Colonel By Room

27 September 1999

4:00 p.m.


Chair: A. Loney

Members: R. Cantin, D. Holmes, J. Armour, P. Durr, B. .Osborne

Staff: G. Houle, Committee Coordinator

J. Jackson, Legal


J. Harvey


That the Arts Committee confirm the minutes of 16 August 1999.




  1. Draft Arts Policy

G. Houle reported to the meeting that the policy was completed in early September, announcements had been inserted in the local newspapers September 10th, the draft arts policy is on the Region’s web site and that the policy appears to be circulating. To date only one written comment has been received, however, the response to the policy has been quite positive. It was also noted that a final date has not been established regarding the cut-off date for written comments. Councillor Loney felt that the arts policy should be forwarded to CSED at their first meeting in November.




Councillor Cantin expressed his concerns with the arts policy and also felt that the policy should include recommendations regarding who should participate in making recommendations on funding particularly from the francophone theatre community. During discussions the difficulty in obtaining artistic assessors for certain disciplines was noted. It was pointed out by G. Houle that we do have an Arts Grants Policy as approved by Council and Conflict of Interest Guidelines and that these are employed during the granting process. G. Houle also advised the meeting that the Arts Grants Policy is available on the web.

Pat Durr also expressed her concerns and felt that as an artist was quite concerned that the policy does not reflect enough of the dynamics of quality of life and the positive aspects of the arts for something other than the dollar.

Councillor Holmes provided the meeting with a written comment that she had received regarding the policy

Jean-Philippe Tabet, Executive Director of the Cultural Human Resources Council, gave his comments and views on the policy and felt that the document should be strengthened regarding training, tourism and new technology skills. Mr. Tabet also reported that he was impressed with the document, congratulated the Arts Committee and offered his services to the Committee.

Committee members were reminded that the draft policy will be finalized at the next Arts Committee meeting and then forwarded to Corporate Services and Council. Therefore, comments and/or suggested changes should be put in writing and submitted to G. Houle as soon as possible.

It was noted that the next Arts Committee meeting would be on Monday, 18 October 1999.

2. Arts Grants Categories - Upper Limits

Discussions followed regarding the amount stated in the policy and in the report from the Manager, Arts Programs, dated 15 Sept 99.

Pat Durr queried the purpose of the Achievement Award grant. The Committee agreed that some time should be set aside at a future meeting to review and discuss all the grants.





That the Arts Committee approve the following:

    1. there be no change to the financial upper limits for the year 2000 Arts Grants Program Categories; and
    2. the Ottawa-Carleton Book Award be increased to $2,500.


3. Donation of Artwork

Georgette Houle gave a report on this donation from Helen Brown. P. Durr expressed her concerns regarding donations and felt that a procedure should be put in place in the future. In the procedure, artistic quality, how a work fits into the collection and the value of the work should all be considered.


That the Arts Committee accept the donation of a work of art (#618 "Touch of Autumn", 1980 by Bruce Heggtweit) and that the donor, Helen Brown, be issued a receipt for tax purposes.


4. Arts Industry Task Force

G. Houle informed the meeting that this report was referred to the Arts Committee for comment from the CSED. Discussion followed. The Arts Committee comments have to be forwarded to CSED and it was suggested that these comments be prepared for the next Arts Committee meeting.




5. Appointment of Exhibition Committee Members


That the Agenda item of the Confidential Agenda be considered by the Arts Committee in Camera pursuant to subsection 11(1)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including staff of the Procedure By-Law.



That the Arts Committee move out of camera and resume open session.



That the Arts Committee approve:

(i) the Exhibition Committee comprised of Su Rogers representing the Arts Community for a term of two years; Michael Scheier representing the Arts Community for a term of one year; Robert Bissett representing the Public Community for a term of two years; and

(ii) that the Public Community representative, one year term, be determined after staff interviews two of the other interested candidates.

(iii) that the Arts Committee appoint Diane Holmes as the Arts Committee representative.


It was noted that since only 2 submissions for the Name of the Exhibition Space had been received, we will solicit more names and ask the Exhibition Committee to also search for appropriate names.







Councillor Holmes inquired about plaques for artwork and whether we had a policy in place for this. Councillor Holmes informed the meeting that she had received an inquiry regarding the Living Room and VIP art works. G. Houle reported that she would check into these plaques.


The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.


Monday, 18 October 1999, 4:00 p.m.








____________________________ ___________________________

Committee Coordinator Chair