That Council approve that the City of Ottawa continues to illustrate environmental leadership and stewardship by:

a.         working closely with the provincial Smart About Salt Council;

b.         adopting staff training programs to encourage smart salt practices for city parking lots and public facilities;

c.         phasing in a requirement for City contractors to be certified in smart salt usage;

d.         hosting a public-private Smart Salt Summit in the Fall of 2011 to share best practices in salt management with BOMA and other local public institutions;

e.         providing information for residents on the City website for smart salt usage for residents and private property.





Que le Conseil approuve que la Ville d’Ottawa continue d’agir comme chef de file en matière de gestion environnementale et applique les mesures suivantes:

a.         une étroite collaboration avec le Conseil pour l’application intelligente du sel;

b.         l’adoption de programmes de formation du personnel visant à encourager les pratiques d’application intelligente du sel dans les parcs de stationnement municipaux et les installations publiques;

c.         la mise en place progressive d’une exigence que les entrepreneurs de la Ville soient homologués en matière d’application intelligente du sel;

d.         la tenue d’un sommet public-privé sur l’application intelligente du sel à l’automne 2011 pour un échange de pratiques exemplaires en gestion des sels de voirie entre la BOMA et d’autres institutions publiques locales;

e.         la diffusion sur le site Web de la Ville de renseignements en matière d’application intelligente du sel sur la propriété des résidents et sur les propriétés privées.




1.                  Committee Coordinator report dated 30 June 2011 (ACS2011-CMR-TRC-0017).


2.                  Extract of draft Minutes 10, Transportation Committee meeting of 7 September 2011.



Report to/Rapport au :


Transportation Committee

Comité des transports


and Council / et au Conseil


30 June 2011 / le 30 juin 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Rosemary Theriault, Committee Coordinator

Legislative Services


Contact Person/Personne resource: Councillor/Conseiller Rainer Bloess

(613) 580-2472, Rainer.Bloess@ottawa.ca


City Wide/ À l’échelle de la Ville

Ref N°:ACS2011-CMR-TRC-0017








That the Transportation Committee recommend to Council that the City of Ottawa continue to illustrate environmental leadership and stewardship by:

a.         working closely with the provincial Smart About Salt Council;

b.         adopting staff training programs to encourage smart salt practices for city parking lots and public facilities;

c.         phasing in a requirement for City contractors to be certified in smart salt usage;

d.         hosting a public-private Smart Salt Summit in the Fall of 2011 to share best practices in salt management with BOMA and other local public institutions;

e.         providing information for residents on the City website for smart salt usage for residents and private property.





Que le Comité des transports recommande au Conseil de la Ville d’Ottawa continue d’agir comme chef de file en matière de gestion environnementale et applique les mesures suivantes:

a.         une étroite collaboration avec le Conseil pour l’application intelligente du sel;

b.         l’adoption de programmes de formation du personnel visant à encourager les pratiques d’application intelligente du sel dans les parcs de stationnement municipaux et les installations publiques;

c.         la mise en place progressive d’une exigence que les entrepreneurs de la Ville soient homologués en matière d’application intelligente du sel;

d.         la tenue d’un sommet public-privé sur l’application intelligente du sel à l’automne 2011 pour un échange de pratiques exemplaires en gestion des sels de voirie entre la BOMA et d’autres institutions publiques locales;

e.         la diffusion sur le site Web de la Ville de renseignements en matière d’application intelligente du sel sur la propriété des résidents et sur les propriétés privées.





On 29 June 2011, the Transportation Committee received a Notice of Motion with respect to smart salt practices in the City of Ottawa.  A full copy of the Motion is attached as Document 1 to this report.





Over the years, the City of Ottawa has significantly optimized how it uses salt on winter roads and sidewalks to minimize the effects of salt on the local environment through the use of technologies (i.e. GPS data collection, electronic variable salt rate controllers, infrared pavement temperature gauges) and procedures (i.e. Good Housekeeping Procedures at Works Yards).  Smart salt practices offer environmental benefits as well as opportunities to reduce the municipality’s salt costs.


Currently, the province has a Smart About Salt Program, which focuses on salt use by private contractors and property managers, the best practices of salt management for use on public parking lots and private parking lots and to help reduce salt use while ensuring that public safety is not compromised.  The Smart About Salt Council is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to the protection of drinking water and the environment through programs that will more effectively manage winter salt used to de-ice private roads and parking lots.


As per Section 7 of Specific Responsibilities in the Terms of Reference, the Transportation Committee shall recommend to Council ways to manage the City’s transportation system so that it minimizes environmental impacts, including effects on water resources and vegetation, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and potential for noise pollution.





Concerns related to salt application in proximity to private drinking water wells were raised by the public during the Rural Summit II consultation.  An effort to minimize salt usage without reducing safety is a benefit to communities in rural Ottawa.   





Community Sustainability Department


The Community Sustainability Department recognizes the importance of protecting our environment and especially the health of our watershed.  The department is supportive of the report recommendations which when implemented will help to minimize the environmental impacts of road salt.


