was a mandate under the Municipal Act for municipalities to rehabilitate birds. M. Beckstead, Chief Administrative Officer, did not believe the Municipal Act included this specific and any funds expedited for that purpose would be at the discretion of Council. Councillor Stewart referenced the mandate for nuisance wildlife, particularly under public health considerations, as it could be deadly due to rabies, noting recent cases. Councillor Stewart pointed out the Region did not fund the rehabilitation of wildlife, which was entirely funded by the private sector through volunteers and corporate donations. She confirmed the service the Region funded under the WildLife Centre was the hot line that dealt with the serious nuisance wildlife calls. She stated the rationale was that if the agency disappeared, the eleven lower tier municipalities would be inundated with public calls resulting in an expense for municipal governments.

The Councillor wondered about the consequences of the disappearance of the WBCC. She believed the Centre desired support, however, she wanted to make the distinction between the two agencies.

Councillor Beamish inquired on the timing of the request and a previous request from the organization in 1998. Councillor Hunter confirmed the Oct 98 request was for emergency funding as a result of ice storm damage, in which Council approved staff work with the group to attempt to receive funding under the Ice Storm Disaster Relief Committee. Ms. Kathy Nihei, WBCC Founder/Director, reported they were unsuccessful in receiving Regional or Ice Storm funding as they had received $15,000 from the City of Nepean for ice storm relief. In addition, their request for Regional operating funding in 1998 was submitted too late to be considered during the 1999 budget process. Councillor Hunter explained the report recommended their request be included in the 2000 budget for consideration with the other requests during budget deliberations.

Councillor Cantin expressed support for the report and service. He noted the request for a purchase of service was a long term commitment, to be considered annually during budget deliberations.

On a point of clarification, Councillor Stewart explained the lower tier municipalities requested the Region to assume the funding for the WildLife Centre and explained the need for stable annual funding.

Councillor Hill inquired if the WBCC received funding from the lower tier municipalities. Ms. Nihei reported some 1999 funds was received through the lottery corporation via the various municipalities. Councillor Hill referenced the many regional services, priorities and pressures. Ms. Nihei provided information on the organization’s budget.

Councillor Stewart asked why corporate donations were not included in the 2000 budget. Ms. Nihei explained they had been unsuccessful in receiving corporate sponsorship, noting corporations preferred to sponsor Canada-wide and higher profile agencies. She confirmed they would continue to attempt to solicit corporate donations, however, they could not be relied on in developing a budget.

In response to a question from Councillor Stewart regarding similar agencies in other cities, Ms. Nihei stated the service existed in Toronto and Guelph. Councillor Stewart pointed out there was not a jurisdiction in Ontario, of any size, that did not have some sort of wildlife response agency, noting in some cases it was a municipally operated service due to the loss of volunteer networks.

In closing, Councillor Stewart reported she would support forwarding the request to be considered during the 2000 budget considerations. She stated the need for municipal support to reinforce the value of the natural environment and its creatures. Councillor Stewart believed if the networks such as the WBCC and Ottawa-Carleton WildLife Centre failed, it would be difficult to reinvent the service, therefore, becoming a municipal issue and expense.

Moved by G. Hunter

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the request from the Wild Bird Care Centre:

1. to be included in the year 2000 budget considerations to receive a purchase of service in the amount of $40,000;

2. to be included in the budget considerations to receive purchase of service funding on an annual basis thereafter.

CARRIED as amended

(D. Beamish and B. Hill





1. Record of Tender Openings

for the Month of August 1999

(As Per Corporate Policy Manual Section 4.6.6)

- Regional Clerk’s memorandum dated 01 Sep 99



Moved by R. Cantin

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Move In Camera pursuant to Subsection 11 (1) (f) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purposes, of the Procedure By-law.



- A/Regional Solicitor’s report dated 20 Sep 99

Moved by R. Cantin

That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee move Out of Camera and resume in Open Session.


That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee receive this report for information.



Councillor Beamish inquired when Finance would be bringing forward a Year 2000 Budget schedule. J. LeBelle, Finance Commissioner, reported staff were currently working on a schedule and it would be coming forward as soon as possible.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.


NEXT MEETING : 05 October 1999

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