Public Works Department


The Public Works Department is supportive of the report recommendations and will work with the provincial Smart About Salt Council to implement them subject to Council approval.  Training programs for City staff and certification of City contractors will be implemented in accordance with the Smart About Salt Program requirements.


Councillor Desroches


This report emanated from a motion moved at Transportation Committee by Councillor Bloess on behalf of Councillor Desroches.  Councillor Desroches’ comments are as follows:


The Smart about Salt initiative will support the City’s environmental protection objectives and lead to more efficient and less costly salt application on city owned parking lots and facilities.


More information on the Smart About Salt Initiative can be found at: (www.smartaboutsaltcouncil.roundtablelive.org)


This initiative is a unique opportunity for the private sector to cooperate with private sector local building owners who are playing a lead role through the Building Operators and Managers Association (Ottawa Chapter).


The goal is to avoid over-usage of salt which can have a detrimental effect on the environment, private property and public infrastructure.


Given the infrastructure challenges facing municipalities, it is helpful to take steps directed at extending the capital life of local infrastructure.


The objective of the public education program would be aimed at smart salt usage or alternatives to salt and underlining to residents that salt is not effective below -10C; that adding extra salt does not accelerate melting and that salt use can damage plants and grass.  In addition, many residents may be unaware that salt water runoff from residential and business driveways and walkways ends up in the local river system via the neighbourhood storm water systems.





There are no legal impediments to implementing the recommendation in this report. 





There are no risk management implications associated with this report.





Any costs associated with Public Works continued participation in the Smart About Salt Program are covered off by existing budget allotment for Roads Traffic Operations Maintenance Division. The pilot expansion of this program into Parks Building and Grounds Division for facilities the start up costs estimated at $10,000 and any future costs beyond the pilot are anticipated to be offset by salt material savings through improved salt management practices. Participation in this program by contractors and other external parties under the program are borne by those parties.





There are no Technical Implications associated with this report.





The report recommendation meets the intent of the City’s strategic plan in terms of supporting objectives related to environmental protection and sustainability and financial sustainability.





Document 1 – Notice of Motion, 29 June 2011

Document 2 – Become Smart About Salt Flyer (distributed previously and held on file with the City Clerk)




Staff will follow through as directed by the Committee and Council.


Document 1

Ottawa bw

City Council and Standing Committee



Conseil et comités permanents



Moved by/ Motion de:

Councillor Bloess




Smart About Salt Council


WHEREAS over the years, the City of Ottawa has significantly optimized how it uses salt on winter roads and sidewalks to minimize the effects of salt on the local environment through the use of technologies (i.e. GPS data collection, electronic variable salt rate controllers, infrared pavement temperature gauges) and procedures (i.e. Good Housekeeping Procedures at Works Yards);


WHEREAS the provincial Smart About Salt Program focuses on salt use by private contractors and property managers, the best practices of salt management for use on public parking lots and private parking lots and to help reduce salt use while ensuring that public safety is not compromised;


WHEREAS the Smart About Salt Council is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to the protection of drinking water and the environment through programs that will more effectively manage winter salt used to de-ice private roads and parking lots;


WHEREAS the Ottawa chapter of Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) has shown leadership with the Ontario Smart about Salt Council by encouraging smart salt usage amongst its members;


WHEREAS smart salt practices offer environmental benefits as well as opportunities to reduce the municipality’s salt costs;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Ottawa continue to illustrate environmental leadership and stewardship by:

-       working closely with the provincial Smart About Salt Council

-       adopting staff training programs to encourage smart salt practices for city parking lots and public facilities

-       phasing in a requirement for City contractors to be certified in smart salt usage;

-       hosting a public-private Smart Salt Summit in the Fall of 2011 to share best practices in salt management with BOMA and other local public institutions;

-       providing information for residents on the City website for smart salt usage for residents and private property



Transportation Committee

extract of

draft minutes 10



Comité deS transports

extrait de l’Ébauche









ACS2011-CMR-TRC-0017                                       CITY-WIDE / À L'ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE




That the Transportation Committee recommend to Council that the City of Ottawa continue to illustrate environmental leadership and stewardship by:

a.         working closely with the provincial Smart About Salt Council;

b.         adopting staff training programs to encourage smart salt practices for city parking lots and public facilities;

c.         phasing in a requirement for City contractors to be certified in smart salt usage;

d.         hosting a public-private Smart Salt Summit in the Fall of 2011 to share best practices in salt management with BOMA and other local public institutions;

e.         providing information for residents on the City website for smart salt usage for residents and private property.


Committee received the following written submissions, copies of which are held on file with the City Clerk:

·         Letter of support dated 5 September 2011 from Dean Karakasis, Executive Director, Building Owners and Managers Association Ottawa

·         Letter of support dated 3 September 2011 from Tony DiGiovanni, Executive Director, Landscape Ontario


The report recommendation was put to Committee and CARRIED as presented.